Chapter 258
It's raining again and again, who God is complaining about is no longer their concern.A group of people, not by the stove, eating meat and drinking wine, are very happy.

Eat and drink well, what should you do?But today the rain is a bit scary, so I can't do anything.This is the weather, it is more suitable for everyone to take back their hearts and deal with family affairs.

This is the case with Qianye Shangxie.Take it easy, read the family documents that Bailitang handed over, and deal with the difficult matters in the family.

Yue Qingran sat quietly by the side, watching Qianye Shangxie talking to Bailitang.Bailitang was better, standing on the side respectfully, Qianye Shangxie was different, Qianye Shangxie looked reluctant, and leaned there lazily.

Just deal with family affairs, can he kill him?Looking at this expression, those who know it are easy to handle, but those who don't know think it's something wrong.

Yue Qingran curled her lips and looked away.Yue Qingran, who was so absorbed in watching, naturally didn't know that when Qianye Shangxie was bowing his head, he would still stare at Yue Qingran for a long time from the corner of his eye.

"Young master, after you have dealt with these matters, you can leave naturally. But now, I'm afraid it's not possible." Bai Litang had a bitter face, Qianye Shangxie didn't handle business properly, and he was just a servant It's not easy to do.

"Okay, there's nothing to miss here. I'll leave tomorrow. I don't want to stay here anymore." Qianye Shangxie was dealing with family affairs, while thinking about leaving quickly.

In order to coax his young master to work quickly, Bailitang had no choice but to nod in agreement. "It's easy to talk, it's dealt with, and we'll leave tomorrow."

Qianye Shangxie gave a faint 'Yes' and continued writing what he was writing.

Just as Bailitang promised, he originally decided to leave the next day.But the weather is unpredictable.Early the next morning, before I packed my things and set off to go back, I met an unexpected guest.

"I'm looking for Yue Qingran." The prince's demeanor was fully displayed.Compared with two years ago, Shangguanming at this moment has undergone more training and looks more charming.

"Who are you? Yue Qingran was the one you asked to look for?" Naturally, the members of the Yue family did not know the prince.So what if we know each other?Completely ignore it.

What about the prince?Our Patriarch is the one you can find if you want?

Shangguan Ming paused, and moved his hands, as if he wanted to erase his embarrassment. "I'm Shangguan Ming, and I'm here to find Yue Qingran. Please help me convey it."

Only then did the Yueshi snorted, turned and left. "It's fine if you just say it clearly. It's like everyone owes you money. Where do you think your ability is?"

When Shangguan Ming heard this, he just smiled helplessly.Compared with two years ago, the more mature Shangguan Ming already understood that what he wants needs to be fought for by himself.

However, whether this can be achieved is another matter.

After all, Shangguan knew that he came too late.He showed up too late.At first, I thought that it was only two years, and I could still keep up with her pace.I just didn't expect that a lot of things could change in two years.

Yue Qingran was so attractive two years ago, what's more, he was also growing in two years.It became more attractive, but his eyes still stayed on Qianye Shangxie.

Yue Qingran's pride, everything about Yue Qingran is for that person called Qianye Shangxie.The relationship between the two of them, Shangguan Ming thought that this relationship could wait until he stepped in, but it turned out that he could not enter this relationship two years ago, and he could not enter it two years later.

Sighing, standing at the door, his figure looked so lonely.

Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows in surprise when she heard someone looking for her. "Who? Did you say your name?"

"It is said that a man named Shangguan Ming came to you to reminisce about the old days." Reminiscing about the past?Yue Qingran raised her eyebrows and remained calm.

Qianye Shangxie took a step forward: "What? Come here to see what, or what is there to talk about between you?" Yueqing spread his hands: "How do I know what he means?"

Qianye Shangxie paused, Yue Qingran obviously didn't know what was going on, if that was the case, everything would be easy, wouldn't it?If you look at Yue Qingran too much, the consequences will not be good.

"Forget it, let's play for a day before we leave. You guys can catch up on the old days." Yue Qingran shrugged her shoulders and didn't care.

Qianye Shangxie went to drink in his own room.Yue Qingran went to the reception hall and waited quietly for the arrival of Shangguan Ming.As soon as Shangguan Mian came in, he saw Yue Qingran who was drinking tea with a calm face.

It is still so beautiful, and the lingering breath is still enough to make people addicted to it.

"I..." Shangguan Ming suddenly didn't know what to say.say what?Yue Qingran's attitude towards herself couldn't be more obvious, what can she say in this situation?
Suddenly I had nothing to say, and suddenly I became annoyed, why didn't I figure it out before I came back.

Could Yue Qingran's relationship with Qianye Shangxie be meddled at will?
"What's the matter?" Yue Qingran said in a complaining tone, "We were planning to leave, but because you showed up, we had to delay our trip." Such words.

But thinking about it later, it only made him waste time here even more.Based on what I knew about Shangguan Ming in just a few days, if I said this, Shangguan Ming would definitely sit here awkwardly, hesitating to speak.

If this is the case, it may be impossible for Yue Qingran to end this reception in a short time.

Therefore, Yue Qingran might as well just keep silent and give the other party enough time to think clearly about what to say to herself and how to say it.

Sure enough, Shangguan Ming understood it, and opened his mouth: "Yue Qingran, after two years, I have become very mature and capable, can you, give me a chance... let me, let me I……"

Although the latter words were not uttered, Yue Qingran had guessed them through her flushed cheeks and the meaning of the name of the mountain.

Yue Qingran shook her head: "Shangguan Ming, when did you become so naive? Or, you are emotional to me, but because I was bullied by your sister when I was still weak?"

"In your cognition, does the weak need to receive sympathy and attention? That's why you pay more attention to me, causing your current distorted thinking?"

Yue Qingran shook her head, she didn't want to see such Shangguanming.

Shangguan Ming raised his eyes, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.Is it really?
At first, he paid attention to Yue Qingran because he was bullied by his sister.In my own impression, as a strong man, as a son of a nobleman, he should not bully the weak.

We must have absolute sympathy and compassion for the weak, and we must have a compassionate heart.Therefore, the appearance of Yue Qingran can completely allow me to practice him.

So, Shangguanming began to help Yue Qingran unknowingly, so that he would not be subject to his sister's ups and downs.Later, the relationship deteriorated.I don't know when it started, Shangguanming paid more and more attention to Yue Qingran.

Only then did I realize that, in fact, Yue Qingran is not that weak at all, but everyone thinks so, so they regard it as a weak person that should be taken for granted.

In fact, Yue Qingran only seems to have good spiritual power, but in other aspects, he has his own set of ideas.Do everything methodically.On the surface, it seems that Shangguan Xiao is the one who bullies others, but in fact, Yue Qingran has already defeated Shangguan Xiao unconsciously.

That is to say, because he has more knowledge about Yue Qingran, Shangguanming wants to go into Yue Qingran's heart more and more, and know more about Yue Qingran.

I want to see what the unknown Yue Qingran looks like.Why would he let himself be moved.

Two years later, when I saw Yue Qingran again, Yue Qingran was no longer a weak person, but the heartbeat, the feeling of wanting to pay attention to the opponent and let the other party pay attention to herself did not diminish.

Shangguanming can be sure that he is in love with Yue Qingran.It's just that it's too late to be emotional at this time?
Yue Qingran watched Shangguan Ming's face change from good to bad, and knew that he must be thinking about what kind of status he was to him when he fell to the ground.

Looking at his face, I'm afraid he wants to understand his position, right?It's definitely not like what he said, maybe he is still immersed in sympathy for the weak and can't extricate himself.

Shangguanming seemed to have made up his mind, and looked up at Yue Qingran.Yue Qingran's heart trembled, for Shangguan Ming's firm eyes, Yue Qingran suddenly had a bad feeling.


Shangguan Ming raised his eyes and said firmly: "Perhaps, at first I paid attention to you because you were weak, and I wanted to protect the weak, because I was so compassionate at that moment. But later, I found that you are not what I imagined. Such weaklings."

Taking a deep breath, she made up her mind to speak clearly with Yue Qingran.

"So, my attention to you began to weaken. Later, I found out that even if you are not weak, I still pay attention to you involuntarily. At that time, I didn't understand what these were for, until I saw you again two years later."

"The heartbeat at that moment is a kind of fast that I have never seen before. So, I am sure, I like you. I hope you can be with me."

"Maybe I was not sure enough to say this two years ago, but now, I am sure. I came to you for this purpose. I have figured out everything I want, and I have to fight for it myself."

Yue Qingran rubbed the center of her brows, feeling a little headache. "But, you know very well that my eyes never stayed on you two years ago, so it will be the same two years later."

Shangguan Ming nodded: "Yes, I know. But, I just hope you can understand my heart and my thoughts. Maybe one day, you will think that I am very good. Yue Qingran, I will always Wait for you."

Such firm eyes, such firm eyes, made Yue Qingran not know what to say.Qianye Shangxie is his favorite, no matter what, it is Qianye Shangxie's priority.

Yue Qingran said distressedly: "However, you may never have a chance and you are sure. Qianye Shangxie is a good person, and I will always be by her side. As for you, I don't mind, you can be my ally." .”

(End of this chapter)

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