Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 248 The Arrival of Several People in Litang

Chapter 248 The Arrival of the People from Bailitang
"Hey, they called you, you don't turn back?" Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie mockingly.Qianye Shangxie quickly grabbed Yue Qingran's hand and promised: "Don't worry, I don't want anyone but you. You must rest assured of me."

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "Irregular. Can you be a little more formal?"

Qianye Shangxie smiled and did not answer this question.

When I got to the house, I got everything ready, then moved the chairs and went outside to welcome the sunset, waiting for the tea that He Yue Qingran ran out in person.

Qianye Shangxie suddenly laughed.Yue Qingran looked at it coldly, and looked at the teapot in front of her with a focused face. "What are you laughing at?" Qianye Shangxie asked casually.

"It's nothing, it's just that I remember a few years ago, I was here waiting for you to make tea for me. I didn't expect that after many years, we would still have the opportunity to continue drinking tea here."

Yue Qingran's subordinates paused and smiled: "Yeah, at that time I just confirmed the relationship between us. Thinking about it now, I have already experienced so many ups and downs."

Qianye fell into the evil but smiled without saying a word, watching the movements of Yue Qingran's subordinates with smiling eyes.Every movement is so elegant, so moving.

"Okay, let's drink." While watching, Yue Qingran's attitude was not very good, so she handed over the teacup in her hand.Qianye Shangxie took it with a smile, took a sip, and the aftertaste was endless.

"Good tea, as good as you." Yue Qingran rolled her eyes and scolded with a smile: "What kind of metaphor are you talking about? Stay away, drinking can't stop your mouth."

Dumbfoundingly looking at Qianye Shangxie, he said almost coquettishly, "No, I just like looking at you."

Yue Qingran pursed her lips speechlessly and fell silent. "I don't want to talk to you, it will lower my IQ." Qianye Shangxie laughed dumbly, shaking his head helplessly.

Didn't go out for two days, just bored at Luo's house.On the third day, Yue Qingran felt moldy all over her body.Helplessly sighed: "Qianye Shangxie, let's go out for a walk."

Qianye Shangxie sneered: "Finally you found me? Who told you not to go out two days ago?" Yue Qingran twitched his mouth: "I'm just asking you if you are going or not? If you don't, I will Go by yourself."

Seeing this, Qianye Shangxie quickly changed his words: "Go, go, why not. How dare you not go." The playful smile on his face made Yue Qingran think that he was possessed by someone, right?It wasn't like this before Qianye became evil.

Before going out, find the patriarch first.

"We want to go out, even if you stop it, you can't stop it. Since we can stay here with peace of mind, it means that we still have a plan here."

"So, you can't stop our plan, you can't stop our people. In this case, why bother? We want to go out for a walk, but we will come back."

After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he looked at the patriarch.The patriarch was silent, and pondered for a moment: "In that case, you go out." Yue Qingran turned around expressionlessly and went out.

Qianye Shangxie hurriedly followed out: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Yue Qingran raised her eyes and shook her head: "It's nothing, I just don't want to see this person. Whenever I see him, I get upset."

Qianye Shangxie smiled, shook his head, and rubbed Yue Qingran's soft long hair: "Okay, don't think too much. Go for a walk, you will be in a good mood. I heard that Bailitang is coming soon , maybe we can see Bailitang later."

"I hope so." Glancing at Luo Qingqing who was walking from a distance, Yue Qingran pursed her lips.

"Your little lover has come to look for you. I just hope that my mood won't continue to deteriorate, and I don't ask for anything else." Qianye Shangxie had a bitter face, seeing Luo Qingqing walking in the distance, just I hope the other party doesn't see me.

"Brother Qianye!" In the distance, Luo Qingqing, who saw Qianye's evil, waved her hands excitedly, and ran over with her skirt in her hands without any scruples about the reservedness that girls should have.

Qianye Shangxie wanted to cover his face with his hands. "Enen, what's the matter?" He said a few words vaguely, carefully looking sideways at Yue Qingran's face.

Yue Qingran turned around, not looking at the two people, standing not far away, able to hear them talking, and able to let others see that she was not the same as them.

"I came to see you? I heard from the patriarch grandpa that you are going out to play? Can I go out with you?" Qianye Shangxie looked at the girl's innocent attitude, and suddenly felt a nameless anger surge out.

"No." He flicked his sleeves and looked at each other angrily: "The two of us went out to connect with each other. What are you going out with? If you want to go out, find someone to follow yourself. Don't look for us, don't disturb the relationship between us." emotion."

Yue Qingran listened in the distance, the corners of her mouth curled up.Sensing Qianye's fawning expression, Yue Qingran coughed lightly, smoothing out the smile on the corner of his mouth.

None of these could escape Qianye Shangxie's eyes, seeing Yue Qingran smile, he knew that Yue Qingran was not really angry.

As if struck by lightning, Luo Qingqing stared at the angry Qianye in a daze.After a pause, he said, "Brother Qianye, I just want to hang out with you guys. I really haven't thought about it. I know I'm hopeless."

Qianye Shangxie shook his hand: "Since that's the case, please respect yourself, girl. I'm also a family man, so you will make my wife misunderstand. Misunderstandings will be very troublesome to explain, and I hate trouble."

The implication is, girl, please stay away from me.My wife is angry that it is so troublesome for me to explain, it is better not to provoke you from the beginning, you are already a trouble.

Luo Qingqing gave a wry smile, and nodded: "That's it, Brother Qianye, you play better. I still have something to do, hiss, so I won't accompany you for now."

Sniffing, Luo Qingqing ran back without waiting for Qianye Shangxie to speak, her eyes flushed.

"Okay, my dear lady, the trouble is gone. Now can you keep your good mood and let's continue shopping?"

Qianye Shangxie strolled back to Yue Qingran, with a gentle and refined look on his face, looking at Yue Qingran with a smile on his lips. "Well, for your sake, I reluctantly agree."

Yue Qingran thought about it pretending to be distressed, and seeing Qianye Shangxie's nervous look, she rolled her eyes and answered playfully.

Qianye Shangxie breathed a sigh of relief: "Madam, you are really good at bullying people." Yue Qingran raised her chin proudly and smiled smugly.

The two walked outside with a relaxed expression, just like those outside.His face was filled with happiness and joy.

Simple happiness, simple love.It is not necessary for two people to do some big business together, but if you are thirsty, I will pour you a cup of tea, and if you are tired, I will rub your shoulders.

Each has its own way of living, and the poor will not be happy if they don't see each other.Likewise, not all well-to-do people have the luxury of being so chic.

Each has its own way, each has its own ideas, as long as you choose the one you think is the best.You don't have to care about the opinions and opinions of outsiders.

The road is to be walked by oneself, and to be left to oneself alone.It does not require the approval and understanding of others.

Just like Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie, no matter what others think of these two people, no matter what others say, they know how good they are and how important each other is to them, that's enough.

Things that are like scrap copper and rotten iron in the eyes of others are quick treasures in my own eyes, enough.Life is so good, enough is enough.

The short time of happiness always passes quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is already dark.Yue Qingrana and Qianye Shangxie looked at the sky and returned to Luo's house helplessly.

"If it weren't for the things I had to do when I got here, I really hope to get out of here quickly."

Yue Qingran looked at the huge plaque in front of her, and said with some reluctance.

"It doesn't matter, we are just using Luo's family for surgery. It won't be long, and we will be able to go back soon. You can go wherever you want, and I will accompany you."

Yue Qingran's eyes lit up: "That's what you said, when these things are over, you stay with me, we don't care about these, just go sightseeing."

Qianye Shangxie nodded heavily: "Definitely." In fact, Qianye Shangxie didn't want to stay away from these disputes, guard his lover, grow a small corner at will, and stay away from the world.

Once inside, Yue Qingrana and Qianye Shangxie keenly sensed that something was wrong.Inside, there are two breathing sounds.

"Who's in there? Come out." Qianye Shangxie shouted and kicked open the door at the same time.

Bai Linger and Yu Xiran turned their heads differently, looking puzzled at Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran who was behind Qianye Shangxie with a wary face.

With a sigh of relief, he withdrew his strong murderous aura. "Why are you?" Qianye Shangxie patted his pants and looked at the two people.Suddenly realized: "No, why are you here? Where is Bailitang?"

Yu Xiran looked back indifferently, and stood up: "Bailitang didn't know what to do, I'll be back later. We've been here for a while, and you didn't come back. I thought you went somewhere else."

Yue Qingran walked in and lit a candle. "Why don't you light candles? It's so dark, we thought someone was lying in ambush here."

Yu Xiran snorted and sneered: "If that's the case, what kind of ambush do you think will allow you to detect our aura so easily?"

Yue Qingran blinked: "It is essential to be on guard against others. No matter how strong you are, you have to be careful. Sometimes you just die on the details. So, you have to be cautious about these things."

Yu Xiran was stunned for a while, and nodded, "I understand." Yue Qingran smiled in satisfaction.My younger brother is still very smart.

"When did Bailitang come back? No, when did you get here?" Qianye Shangxie took a sip of tea and looked at the two people.

"Afternoon, it's not long."

Bai Ling'er smiled, and answered with blinking big innocent eyes.

Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran looked at each other and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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