Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 254 Condemning Luo Family's Excuse

Chapter 254 Condemning Luo Family's Excuse
Tang Aotian set up a separate sect, and together with Qianyexi, he specifically fought against the Yaori Empire. There is currently no good solution to this matter.What Qianye Shangxie can guarantee to Yue Jiqiu is to try his best to find out those people Tang Aotian planted in the Yaori Empire, and find them out.

But at present, it is still impossible to find out all the chess pieces that Tang Aotian placed in the Yaori Empire.Tang Aotian probably knew that what he was doing now had exposed himself, so he didn't continue.

For a while, Yaori Empire and Tang Aotian's people were in a stalemate.Since the other party didn't make a move, Qianye Shangxie couldn't find who those people were for a while.

So I can only guarantee this when Yue Jiqiu takes the opportunity to ask for something.Make sure that once they move, your own people will immediately find them and uproot them.

Yue Qingran is also very busy during this time.After the short period of tenderness last time, Yue Qingran became busy again.Yue Jiqiu couldn't do it all by himself, so Yue Qingran was dragged over again, and the euphemistic name was: "Help."

Qianye Shangxie gritted his teeth, very angry, but there was still nothing he could do.

Yue Qingran wanted to go over to help, but nothing she could do could stop her, so she could only squat at home like a resentful woman, gnashing her teeth angrily and cursing Yue Jiqiu.

Yue Jiqiu sneezed twice, and then looked at Yue Qingran who was serious and did nothing serious, feeling depressed for a while.

"Yue Qingran, I asked you to come here to help. I didn't ask you to come here and not do serious things." Yue Qingran didn't lift her head, said 'En', and said that she was looking at useless miscellaneous books.

This is why Yue Qingran insisted on coming.He didn't come here to help Yue Jiqiu with some official business, but he came here to see what forbidden books that have been hidden for thousands of years in this so-called imperial study...

Later, the banned books were not found, but quite a few comic books were found.

Qianye didn't know the evil, so he cursed Yue Jiqiu angrily.Rose is also very uncomfortable now.All the things are done by myself, Yue Qingran is here, she has endured Qianye Shangxie's curse, and she has to do everything by herself.

The arrival of Yue Qingran didn't make me feel much relaxed at all.

This thing came to an end perfectly.Yue Qingran went out every day under Qianye Shangxie's sad and sad eyes, as if she had already paid to help Yue Jiqiu with errands.

Then he leisurely read a book in the study, and when it was evening, Yue Qingran went back exhausted.Don't get me wrong, it's really exhausting, and reading is also a very hard thing.

Qianye Shangxie never saw it again, and would scold Yue Jiqiu even worse.

After knowing for a long time, one day when they got together, they talked about this matter.Qianye Shangxie, who had become more mature, still spoke out about this matter with resentment towards Yue Jiqiu.

Yue Jiqiu looked at Qianye Shangxie with even more resentment, and said, "Yue Qingran comes to me every day just to go to the study to read, and then wait until dark before going back because she is too tired from reading."

Qianye Shangxie looked at Yue Qingran who was lying on his back with horror.Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows, she never denied it at all.

"You are just deceived by appearances, all kinds of acting that he likes most. You have been deceived and blamed me for so long. God, I am sad."

Yue Jiqiu was crying and howling and talking there.After Qianye Shangxie came to his senses, he said lovingly, "As long as it's done by my wife, it doesn't matter what you do. You deserve it, accept your fate."

So, this matter came to an end.

After staying leisurely for more than two months, Yue Qingran sadly touched her belly and sighed: "If I don't go out again, I will soon grow fat."

Qianye walked over with a wicked smile, and put his arms around Yue Qingran: "It's all right, I'm not afraid. We are hardworking and good young people." Yue Qingran glanced at someone behind him who was enjoying himself, with an angry expression on his face.

It took Yue Qingran more than three months to understand the comic book that attracted her attention.The main reason is that when she first read it, Yue Qingran didn't understand the words of this world at all.

Yue Qingran has learned traditional Chinese characters, but she didn't study for too long.It's just that there are a few that seem to be easier to identify, and I can recognize them.

For the rest, I can only rely on guesswork.More importantly, although this book cannot be said to be a pure comic book, the pictures and texts on the façade are vivid and full of style.

I know traditional characters myself, but this text looks like traditional characters, but it is not yet traditional characters.Because this character is written hundreds of years ago, it is not very easy to recognize.

It was because of this that it took Yue Qingran a long time to figure out what it meant.Yue Qingran worked hard to study this handwriting in the spirit of learning foreign languages.

Thinking of the foreign languages ​​that the students hated in the past, Yue Qingran felt that this was pretty good, at least she would study hard.

This period of time has passed, Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran had a leisure vacation, shouldn't it be time to think about Tang Aotian and Luo's two mines?
The Luo family is nothing to be afraid of, even if Tang Aotian intends to hook up with the Luo family, families like the Luo family cannot be hooked up casually.

Even though they were already in disarray, the elders of the Luo family still understood that this matter had turned around.At least, for Yue Qingran's sake, they were certain that Qianye's exorcism was just talk.

Qianye Shangxie naturally didn't know what they were thinking, so what if he knew?I have reasons to denounce the Luo family.It is enough to rely on the Luo family's disrespect for him several times.

Since they dare to challenge themselves, they must have the courage to withstand the storm.Those who dare to insult themselves, dare to provoke themselves, and dare to disrespect themselves, Qianye Shangxie will not let them go.

Never merciless, this, was given to him by that man.Qianye Shangxie would like to honor him as patriarch, but he would never admit that he is a father.

Even if he wasn't.But in Qianye Shangxie's life all these years, Qianye Shangxie only recognized that the other party was the patriarch.As the patriarch said, he will never be merciless to his enemies.

Never let go of anyone who provokes you.I would rather kill everyone than let everyone be here so that I can continue to insult myself.

A hint of sternness flashed in Qianye Shangxie's eyes.Yue Qingran saw it, without any expression of surprise or surprise.

"Why, what do you want to use as a reason to denounce the Luo family?" Qianye Shangxie turned his head and looked at Yue Qingran. "I'm going to use them to insult myself first, and secondly to insult my teacher. How?"

Yue Qingran smiled: "Teacher? Who is your master? Ge Xingkong knows he will be angry." Qianye Shangxie shook his head, raised his finger and shook his head: "No, no."

Seeing Yue Qingran's disbelieving eyes, the evil god Qianye said mysteriously: "If Ge Xingkong knows that the other party is an ancient spirit beast, if he is a giant turtle spirit, Ge Xingkong will definitely visit him."

"Especially, if Ge Xingkong knows that I am friendly with him again, then he will definitely do everything possible to make me apprentice. Even if I don't apprentice, Ge Xingkong will personally apprentice."

"At that time, it wasn't as simple as being a teacher, maybe he became my master..." Yue Qingran suddenly realized.That's right, Ge Xingkong has been pursuing the peak of spiritual power all his life, if he had known that there was such a person, he would definitely come to visit.

If he knew that such a person died like this, he would definitely be angry, right?Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Qianye Shangxie to say this.Indeed, the Luo family offended Qianye Shangxie because they had eyes but no eyes.

Qianye Shangxie was angry, so Yue Qingran would naturally be angry too.Qianye Shangxie shook his head, looked at the anger and sadness in Yue Qingran's eyes, and hugged Yue Qingran.

"Okay, the matter has passed, and this incident is not a bad thing for seniors. At least, seniors saw them earlier, those who have been waiting for them for so long."

Yue Qingran broke away from Qianye Shangxie's embrace, and roared in a low voice: "But, the death of senior is so painful. The pain of being separated from the shell, the pain of being boiled, is really such a simple sentence." Can it be resisted?"

Qianye Shangxie sighed faintly: "So, this is also a reason to denounce the Luo family. However, as long as I have a reason alone, it is enough. Others, just know it yourself, seniors don't want to be punished by others. Know."

"Especially, seniors will be unhappy if they become famous after death. It doesn't have any practical meaning." After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking lightly, he rubbed the center of his brows as he looked at Yijin who was in a dead-headed Yue Qingran.

"Qingran, don't go into a dead end, why don't you change your thinking when you think like this?" Yue Qingran, who was already slightly manic, walked around like a trapped animal.

"Okay, that's it, that's it. I will let Bailitang announce that the Patriarch of the Qianye family has been insulted. For this reason, various denunciations and challenges will be made against the Luo family."

Yue Qingran remained silent, looked at the ground, and after a while said, "Senior will be very happy when he finds out. Anyone who hurts it will be punished, no one is an exception."

"Regardless of Qian's attitude towards this information, I will seek justice for it." After Yue Qingran finished speaking, she sat down on the ground.

Qianye was startled by the evil spirit.Quickly picked up Yue Qingran and sat on the stone chair, looking down at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran closed her eyes, looking a little fragile.

"Qingran? Are you okay?" Yue Qingran chattered her eyes, not wanting to open them.Seeing Yue Qingran like this, Qianye Shangxie was relieved.Yue Qingran's appearance is probably because she is not reconciled, right?

"Obviously, we always have to look forward. Senior will be very relieved to know that you do this. But he certainly doesn't want you to take this matter too seriously. We just do it normally, don't do something special What. Okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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