Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 249 The Yearly Power of the Ye Family

Chapter 249 The Centennial Power of the Qianye Family
The arrival of Bailitang means that the Qianye family has also arrived.In the Qianye family, at least twenty or so people who already have relatively high-ranking positions in the family will come to support them.

This also means that everyone can announce their identity anytime, anywhere.

"Okay, you guys rest here now. If Bailitang comes, remember to ask her to find the two of us in another room." After speaking, Yue Qingran pulled Qianye Shangxie out of the room.

Back in her room, Yue Qingran said to Qianye Shangxie with a serious face: "When the time comes, you must remember that you must not expose all your strength, and you must keep some cards in your hands."

"In the past, my hole card was your identity. Now that your identity is exposed, the only hole card we have left is our own ability."

"We are all great spiritual masters, but before the critical moment, don't show your full strength." Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie with a little worry.

Qianye Shangxie smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I understand these truths better than you. Seeing that you care about me so much and think so much about me, I am very happy. Don't worry, I will be very careful."

Yue Qingran heaved a sigh of relief after being assured.

"Besides, even if they really want to attack me, they must first ask the forces behind me. The power of the Qianye family that has existed for a hundred years cannot be easily provoked by anyone."

Qianye Shangxie's confident and flamboyant smile made Yue Qingran roll his eyes.

"Well, your centuries-old power really cannot be shaken at will. You don't have to provoke me so much, just wait, my Yueshi will definitely do better."

Qianye smiled evilly and said with encouragement: "I believe in you. Yue Qingran, there is nothing you can't do." Yue Qingran raised his eyebrows, and just about to speak, he remembered Bailitang's sound.

"Is it interesting for you two to compliment each other here? I haven't even heard it since I've been here for so long." Yue Qingran's eyebrows twitched: "Bailitang, do you want to die?"

Bailitang hurriedly jumped in: "Yes, yes, my lords, can't I be wrong?"

"Come in, tell us, you have any good news for us." Yue Qingran watched Bailitang walk in with a smile.Bailitang came in and took a sip of tea first.

"I'm here this time, and I only want to give you some good news. There isn't much bad news right now."

"How much is not too much? Or, what do you mean?" Bailitang looked at Qianye Shangxie, Qianye Shangxie's current state, making people feel that they couldn't help but want to tell the truth under his majesty .

"Tang Aotian, I don't know the name of a new portal that he and Qianyexi created together. It's just here to make trouble. It's good to be on guard against some villains at any time. Don't pay attention to their little tricks right now."

"There is no bad news for the rest. Several commanding figures of the family are here, and they all came to support you. Of course, I have notified everyone, so it is not ruled out that there are a few who came to watch the fun."

After hearing this, Yue Qingran thought of someone who came to watch the excitement.He snorted coldly: "Yeah, there are still a few individuals who fished in troubled waters and came to watch the excitement. Right, the one outside the door!"

This time, Yue Qingran noticed the voice outside the door.Even Qianye Shangxie noticed it.Qianye Shangxie shook his head helplessly when he heard Yue Qingran's targeted words.

He pulled Yue Qingran and hugged him in his arms. "Come in." Bailitang didn't know who it was, and looked outside the door with puzzled eyes.

The person outside the door was caught again, touched his nose, and stepped in with a foot in embarrassment.

"It's you!" Bailitang exclaimed.Just like Qianye Shangxie, the two of them must know the existence of everyone in the family and the purpose of their existence.

So for everyone, Bailitang can memorize it by heart.Seeing a familiar person appear, Bailitang couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Hey hey, don't get excited, butler Baili, don't get excited. It's me, I'm just here to watch the excitement." Bai Litang looked at the other party's hippie-smiling rascal, and familiar memories emerged.

The Qianye family is a thousand-year-old big family that has existed for thousands of years, so it naturally has some majesty of its own. 1000 years ago, the Qianye family officially rose.

1000 years later, a hundred years ago, the Qianye family officially flourished in the hands of another patriarch of the Qianye family.Afterwards, the Qianye family began to have various more complete rules and regulations one after another.

You know, those centuries-old families all have their own rules and regulations.There are things like not being able to discredit the family.

One of them is that in the family, it is strictly forbidden to smile and do all kinds of things that are not allowed.These include fighting in private, or gathering crowds to gamble.

This is true for a century-old family, but what about a thousand-year family?There will only be more demands.

It's just that this person is still fresh in everyone's memory, but it's because the other party is really challenging the bottom line of the family patriarch no matter which one he does.

For example, the family clearly stipulates that you are not allowed to climb trees, and you are not allowed to fight with people from other clans, let alone provoke people from other clans.

But this person has done everything, every item.

Provoking people from other families will have more prey than whoever is bigger.As a result, several people went hunting in the forest together, and in the end they almost escaped being killed by a crazy ice and snow wolf king.

This incident caused the teenager to be confined for three full months.After coming out, the unchanging nature actually gathers crowds to gamble.Started a new round of provocation with the stakes on.

I was locked up again for a year, and my dead nature remained unchanged after I came out.Repeatedly like this, after a long time, everyone has a new understanding of this naughty boy.But this young man is not only stubborn, but also courageous and resourceful. He is an existence that people love and hate.

Qianye Shangxie heard about this person from others, and Bailitang also heard about this stubborn young man from his clan members.

All in all, this is one that would give anyone a headache.However, that young man was severely punished later, and he ran away from home in a fit of anger, and was never seen again.

But although he disappeared, many people knew his glorious deeds.You can also tell from the boy's appearance.

Now, how could it not be surprising that the boy who had disappeared without a trace suddenly appeared here?In particular, this person is actually here to watch the excitement, and there is a feeling of love and resentment.

"You..." Baili Ting didn't know what to say, this playful tone and appearance really left people speechless.A love-hate existence.

Qianye Shangxie sighed: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you watch the excitement, as long as you don't give me a knife at a critical moment." Bai Litang's eyes widened: "Why are you here? An upright existence..."

The other party smiled, and said casually: "Oh, am I not an enshrinement, a first-class enshrinement! So, what's wrong with appearing here?"

Qianye Shangxie rubbed the center of his brows, Bailitang really looked terrified. "You, you..." A sensitive Bailitang couldn't even complete a sentence.

"I, me, what's wrong with me?" The other party ignored how shocking his words had brought to people, and said with a smile.

"You actually became an enshrined in the Luo family? Why didn't I know?" The other party shrugged and spread his hands: "I don't know when you also forged hatred with the Luo family."

Bailitang looked left, looked again, and sighed helplessly: "Okay, you have won. You continue, I find that I can't get in now."

"I just came here to listen to what you guys are doing. I don't plan to do anything else." Qianye Shangxie waved his hand: "Okay, it's fine when everyone is here. Let's talk about the specific arrangements at that time, now There hasn't been a suitable opportunity yet."

After receiving the amnesty, Bailitang ran back in a hurry.The remaining Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran stared at each other with big eyes.

"What else do you have?" Yue Qingran blinked and looked at the other party.I always feel that this person gives me an erratic feeling.

"It's okay. I'll go first, I'll go first. I'll see you." After the shop waiter finished speaking in a tone of voice, he waved his hand nonchalantly, and left gracefully.

"Is this person really credible? I always feel that there is a feeling of erratic and difficult to control. If he is not credible, it is best not to let him participate in this matter."

Yue Qingran looked worriedly at the back of the other party leaving, lost her mind.

"Don't worry, we're still our playmates. There won't be any problems. That's how our personality is. Don't worry." Yue Qingran still felt a little uneasy.

"You grew up together in the past, so what about the future? Do you know what he looked like in the past few years when he was away? People will change, so don't always think about the past."

Qianye smiled evilly: "I know, but this person really makes me unable to doubt him. I really believe him. Although I have heard these bad deeds from others before, but this person It doesn't mean I don't pay attention to this person."

"So, my dear madam, just rest assured. He won't have any problems." Facts have proved that God is still on Qianye Shangxie's side.

Just like Qianye Shangxie said, although this person is a little erratic, and although his whereabouts seem a little suspicious, he is really loyal to Qianye's family.

Even if he didn't use any drugs to restrain the other party, he was so sincere and loyal to everyone in the Qianye Shangxie family.

"As you wish, it's best to be like this, otherwise I will definitely not let anyone who hurts you go." Yue Qingran calmly put down the threat, and was going to find another room to meditate by herself.

After Qianye Shangxie heard this, he just felt very heartwarming.Such a Yue Qingran, wholeheartedly for her own Yue Qingran, it is really hard not to be moved.

(End of this chapter)

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