Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 255 One Breaking News

Chapter 255 Breaking news one by one

If you want to say why Qianye was angry because of the evil spirit, you have to talk about this matter a few days ago.

A few days ago, these people arrived at the Luo family, and the head of the Luo family sent a post, inviting heroes from all walks of life to come.Before Qianye became evil, he had a conversation with the Luo family once, but this time he received the invitation, so he didn't intend to go there.

But at this time, the Luo family made another statement.It can be regarded as a response to the challenge that Qianye notified to the countries before the evil.The arrival of these heroes is just to witness and ensure that nothing will happen to the Luo family.

Qianye Shangxie was naturally furious after receiving the news.

Before that, Qianye Shangxie challenged the Luo family on the pretext of bullying and insulting the head of the Qianye family.The Luo family responded with another breaking news for everyone.

"Yue Qingran is a descendant of my Luo family. It is disloyal for Yue Qingran to encourage Qianye to go evil. Secondly, Yue Qingran killed his father and mother, which is not filial."

For the Luo family's change, it was too fast, and it was too defenseless.If you don't check for a while, let the other party catch the loophole.

What is the relationship between Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie? It has been a sensation for so long, and it should have been known long ago.Now that these things are actually announced at this time, it can only be said that the Patriarch of the Luo family changed his mind too quickly, which caught people off guard.

Such news is not good for Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran herself didn't know what was going on.It can be said that the mother's death had nothing to do with Yue Qingran.

However, the Luo family's verbal skills can definitely be said to be alive, so Yue Qingran can't argue with it.What's more, in a sense, Yue Qingran did indirectly kill her mother.

Now that these things are happening, many people have chosen to sit on the sidelines.No matter how this matter is handled, it will be a test for the Qianye family, the Luo family, and the Yue family.

The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.If the Yuezhi and the Qianye family join forces, then the Luo family will undoubtedly lose.But if the Luo family announced these things at this time, then it would be a different matter.

Qianye Shangxie was deeply aware of the urgency of the current situation and could not tolerate any mistakes, so when Yue Qingran was unearthed of these scandals, he became furious.

Especially when knowing that Yueqing people have never done anything at all, there is a feeling of being indistinguishable.

Qianye Shangxie was annoyed, Qianye Shangxie was angry, but this kind of thing still happened.When Qianye Shangxie had no time to stop it, it flew towards everyone's ears as if it had grown wings.

When Qianye Shangxie wanted to stop it, the news had already been blocked by everyone in the Luo family.Even if you want to go there to verify it now, everyone's answer is the same.

Everyone admitted that Yue Qingran was from the Luo family, everyone admitted that they knew about Yue Qingran's murder of his father, and everyone admitted that Yue Qingran's mother died because of Yue Qingran.

The head of the Chihan Empire heard this news, as did Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Xiao brothers and sisters.Tang Aotian heard it, and the Lord of Guihai also heard it.Moon Season and Autumn also knew about it.

All attitudes are different.The Lord Chihan held the attitude of watching the fire from the other side, and didn't want to be burdened with the Qianye family.Shangguanming wished he could find Yue Qingran as soon as possible to comfort her.

Shangguan Xiao gloated.

Tang Aotian and Qianyexi felt that the opportunity had come, and began to make new plans.Like Qianye Shangxie, Yue Jiqiu was furious.Because they knew what Yue Qingran's previous living environment was like.

Guihai Country is probably the most different.

After the Lord of Guihai Kingdom heard the news, he immediately put down all the work in his hand and went to find Yue Qingran.The ministers of the whole country are very puzzled, why the head of Guihai country would go to find a controversial girl at such a critical moment.

But the ministers have no right to interfere with the affairs of the sovereign.The country wants to do this, and they can only fully support it.Therefore, the king of Guihai is in power and takes over the power on his behalf.As for the king, he had already rushed over overnight.

The shocking news that Qianye Shangxie was the head of the Qianye family had just ended, and the news that Yue Qingran was the heir of the Luo family was exposed again.It's not easy. The news turmoil has passed, and the news of Yue Qingran killing his father has been spread again.

Just when everyone thought that their resistance could be improved again and again, the Lord of Guihai came.

Yue Jiqiu heard that the Lord of Guihai Kingdom had arrived at the Luo Family of the Chihan Empire, so he quickly followed.Although the lord of Guihai Kingdom is his ally, his attitude towards Yue Qingran is very unusual. In order to prevent any accidents from happening, Yue Jiqiu also followed.

When the Chihan Empire lord heard that these two lords had come, how could he have any reason not to go?So simply, the three lords gathered together again in the Luo family.

But this time, the arrival of the Lord of Guihai brought another sensational news.

Yue Qingran really had nothing to do for a few days.There is nothing to do even with Qianye.Yue Qingran is now controversial as soon as she goes out.

Many people actually rely on their faces to see if they look like the kind of person who kills without blinking an eye, and they can tell if they are the kind of person who kills their relatives by looking at their faces.

Yue Qingran was really helpless.In such a situation, what can I do?I can only stay at home honestly and don't go out for a walk.

"What? Now that you know how to be a good student? Don't think that the Luo family can really recognize you as a daughter. You are just a pawn and worth using."

Luo Qingqing is so proud now, she came to Yue Qingran's room, raised her chin, and looked at Yue Qingran with a proud face, her nostrils turned to the sky.

Yue Qingran blinked, was it because she was too kind recently that they all forgot what kind of identity she was?He is really like the outside said, killing people without blinking an eye, but they are still close to him?

It's not just to humiliate me, is it?Yue Qingran thought to herself for a while, then sat and drank tea calmly.

During this period of time, it can be regarded as a rare leisure time. Yue Qingran soaked all the good tea collected by Luo's family and drank it.Take a taste, smack your lips, "Good tea, good tea. The Luo family is rich and powerful, and they have such good tea."

Then, she looked up at Luo Qingqing: "By the way, do you have mint at home? I want to drink mint." Mint, Yue Qingran looked after it, it was a good thing.

Tea is delicious to drink, chewing is also delicious, full of fragrance, refreshing, essential things for home travel.

"You! We didn't ask you to come here to drink tea." Luo Qingqing pointed at Yue Qingran's nose angrily.Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows: "Have you misunderstood? Now I am not a pawn, but you need to rely on me to stop Qianye Shangxie's revenge."

Luo Qingqing's face was bluish and red, she stomped her feet, bit her lip, and looked at Yue Qingran unwillingly. "What do you think you are good for? Now that you are being said so badly, Brother Qianye will definitely not like you anymore."

Yue Qingran sneered: "If Qianye Shangxie doesn't like me just because of this, then I'm afraid, the relationship between us will not be as good as it is now. Then he is not worth my promise."

"If he's doing it for my identity and status, then there's absolutely no need to make a promise for the rest of my life. You know, Qianye Shangxie attaches great importance to promises, and if he breaks them, he will end it on his own."

Yue Qingran didn't intentionally provoke the child, but only told the truth.Qianye Shangxie attaches great importance to all this and cherishes everything.He cherishes every time together with Yue Qingran, because that is Yue Qingran.

If it was someone else, I am afraid that Qianye Shangxie would not have so much patience.

Yue Qingran looked as if it should be taken for granted, after saying these words, Qianye Shangxie came in.Yue Qingran looked at Qianye Shangxie, and then at Luo Qingqing, a little suspicious that Qianye Shangxie had actually been outside for a long time.

Luo Qingqing bit her lip, stomped her feet and ran out. "What are you talking about me?" Qianye Shangxie came in because he didn't know.

Yue Qingran shook her head, smiled and said nothing. "Is there any mint? If so, I will cook myself at night, so that you can always smell mint."

"Mint? What is that?" Yue Qingran was taken aback, no, she saw mint in the records, it is impossible for her to disappear now.

Before he could say anything, Yue Jiqiu's voice came from outside. "The rose is here?" Yue Qingran walked out with a face full of surprise.Sure enough, it was the rose season and autumn, and the Lord of Guihai Kingdom came with him.

Nodding, several lords are gathered together.Seeing so many people around, especially many people from the Luo family, the Lord of Guihai Kingdom shouted to Ziyue, "Daughter, my dear daughter."

Yue Qingran paused and looked back.Could it be that Liu Siran is also here?Isn't Liu Siran gone?The Lord of Guihai Kingdom came to Yue Qingran's side and hugged Yue Qingran.

Not only Yue Qingran, but also Qianye Shangxie and Yue Jiqiu were dumbfounded by this move.What's happening here?Neither Qianye Shangxie nor Yue Jiqiu knew that the leader of Guihai Kingdom would do this to help Yue Qingran out of the siege.

Qianye Shangxie took a step forward: "Thank you, don't act too much." The Lord of Guihai Kingdom wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and left Yue Qingran.

"What I said is true, Yue Qingran, you are my child of Haiguo. I am your father." The head of the Luo family resigned. "What nonsense are you talking about? Yue Qingran belongs to our Luo family."

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom didn't care, and smiled a little: "Your mother is a very great person." Everyone doesn't understand, so what is this all about?Whose flesh and blood is Yue Qingran?
Qianye Shangxie looked at the leader of Guihai Kingdom with some doubts, he didn't seem to be acting, it seemed that this matter was real.If this matter is true, then the Luo family has no reason or excuse.

The Lord of Guihai Kingdom took a deep breath: "Originally, I wanted to meet you later, but now, in order to prevent other things from happening, I'd better meet you in advance. My dear child, let you suffered."

Yue Qingran was still in the fog, just trying to figure out what was going on.In the end, whose child am I? Why do I get dizzy after playing around?

The arrival of the Lord of Guihai Kingdom brought another explosive news, which directly scared everyone including Yue Qingrana and Qianye Shangxie.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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