Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 252 Chapter 1 Causes a Riot

Chapter 252 A Return Caused a Riot

Reluctantly being held back by the two heads, Qianye Shangxie followed the two heads back to where Ge Xingkong was with a sad face.Ge Xingkong raised his eyes and saw Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran returning with smiles on their faces, and his mouth widened in surprise.

"Old Ge, are you feeling better?" Yue Qingran was very satisfied seeing that Ge Xingkong looked so energetic now, not as weak as he was half a year ago.

"It's much better, why are you back?" Standing up, he hurried over and carefully looked at his two proud apprentices.

"I just came back to see you. Has the toxin been cleaned up?" Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran looked at each other, took a step forward, and faced Ge Xingkong.

"It's almost there. Isn't this taking medicine? It will be fine after a while. Although it is not the peak state of the past, it is still very good. It will be fine after a few days of persistence."

Hearing such exciting news, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie smiled at the same time. "That's good, then Ge Lao doesn't have to worry about anything."

Ge Xingkong blew his beard and stared: "Otherwise, I wouldn't worry about anything. It's because you think too much. I figured it out later, these successes and fame are nothing compared to my ability to enjoy my old age."

"It doesn't matter if you have these spiritual powers or not. Even if you don't have them, it's enough for me to be worthy of heaven and earth." Ge Xingkong thought thoroughly.

I used to always think about what I once had, but when I don't have it, I feel empty in my heart.Later, I figured it out, and if I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t have it.

Those fame and fame were all given to him for the sake of his strong spiritual power.Only those who admire themselves by their side no matter when they are poor or rich, are sincere.

Then again, now I have received a good apprentice, and one and a half apprentices.Although I didn't participate much in the growth of these two children, I was excited enough to say that I was their teacher.

Is there anything else I can use?
Especially, after Qianye Shangxie's identity was announced this time, Ge Xingkong was completely in a good mood.

I am the teacher of the current Patriarch of the Qianye Clan, and I am also half the teacher of the current Patriarch of the Yue Clan. Once such a name is given out, it is really worse than before.

In the past, I had spiritual power, so I didn't need others to protect it.Now I don't have spiritual power, but I try to rely on my own teacher. I don't know how many highly capable people come to me and say that I want to protect myself.

When Ge Xingkong thought of this, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled smugly.

"You guys definitely don't know that during this period of time I have received the best treatment in my life. No matter where I go, there are people who treat me respectfully. This is the treatment I didn't have before when I became famous. Guess the reason is What?"

Ge Xingkong was a little mysterious, with a three-pointed smug gaze, which made Qianye Shangxie think in horror... "Could it be... yes, I... right!"

Qianye was a little hesitant when he said heresy, and he seemed a little uneasy sitting there.If this is the case, if those people have found the school and are still in the school, then the consequences...

Qianye Shangxie shuddered, the consequences could not be imagined.Facing hundreds of spirit beasts, ancient formations, and all kinds of torture, Qianye Shangxie, who had never trembled or frowned, thought of this, and suddenly wanted to run away. .

With a smile on the corner of Yue Qingran's mouth, she propped her chin and looked at Qianye Shangxie who was sitting opposite her with a very expressive face.

Qianye Shangxie sighed and looked at Ge Xingkong.Ge Xingkong nodded with a teasing smile.Qianye suddenly sat up.

"I'm leaving first. I remembered that there are still some things in the Qianye family that I need to go and see for myself. Our five-year collective meeting of the Qianye family is about to start, so I'll go back first."

Ge Xingkong stood up with his hands on the table, and stepped towards the door, blocking Qianye Shangxie's steps. "What? You still want to be a deserter?"

Qianye Shangxie wept bitterly: "Old Ge, master, please let me go. A group of crazy people are no better than spirit beasts, they are more ferocious than spirit beasts. Let me go."

Ge Xingkong looked quietly at Qianye Shangxie, and spread his hands: "It's over. Even if we don't tell you about your return, it will be passed on quickly. So, it's good that no one has found me now. "

After finishing speaking, he patted Qianye Shangxie's shoulder heavily: "Young man, one must learn to be content. You are already doing well. At least you still have a moment of stability."

Looking back at Yue Qingran: "Qingran, Qianye Shangxie is besieged by people, do you want to watch the excitement, or are you going to help?" This question is very good.

Yue Qingran lowered her head and fiddled with the teacup, pondered for a moment, ignored Qianye's evil eyes begging for help, and said with a smile: "Of course I'm watching the fun. This point, I have inherited the good qualities of Qianye's family."

Qianye Shangxie propped his forehead, distressed.Speaking of which, it wasn't that Yue Qingran was spoiled when he played around with the Qianye family a few times ago.

In other words, Yue Qingran has learned badly...

Sure enough, if I knew it earlier, I should call a few calmer people to help me hold up the situation, and I shouldn't call all of them.Those who had nothing to do, all followed suit here, and it turned out to be like this.

Qianye Shangxie wanted to cry bitterly, who could he talk to about the grievances in his heart?

After crying for a long time, no one paid any attention, Qianye Shangxie turned his eyes quietly, and continued crying at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran discussed the tea ceremony with Ge Xingkong expressionlessly, but ignored Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie's return this time was the most unwise choice.No one knows what kind of riots this return will cause.Yue Qingran said silently in her heart: I only hope that Qianye Shangxie will not die so ugly.

Qianye Shangxie only got a short good time in the afternoon.At night, before it was dark, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were surrounded as soon as they walked out of Ge Xingkong's gate.

Silently, Yue Qingran moved away from Qianye Shangxie.Seeing Qianye Shangxie's eyes begging for mercy, and the look of begging for help, Yue Qingran chose to ignore it unkindly.

Although, among these surroundings, most of them are young girls.As the saying goes: 'That girl is not pregnant', so Yue Qingran chose to forgive.

There are not a lot of men here, and those men are people who hope to be appreciated by Qianye Shangxie and who can contribute to the Qianye family.

There were men, women and children, all around Qianye to go to evil.Yue Qingran silently exited the encirclement.Looking inside from the outside, there are layers upon layers, and Qianye Shangxie's figure cannot be seen at all.

Yue Qingran unkindly stood beside the big tree, resting.

The commotion was huge this time, and the return of Qianye Shangxie caused everyone to fall into a state of madness.

Although Yue Qing couldn't see what it looked like inside.But according to Yue Qingran's memory, the worship of idols should be to want to get in front of idols, so that I want to see myself, right?Even if it's just a glance.

Anyway, in the end these crazy people were driven away by the students in the academy.Qianye Shangxie's clothes were torn into pieces, his hair was messed up, and he was in a terrible mess.

Qianye Shangxie stood pitifully in the wind, looking at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran came down from the tree, and seeing Qianye Shangxie like this, she laughed unkindly.

" are so miserable." Yue Qingran patted her chest with lingering fear.Fortunately, I chose wisely.Otherwise, what would it be like...

Huh, I can't even imagine it.

Qianye Shangxie shook his body, with a bitter face: "I knew it, I shouldn't come back. Why did I forget that there will be such a commotion when I come back. Look, look at my clothes."

Pulling strips of his own clothes: "The best silk silk, it's so broken. How did they do it? Generally speaking, my clothes are not torn apart. How did they do it."

Yue Qingran couldn't figure out whether the other party was mourning for her clothes or wondering how they did it. In the end, Qianye Shangxie, with question marks in his head, went all the way through five stages and killed six generals. Return to the assigned residence.

After going back, not only Qianye was haunted by evil spirits, but Yue Qingran also fell to the ground as soon as she entered the room as if she was paralyzed from exhaustion.Panting for a while, Yue Qingran got up, patted the floating ash, walked to Qianye Shangxie, and kicked him.

"Go buy two sackcloths tomorrow, it should be cheaper. Looking at the situation today, it seems that this is just a small army, and there must be more people tomorrow. Save some for your silkworms."

The corner of Wushi Qianye Shangxie's mouth was aggrieved, and he continued: "Also, I won't go out with you tomorrow. You can enjoy this kind of scene by yourself."

Qianye Shangxie hugged Yue Qingran all of a sudden, and rubbed against her: "Qingran, you can't treat me like this. If you abandon me so cruelly, I will be bullied tomorrow."

Qianye Shangxie's coquetry did not have any effect, the next day, when Yue Qingran saw so many people at the door, she cruelly abandoned Qianye Shangxie, jumped out of the window and left.

Qianye Shangxie was exhausted physically and mentally dealing with batch after batch of people here.When you get there, there will be a commotion.At first, Qianye Shangxie tried to struggle, but later, he simply gave up.

After a few days, it was even harder than learning the ancient formations at that time, and even more tiring than Teacher Zhou's training.Simply physically and mentally exhausted.

Qianye Shangxie lost weight, not only because of his body, but also his purse.Every time I go out, one of the necessary things is to buy sackcloth.It's ugly, it's uncomfortable, but it's cheap.

That's it, after a few days, Qianye Shangxie was almost out of money in his pocket.

Qianye Shangxie is a person who values ​​his appearance.I can't bear to walk on the road wearing a torn piece of clothing, so I will change the clothes when they are broken.

After changing, before going far, there will be such a group of crazy humans appearing.Over time, no amount of clothing is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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