Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 244 Everyone's collective anger

Chapter 244 Everyone's collective anger
At a loss, the clue was broken.

Squatting here, looking at the mottled blood on the ground, everyone was a little anxious.The senior has shed so much blood, combined with the environment of the scene, I am afraid that this time the senior is in danger.

Yue Qingran was a little at a loss, stuck on the sequel on the ground, the place of life on the ground: "A few days ago, the senior told me to remember to bury him there. I said that this matter will not be done by us. How can we do it now? Is it like this?"

Qianye Shangxie fell silent, and at this moment, comforting and everything else seemed pale and powerless.Yue Qingran has doubts, and she also has them.Although I knew that my senior might not have much time, I never thought that it would be in such a way.

Did the seniors already know it or what?

Qianye Shangxie was silent. Although he always felt that senior's time was numbered, he still felt that it would never happen. Senior would live for a long time, and when they died, they would still be alive.

It's just that these scenes are telling them that they think too much.

Sometimes, I clearly feel that the other party is strong and strong, how long can I live, who knows when it will come, and I will die if I want to die.Say no and be gone.

"Let's find senior, we must find senior." Yue Qingran made up his mind to get the money back. "Live to see people, die to see corpses."

"Senior must be found!" After mobilizing a bit, Yue Qingrana began to look around for clues.All kinds of traces, all kinds of routes, are not spared.

"Where does this road lead to?" Yue Qingran pointed to a road and asked Bailitang who was looking down for clues.

Bailitang raised his eyes, wiped his sweat, looked at it, and shook his head: "This is not a road, it was artificially made by others, and I don't know where it leads."

Yue Qingran turned around and looked at the other party differently: "Are you sure? Didn't you remember wrongly?" Bai Litang sneered, walked to the side, pointed to the grass blades here and said: "Look, these blades of grass are all It can be seen that it was cut off by a sickle or the like. If you don’t believe it, come and see for yourself.”

Yue Qingran walked over unbelievingly, looked at it, and it was indeed so.It was broken manually.

"So, is there someone who has walked here? Or has such a road been specially added, just to take away the seniors?"

Everyone felt that this idea might be salty, so everyone continued to move forward along this path.This road was just like what Bailitang said, it was a dead end.

Now it has been manually developed, but it is not difficult to see that the back is getting more and more sloppy.Later, it was simply that someone passed by and stripped the branches from his side.

Didn't even bother to mow the grass.

That's how Yue Qingran felt that it was more likely to find her senior.If you are lucky, look at the rut marks, which may have been made yesterday.If you are lucky, will you be able to find a senior?
Yue Qingran didn't dare to imagine that she would be like this when she saw her senior.

When everyone went out in a hurry.I saw an empty space.There is a pot driving on the clearing, and inside the pot is a pot of boiling water.

Everyone is one step late.Senior has been taken out of the turtle shell.And, it has been peeled off.The water is already boiling.As soon as everyone went out, they saw the senior with his eyes open and weak.

Before he had time to react, the senior was put alive into the bubbling pot.After a miserable cry, the senior left this world forever.

I still remember the senior said melancholy: "From now on, there will be no more ancient formations in this world." At that time, the senior probably already knew all this, right?
Another bad luck for him, I don't know if he can avoid it.It turns out that, no matter what, you can't change your BBW to be fair.That's how the old man died.

So, is it true that from now on, there will be no ancient beasts in the world?

Yue Qingran yelled sadly: "No!" It didn't help the matter.Qianye Shangxie could only just notice the twitch of the corner of senior's mouth.

Suddenly, Qianye Shangxie began to blame himself.Why, why did he feel that faint spiritual power at the beginning, but he couldn't be sure that it belonged to the senior?

It wasn't until later, after going around and going around, that Qianye Shangxie finally found out that the little spiritual power he felt at that time, the weak spiritual power, came from his senior.

At that time, the senior was already very weak.

"You bloody bastards. You killed senior, I will fight with you." Yue Qingran went completely crazy.Senior, maybe Yue Qingran didn't think highly of this giant turtle at first.

He will respect him only because the other party is an ancient spirit beast.It was only because he knew Qianye Shangxie that Yue Qingrana respected him for the sake of Qianye Shangxie's case and for his own curiosity.

Later, after many times of understanding, Yue Qingran finally knew that this senior was actually very afraid of being alone, and he just insisted on it.

He was obviously very worried about Qianye being evil, and he was very worried about himself, but he used a method that made him hate to bring himself out of these disputes and out of those dangerous things.

Such a senior made Yue Qingran gradually change her initial opinion.It's not enough to forget years, and it's not enough to be a teacher and a friend.

Yue Qingran really regarded the other party as her teacher, a good teacher and helpful friend.

Now, the person I love the most, the ancient spirit beast I love the most, is treated like an ordinary bastard and made a big tonic soup, which makes Yue Qingran unbelievable.

Senior Lingxi had a glorious life, even if he died, Yue Qingran never thought that he would leave like this.

Qianye Shangxie was equally angry, so Yue Qingran and Cong went over, and rushed over himself.His eyes were red, and he really wanted to kill him.

Bailitang is the most sensible one among them.The reason is simply that he doesn't know much about Senior Lingxi.However, facing the death of a giant turtle who has lived a glorious life like this, Bai Litang still finds it difficult to accept.

Seeing the two running over like crazy, Bai Litang sighed and followed behind.The two of them lost their lives, and Bailitang was going to bring out everything about the senior and bury him in the place he had chosen.

Senior Lingxi has already been cooked.At the risk of being scalded, Bailitang fished the senior out.Looking at the turtle shell on one side, it is really unimaginable.

Such a giant turtle consonance, such a proud turtle, died like this?Died so peacefully.I'm afraid they already knew that there would be such a catastrophe, right?
However, the curvature of the mouth is probably because Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran changed his face for him before he died, as he wished?Or was it because he saw these two people see him off before he died?

No matter which one it is, Bailitang can only shake his head, "I'm sorry, the only thing I can do for you is to let you die peacefully and gracefully at the place you chose."

"After so many years, shouldn't you also go down to meet them? They have been waiting for you for so long." Bai Litang said.

With a thick turtle shell and overcooked turtle meat, Bai Litang stood aside and waited for them to come back from fighting.

The scarlet-eyed Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran came back, and when they saw the familiar senior, their eyes were red.

Yue Qingran simply hugged senior's flesh. "Senior, I'm sorry, I'm late. We're here to play, I'm sorry." As he spoke, tears came out.

Qianye Shangxie's eyes were red, but the man did not shed tears easily. Although this kind of justice really made people sad and sad, the only thing Qianye Shangxie could do was to pat Yue Qingran on the shoulder.

"Send him away. Senior must be tired. It's time to go back." Yue Qingran attributed this matter to the Chihan Empire. "Chihan Empire, I am at odds with you."

The few people killed this time were from the Luo family. "Luo family, you and I are at odds. From now on, your Luo family can rest in peace."

With red eyes, Yue Qing stared viciously at the direction of the capital of the Chihan Empire and the Luo family, and said viciously.

"Yes, we will all be irreconcilable with him." Qianye Shangxie affirmed. "After I go back, I will return to the status of my family's raise from the previous night, and carry out a crusade against the Luo family."

"Since senior doesn't want more people to know that he is an ancient spirit beast, the reason for the crusade is their disrespect for me." Yue Qingran turned her head, eyes red: "Okay, let's do this."

"Now, we have been beaten up for sending money, senior must be impatient." Qianye Shangxie patted Yue Qingran on the shoulder.Yue Qingran stood up, still holding her senior's flesh in her hands.

"I'll take senior's tortoise shell. Let's go together. Give Qian Bai the best place and let him leave in a good way."

Yue Qingran was silent and nodded.

Several people went to the place that the predecessors said before.Everywhere she goes, Yue Qingran will have many memories with her seniors.There is nowhere in the entire Luohan Mountains that the seniors have led them through.

At that time, I was doing training for the sealing formation. Although every day was miserable, I was really happy.

Now, after walking through these places again, Yue Qingran only feels her nose sore.

Near there, there are soil bags one by one inside.I'm afraid, this is what the senior said, and every ancient spirit beast was buried.

Some are the people the seniors love the most, some are the people the seniors hate the most, and some are the people the seniors fear the most.

It's just that whether it's love or hate, it has faded in the end.Fading to the end, there is only nostalgia left.Maybe I can't even remember who the other party is, but I just start to miss the days together.

"Senior, you are here, with your friends, rest in peace." A hole was dug and the senior was put in.Yue Qingran stood aside, bent over and said.

Qianye Shangxie and Bailitang followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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