Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 253 Stay away from harassment and stay away from the academy

Chapter 253 Stay away from harassment and stay away from the academy
Even if you buy dozens of sets of clothes every day, it can't be as fast as being torn.

Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie were separated for five days, during these five days, Qianye Shangxie had changed completely.

When Yue Qingran went back to watch Qianye Shangxie again, facing such Qianye Shangxie, Yue Qingran was able to let out a laugh, and then pursed her lips to try not to hurt the other party's self-esteem.

In the room, there were all kinds of hemp clothes. Someone scratched Qianye Shangxie's face. According to Qianye Shangxie's level, he should be able to escape. I guess there were too many people at that time, so I didn't pay attention. Bar.

A mess can be used to describe this house.Besides, Qianye Shangxie himself had loose and messy hair, and his clothes had just been changed.

Seeing Yue Qingran appear, he looked at the other party with a sad face, silently accusing Yue Qingran of abandoning Qianye Shangxie and leaving.

Yue Qingran cupped her hands: "Is it alright if I'm wrong? There are so many people in your place, and you haven't been able to escape unscathed. You have the heart to let me suffer this kind of attack too?"

Qianye Shangxie thought about it, but let it go, if Yue Qingran was treated like this, Qianye Shangxie would be very angry.

Yue Qingran snorted, seeing Qianye Shangxie like this, she knew that the other party must have understood. "How about it, do you want to go back and see clowns in floral skirts with me, or do you want to wear sackcloth here?"

Qianye Shangxie didn't need to hesitate at all, and immediately said: "Go back, go back, I'll go back with you." Yue Qingran pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head, wondering if Qianye Shangxie would still plan to meet the stars Hui Academy.

I'm afraid, after this incident, Qianye Shangxie will never go back in his life, right?

This is only inside the academy, what about outside?Many people heard that they were stopped outside the academy.Yue Qingran had a hunch that if she followed the right path, there might be batches of supporters outside.

"Let's go another way, so that we can go back faster. By the way, we don't have to go through those people who are blocked. It will prevent your fine silk silk from being damaged."

Looking up and down Qianye Shangye who had changed his clothes, Yue Qingran said very unfriendlyly: "Otherwise, after you get out of here, you can change back into this clothes again? I'm worried that this clothes won't wait until you get out of the mountain." , it may be scrapped.”

Qianye Shangxie paused for arranging his clothes, raised his eyes, and looked at Yue Qingran pitifully.Yue Qingran smiled unkindly: "I'm just telling the truth, what kind of eyes do you have?"

Qianye Shangxie ran to a corner and squatted down silently, drew circles for a while, and changed his coat silently.

Yue Qingran looked at it and laughed loudly.Sitting on the side, rolling with laughter.

Enough laughing, Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie solemnly, in fact, Qianye Shangxie is that kind of natural hanger, even if it is an ordinary sackcloth, she can wear that kind of clothes on her body. Otherworldly feeling.

Qianye Shangxie displayed a circle, and the corners of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched. "Don't show off, no matter how you wear it, your clothes will be scrapped sooner or later."

Qianye Shangxie snorted coldly: "You are jealous, jealous that I am more popular than you." Yue Qingran silently turned her head back and rubbed her forehead.Since when did their way of getting along become like this.

Yue Qingran became more and more bold in front of Qianye Shangxie, and all kinds of friendly ridicule towards Qianye Shangxie gradually appeared.Qianye Shangxie is no longer what he looked like in front of people, and he has become a little fond of committing crimes.

Yue Qingran muttered a few words in her heart, not daring to let Qianye Shangxie speak clearly.If Qianye Shangxie heard this, he would definitely look at him sadly.

Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran walked out from the path, and said as they walked, "Stay away from the academy, stay away from harassment." Yue Qingran smiled, no matter how you look at this sentence, it looks like those old slogans: stay away from drugs.

Yue Qingran ignored Qianye Shangxie, who was always looking at her sadly, and drove the carriage. The two of them quietly left the school and the harassment without notifying anyone.

Well, Yue Qingran admitted that seeing Qianye Shangxie surrounded by a group of people from a distance these past few days, Yue Qingran was indeed a little jealous.After driving a carriage all night, he finally left this damned place.

"It finally came out. It feels different in an instant."

Qianye Shangxie opened his arms and took a deep breath.Yue Qingran watched Qianye Shangxie's childish behavior with a smile.In the past, it was always said that Qianye Shangxie led him and changed him.

But for Qianye Shangxie, why didn't he change him by himself?
Two groups of lone wolves meet together, is it not a different kind of salvation.

Returning to the Sun Empire, he was satisfied to see a flowery skirt appearing in front of him.The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, just about to speak.Qianye Shangxie walked over from behind, smiling all over his face.

"That's great, it's really kind to see you in this flowery dress." The Great Elder's eyes widened, not knowing why.

The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, and she left here expressionlessly.These two people are more abnormal than the other.Regarding the treatment of Qianye Shangxie these days, Yue Qingran didn't want to say much, after all, this kind of thing, it's good to keep it in the aftertaste.

Qianye Shangxie blinked, watching Yue Qingrana drift away from him.

"What's the matter with you? I haven't seen you for a few days, have you had a convulsion?" Qianye Shangxie twitched the corners of his mouth, and gave the Great Elder the biggest smile, which was considered an answer to this question.

The Great Elder nodded silently: "Sure enough, it's a convulsion."

Qianye Shangxie hummed proudly, and left without saying a word.

Bailitang was surprised to see Qianye Shangxie come back safely, and shouted: "Patriarch, you are not torn apart? How lucky you are."

Qianye Shangxie stopped, and smiled brightly: "You really expect me to be torn apart?"

Bailitang shuddered inexplicably: "Of course not, of course not." Qianye Shangxie glanced at Bailitang arrogantly, and went back in a good mood.

Bailitang scratched the back of his head inexplicably, "Why is the Patriarch so weird recently?"

Looking around, I couldn't find Yue Qingran, so I couldn't help but think: "Could it be that Yue Qingran didn't come back? If you don't go home, the Lord is really going back to your mother's house? Yue Qingran, what did you do to our Patriarch? What, let the head of the family know her mother's family."

Yue Qingran happened to pass by with a water bottle, and after hearing this, she really wanted to pass by silently, but it was counterproductive.

Bai Litang turned around while talking, looked in horror at Yue Qingran who stood aside for an unknown how long, and pointed at Yue Qingran with trembling fingers.Yue Qingran smiled indifferently, and really wanted to tell her opponent that she really didn't care.

Bailitang screamed strangely, as if seeing a ghost, pointed at Yue Qingran for a long time, finally screamed, and ran away quickly.

Yue Qingran looked at the sky: "Are you so scary?"

No one answered this question.Shaking my head, forget it, don't think about it.Carrying the water bottle, go far away.

Ge Xingkong stayed away from Qianye Shangxie for the first few days.After all, Qianye Shangxie's popularity is there, and it seems very popular.In order to prevent being besieged, Ge Xingkong did not dare to go there.

As a result, in the past few days, it was discovered that the crazy fan group in the academy had disappeared, so Ge ​​Xingkong wanted to see what Qianye Shangxie looked like now on a whim.

What the second head said before, it seems that Qianye Shangxie has made so many contributions to the fabric industry during this period, Ge Xingkong just wanted to see how desperate Qianye Shangxie has become now.

Unexpectedly, after all the hard work, it came to nothing.Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran had been walking for some time, and the room was already empty.

Only then did Ge Xingkong regain his senses.No wonder, no wonder the academy was so clean all of a sudden.I thought it was because they were finally tired of Qianye Shangxie, or Qianye Shangxie finally got angry and drove everyone away.

I just didn't expect that the reason was this.The reason why the academy is so empty is because Qianye Shangxie has already left... After suddenly realizing it, Ge Xingkong became irritable.

"Qianye is evil, you are ruthless, you are ruthless." Ge Xingkong jumped twice, and left helplessly.

Qianye, who was in the distance, was haunted by evil spirits, and he sneezed twice after being chanted.

Qianye Shangxie rubbed his nose, stared into the distance, and smiled.Probably Ge Xingkong was furious when he found out that he had left?Yue Qingran pushed the door open and entered, seeing Qianye Shangxie smiling into the distance, she was taken aback for a moment.

"What are you thinking about?" Qianye Shangxie came back to his senses, pulled Yue Qingran over, and sat beside him with his arms around Yue Qingran. "Ge Xingkong must have known we were leaving, I'm already sneezing."

Yue Qingran snorted twice: "Me too." Her tone was not kind.

Qianye Shangxie's eyes widened. It turned out that Ge Xingkong not only scolded himself, but also Yue Qingran.No wonder, no wonder Yue Qingran didn't talk to herself in those few days, but today she ran to find herself.

Yue Qingran was busy with Yue Jiqiu's affairs a few days ago, so she often didn't see anyone.They haven't seen each other for several days, and they sat together and had a good talk like today.

After much difficulty, Yue Qingran had a rest today, but seeing Yue Qingran's exhausted appearance, Qianye Shangxie didn't dare to bother her.

"Qingran, have you rested yet?" Qianye Shangxie looked at the bloodshot eyes in Yue Qingran's eyes with distress, and kissed Yue Qingran's eyes.Yue Qingran closed her eyes, narrowing her eyes as if enjoying herself.

"Hehe, you really look like that cat." Qianye Shangxie suddenly mentioned the kitten that Yu Xiran brought back before.

The cat has been around for so long and has become a big cat.It's time to have children.

"Speaking of which, this little cat has been running outside every day, so he must have found his other half, right?" Qianye Shangxie put his head on Yue Qingran's shoulder, smelling the faint tea scent on Yue Qingran's body.

Yue Qingran shrugged, and by the way moved Qianye Shangxie's head up and down. "How do I know what this kitten is thinking." Qianye Shangxie smiled sullenly: "I thought I would understand his thinking because I resembled it so much."

Yue Qingran turned her head, staring quietly at Qianye Shangxie.

Qianye Shangxie spread his hands with a sullen smile, "I was wrong, I was wrong. Is this okay?" Yue Qingran turned her head expressionlessly, enjoying a moment of leisure.

Qianye smiled evilly and shook his head, closed his eyes, and rested comfortably on Yue Qingran's shoulder.

The two of them stayed quietly for an afternoon like a painting, and it was Bai Linger who asked everyone to eat later to disturb this beautiful picture.

(End of this chapter)

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