Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 250 The Appearance of the Mysterious Night Family

Chapter 250 The Mysterious Qianye Family Appears
Originally, they planned to find an opportunity for Qianye Shangxie to have some other quarrels with the head of the Luo family. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the new and old grudges were revealed together, and then Qianye Shangxie's identity was officially announced.

It's just that I didn't expect that the plan was very good, but something went wrong at the critical moment.

Luo Qingqing has been clinging to Qianye Shangxie very tightly these past few days, and she doesn't know why.Qianye Shangxie was very helpless and distressed.Obviously every time I said something so deadly, why would there still be a kind of person who came to pester me begging for nothing?
Later, Qianye Shangxie found out the reason.

It turned out that they planned to tie Qianye Shangxie to Luo Qingqing quietly, so that their marriage would be completely bound.In contrast, Yue Qingran and the others lacked a perfect wedding.

In this way, in order to prevent Qianye Shangxie from finding out what to organize in advance, they decided to make a bad move.As long as Luo Qingqing pestered Qianye Shangxie a little more, they could get them to end this matter ahead of schedule.

It's just that the head of the Luo family thinks so well, but he has calculated thousands of times. He didn't count, and the Luo family still has a traitor-level priest.

A first-level priest, to put it nicely, is actually a person who has the right to participate in any family meeting.So, this plan, this perfect and almost seamless plan, was known by the enshrined adults.

The enshrined adults are very unconscionable.First, he kept it from telling Qianye Shangxie, which made Qianye Shangxie entangled and depressed by a woman.

For others, this is a very good affair, but for Qianye Shangxie himself, it is simply that life is worse than death.

The priest had seen enough of the excitement, seeing Qianye Shangxie being isolated by Yue Qingran, and then after he was satisfied, he spoke out all the plans of the Luo family with a little charity.

Qianye Shangxie almost vomited blood after hearing this plan. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Qianye Shangxie snarled while grabbing the offering's clothes with grief and indignation.

"Because before this, I still prefer to look at you with a bitter face. It fully satisfies my evil taste." The other party is still so indifferent, with a gentle and gentle attitude that makes him pissed off.

Qianye Shangxie sighed, and let go of the opponent helplessly: "You have won, go out now, I have to start thinking about countermeasures."

"What countermeasures are there? You have already called everyone over, if you don't hurry, they will all go to the brothel to play." Qianye Shangxie roared again.

"When will it be your turn to take care of my affairs? Get out, get out."

The other party didn't care: "The main reason is that I'm waiting to see the excitement, and my life recently is too boring. You should hurry up and add some spices to my dull life."

Qianye Shangxie remained silent, and pushed the other party out the door with a gloomy expression.

The next day, the tireless Qianye Shangxie decided to follow the advice of Lord Priest.It's really stupid not to have such good conditions.

Qianye Shangxie asked Bailitang to prepare in advance, and then went to find the head of the Luo family first.

If possible, I really hope that this matter will be as big as possible.In this way, I save myself from explaining these again and again.

"What do you want to do? No matter where you got the news, I will tell you frankly, no matter what you think about this matter, you must marry my Qingqing."

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows: "My marriage is not something you can arrange if you want. What I need is a person from the right family. A child like yours is not from the right family. I won't marry her .”

The head of the Luo family broke out completely: "It's pretty good that we don't dislike your identity. How dare you be picky? Unless you are a relative of the royal family, you must marry her for me."

Qianye smiled evilly: "Although I am not a relative of the emperor, I am not someone you can obey at a word. At least, see you in this world, and there has never been anyone who cares about me."

"Of course, among the people I'm talking about, Yue Qingran is not counted. He is the only one who is qualified to control me and be with me."

The head of the Luo family looked at each other with a gloomy face: "Why, how capable are you, and you still want to disobey the Luo family's opinion?" Qianye raised his eyebrows evilly: "Who am I, you will be able to see later .”

As soon as the words fell, a doorman came over to report: "Patriarch, there are many people outside, they are from the Qianye family. I don't know what they are here for."

Qianye Shangxie raised his eyebrows and smiled secretly, you guys are here.

The head of the Luo family looked suspiciously at Qianye Shangxie.Qianye Shangxie looked back at the other party with a half-smile.

"Let's leave you alone, let's go take a look." Qianye Shangxie saw the two people go out, and followed them out.

Outside, a group of people clamored: "Where is the patriarch's wife you are talking about? Where is it? We are here to look at the patriarch's wife."

Qianye Shangxie paused, and propped his forehead helplessly.Yue Qingran naturally also received the news. As soon as she walked to the door, she heard a rough voice and smiled.

"You want to see the patriarch's wife?" Yue Qingran stepped out and stood beside Qianye Shangxie.

"Yo, don't mention it, these two people are already standing and they are quite a match. Since this is the case, it's fine, brothers, let's go back." Yue Qingran burst out laughing.

The corner of Qianye Shangxie's mouth twitched: "I asked you to come here to show off, not to let you see how Madam is." The big man was stunned for a moment: "No, that's not what Butler Baili said."

Bailitang was called out.

Looking at Qianye Shangxie's half-smile eyes, Bailitang shrank his neck: "I was just trying to attract them to come over. Young Master, I didn't mean you, you are really too powerless."

"It's useless for you to bring it up. On the contrary, the wife of the head of the house is quite attractive." Qianye Shangxie pursed his lips: "It doesn't matter, as long as you come."

Qianye Shangxie turned back, looked at the head of the Luo family, and glanced at everyone with a half-smile, "I didn't say it before, because I didn't think it was necessary to say it. Moreover, I don't have enough ability to reveal my identity." Then make sure everyone is trying to curry favor with me and not try to kill me."

"But now, some people bully people too much. Luo family, insult me ​​first, kill my senior giant turtle Lingxi second, and insult me ​​again and again for the last, so I can't continue to tolerate it."

Bailitang stood at the bottom, looked at the disbelieving Luo family members, and twitched his lips. "Patriarch!" Bailitang was the first to kneel in front of Qianye Shangxie.

Afterwards, all the people behind who kept saying that they came to see the Patriarch's wife also knelt on one knee, and respectfully shouted at Qianye Shangxie: "Patriarch."

The priest of the Luo family can't stand there now.After walking two steps, he came to Qianye Shangxie and knelt down on one knee. "My lord!"

Qianye Shangxie stood with his hands behind his back.

Luo Qingqing was very surprised, she covered her mouth differently and watched Qianye bewitched. "Madam who lives here!" Someone yelled Qingran to this month.

Everyone reacted and yelled at Yue Qingran who was next to Qianye Shangxie: "My wife lives here." The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched. How unreliable are the Qianye family members?

When everyone shouted the word 'patriarch' to Qianye Shangxie, everyone's jaws dropped in shock. Looking at it now, these two people are indeed a good match.

"You...are you really the Qianye family that has been standing for so long? Don't be fake, or be careful and I will take you away for theory."

Hearing the Great Elder's words, Qianye Shangxie raised his head to the sky and howled loudly.

"I Qianye Shangxie doesn't even bother to use this method, just to scare you. Since I said it, it is naturally true. If there is any distrust, you are welcome to attack me at any time."

After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, Lazuki Qingran was ready to leave.

Yue Qingran smiled, and looked at the head of the Luo family: "What kind of person do you think the head of the Yue family will find to spend his life with? Ordinary people are fine? Are you kidding me? High."

"So, is this true? This is really the long-lost Qianye family?" Qianye Shangxie shook his head: "No, it's not the long-lost Qianye family, but the mysterious Qianye family."

Yes, the Qianye family is not missing, but mysterious.They have stood here for thousands of years, they have been on the cusp of storms countless times, and they have been crusaded countless times, but not once has the Qianye family been affected.

The Qianye family can always save themselves from danger.No one even knew how the Qianye family managed to do all of this.By the time they knew about it, the Qianye family had already become a huge family that was passed down by word of mouth.

Yue Qingran took a deep breath, looked at the Luo family members who dropped their jaws in shock, and said proudly: "This time, do you still want to put your precious granddaughter and baby daughter here? You are welcome to put people by his side anytime, anywhere, but I’m afraid there will be none alive.”

"Even if he agrees, I will kill him." After finishing speaking sinisterly, ignoring everyone's horrified gazes, he left calmly.

People from the Qianye family behind said: "It's amazing, our wife is so courageous." Yue Qingran smiled, every family always has one or two strange things.

Suddenly remembered that when I announced my identity at that time, didn't there be so many strange people?It's just that there is a problem with the level of weirdness.

"Foist, are you also from the Qianye family?" The Great Elder couldn't believe it.Although he knew the management policy of the Qianye family, he just never thought that it would be like this.

I can't believe it, but there are people from that mysterious family beside you.

The priest smiled: "That's natural. I joined you at the beginning, just thinking of attracting a few people to the Qianye family. But who knew that you would actually anger Qianye Shangxie. If I knew this, I wouldn't bother to come here It's time to worship."

The words were still so sharp, and the people who had already gotten used to it didn't react at all.

(End of this chapter)

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