Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 251 Going for a Stroll in the Sunshine Empire

Chapter 251 Going Back to the Sun Empire for a Stroll
The news that Qianye Shangxie is the head of the Qianye family was suddenly announced.Before Qianye Shangxie and the others knew about it, the news had already spread to the other two countries.

The Chihan Empire also received the news early and responded immediately.

In an instant, all contact with the Luo family was severed, completely reducing the Luo family to a situation of isolation and helplessness.Those who knew the cause and effect began to gradually stay away from the Luo family.

At first, the Patriarch of the Luo family wanted to use Qianye Shangxie to live in his house for some days, and tried to win Qianye Shangxie over for the sake of being kind to Luo Qingqing, so that Qianye Shangxie could take back his life.

However, Qianye Shangxie was determinedly unwilling, especially when the other party said Luo Qingqing, Qianye Shangxie's face was even more embarrassing.

Only then did the head of the Luo family realize that he had said something wrong.

It's too late to make up for it.

Qianye Shangxie used the excuse that he was in a bad mood and wanted to go back to the Yaori Empire for a stroll, so he left the Chihan Empire overnight, left the Luo family, and went directly to the Yaori Empire.

As for the entire Qianye family, they were all disbanded.

The time to disband was after the last rendezvous festival. After leaving the cruise ship, everyone dispersed.Some left at night, and others were going to visit the surrounding cities for a walk around.

Others simply went to a life-and-death duel with others.

In short, each of them did his own thing, and they all went almost the same way.

The last rendezvous festival, speaking of it, had a happy ending.Although the man called Fifth Brother was confessed to by many young girls later, he didn't like it.

Later, that tough girl came, stepped on the bow of Fifth Brother's boat, looked up, and said loudly, like a ruffian, "Grandpa, I've taken a fancy to you, just say you Follow me or not."

Brother Wu smiled and shook his head: "Girl, do you want to tell me what the consequences will be if I don't follow you? What good will it do if I follow you?"

At this time, that girl still didn't know who Fifth Brother was, let alone that he was one of Qianye Shangxie's subordinates.

"Follow me, eat hot food and drink spicy food. At least, if I have a mouthful of food, you will have a mouthful of food. I will never treat you badly. If you don't follow me, then I will knock you out and carry you back."

Fifth Brother rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe that this girl could carry him with such a small body.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it. See if I can carry you. Now, tell me your answer." Brother Wu said honestly, "I'm waiting for you to resist me."

The girl was also unambiguous, and walked forward directly. With a lot of strength, she overturned Brother Wu from the boat and into the water.Of course, this is because Fifth Brother didn't resist.

Several boats gathered around here, watching Fifth Brother fall into the water with a distressed look on his face.

It was only later that Yueqing found out that although Fifth Brother looked very simple and honest, he was not a speechless person who could be told by every girl.

The reason why Brother Wu is so kind to that girl is probably because he already had some interest in it.Only then did Yue Qingran suddenly realize.Also, among Qianye Shangxie's subordinates, which one of them can't get on the stage?

For a person like Qianye Shangxie who is so dark in his bones that he would die, the subordinates he has trained are probably not much worse.

The fifth brother fell into the water in embarrassment, causing everyone to laugh.Looking from a distance, several boats gathered together, forming an encirclement circle, and inside the encirclement circle were the girl and Fifth Brother.

"Fifth Brother, let's follow the girl." The girl didn't want to be as shy as others, swam over, grabbed Fifth Brother, and kissed and hated him directly.

"Wow! Well done girl, I'm proud of you." It was a man who spoke.

"Hahaha, you think you are also a girl, and you are proud of him. It should be more correct for Madam to say this kind of thing?" Several people who found this sentence to be wrong quickly retorted.

Yue Qingran just listened to what they were talking, and smiled without saying a word.

Later, Fifth Brother was subdued behind a girl's back.After a long time, I saw the girl again and saw that the girl was pregnant with a child.

At that time, Yue Qingran asked curiously: "Why did you have the courage to say these words at that time? Do you know that you have been laughed at for a long time?"

The girl said with a smile: "I only know that whoever I like, I will be knocked out and taken away." Yue Qingran can only give a thumbs up secretly, this is indeed a tough girl.

But what Yue Qingran was even more curious about was: "When you only knew who Fifth Brother was, how did you react?"

The girl got angry when she mentioned this, and she stood up angrily, regardless of the fact that she was pregnant with Liujia: "I thought this was just an ordinary farmer, who knew he was a bandit leader?"

The bandits... Yue Qingran looked up at the sky calmly and blinked.Spit == If he is the bandit leader, then what are Qianye Shangxie and himself?
Bandit ancestor?King of the mountain?

"If I knew this was the case, I shouldn't have promised him to eat and drink well. I should have chased him there. But now, he eats mine and mine, and plays rogue with me."

Yue Qingran suddenly realized that the girl of feelings was only at a disadvantage in this aspect, so she was so excited.Sure enough, aren't they people from the same world...

These are things for later.After swimming in the lake, the two left directly.nowhere to be seen.Later, several people also left one after another.

In the end, only Baili Hall remained in the gathering place of Qianye family in Mingyue Town, dedicated to these two people.The rest are just ordinary guards.

Qianye Shangxie looked at the empty room and said, "Qingran, let's go back to my mother's house tomorrow." Qianye Shangxie was stimulated by Fifth Brother these two days, and began to become abnormal.

Yue Qingran's mouth twitched when she heard the words 'return to her natal family'.It's easier to say this word yourself, right?Is he really willing to admit which one he was married to...

Seeing that Yue Qingran didn't respond, Qianye Shangxie said it again: "Qingran, let's go back to my mother's house tomorrow." Yue Qingran paused and nodded.

I still can't react, this time I'm going back to my mother's house, where is it?

"Qianye family headquarters? Or what?" Yue Qingran asked indifferently.

"No, go to the Sunshine Empire. Isn't that where her mother's house is?" Qianye Shangxie blinked in ignorance, and looked at Yue Qingran innocently and cutely.

The movements of Yue Qingran's hands completely stopped.It took him a long time to react. "Is that going back to my mother's house? Are you really ashamed to say it, and you're not afraid of being laughed at?"

Bailitang happened to pass by, and after hearing these words, he was petrified.

Yueqing glanced angrily at the petrified Bailitang next to her, and snorted coldly.

Qianye Shangxie pursed his lips: "Go back, the Luo family is really annoying me. Let's go back, wait for me to go back and announce to the Three Kingdoms to condemn the Luo family."

Yue Qingran nodded: "Okay, let's go back tomorrow."

The next day, the Luo family came here again to look for Qianye Shangxie, trying to win Qianye Shangxie over, but Qianye Shangxie had already taken away everyone and their bedding.

A few days later, these people safely arrived at the Sun Empire.

Satisfied to see that the Yaori Empire has been ravaged by this monstrous elder...

It is indeed refreshed.All the flowers and plants in Bailitang have turned into poisonous flowers and plants. If you are not careful, you will be poisoned and die.

All of Qianye Shangxie's medicinal wines were sprinkled with poisonous powder.The whole house has changed, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a haunted house.

In some places, even after a month of absence, it became full of spider webs.

Bai Litang muttered almost crazily, looking at this house, he really didn't want to come back.

"Young master, let's live in another place! Let's find another place to live. We can't live here. We don't want anything here, so don't live here."

It was the first time Qianye Shangxie saw the house like this, and he was really taken aback.

Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I decided to move to another room. If I stay here, I'm afraid I'll die if I don't die."

The Great Elder came out enchantingly and charmingly, with a floral skirt all over his body, he looked like a clown no matter what.

"Are you back? Have a look at how this house is, are you satisfied?"

Yue Qingran really dare not compliment the other party's taste. "It's okay, it's okay..." I could only say the word 'it's okay' with an embarrassed face.

The Great Elder carried his new clothes around and showed them to Yue Qingran. "How about it, Patriarch, what do you think?"

Yue Qingran felt that if she said something against her will, she would definitely slap herself severely.

So, this time I went back to my mother's house for a walk, because of this clown-like floral dress, I was scared back.

Yue Qingran brought Qianye back to Xinghui Academy as quickly as he went to Xie Taonan.Here, at any rate, it's a bit safer.If he was in that room, he would really die without a place to bury him.

Maybe when you die, no one can see where your ashes are.directly into water.

"Hey, did you go out for a while, expose your identity by the way, and then escape?" Seeing Yue Qingran and the others rushing towards him, the two were full of jokes.

Yue Qingran rolled her eyes: "Why, do you have an opinion? You want to announce your identity but you can't." After finishing speaking, he paused: "Speaking of which, do you all know this news now?"

Yue Qingran blinked her eyes.The second head nodded as it should be: "That's natural, you don't know what the school is like now. Knowing that you have stayed in this school before Qianye Shangxie, everyone is now crowded and want to Entering Xinghui Academy. Not bad, not bad, very inspirational."

have to!It doesn't look safe here anymore.Compared with a flamboyant clown and a group of crazy fans, Yue Qingran would rather choose the former.At least the former will let you die in peace.

As for the latter... it will only make your life worse than death.

Yue Qingran was not the only one who knew this well.Qianye Shangxie was about to go back without saying a word.In the end, he was dragged back desperately by the second head.

Come back at least once to meet everyone.How could it be possible to let Qianye Shangxie go back, this is not a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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