Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 259 Tang Aotian Is Still Human

Chapter 259 Tang Aotian Is Still Human
As for friends... Yue Qingran didn't dare to think too much about it.friend?It is too hypocritical to say this at the time of summary.Shangguanming also knew that if he couldn't be a lover, he might even struggle with his friends.

God knows how jealous Qianye is, if this kind of thing makes Qianye Shangxie come, don't talk about friends, I'm afraid we will meet again, because you are inside and I am outside.

Because one is inside the tomb and the other is outside the tomb.

Yue Qingran smiled wryly, and silently mourned for 3 minutes for the result she could think of.

Shangguanming smiled wryly: "If we can't be lovers, can we even be friends? Yue Qingran, even if you can't be my princess, I think we can still be good friends who talk about everything. After all, You have seen the most embarrassing side of me."

The most embarrassing thing is being rejected on this occasion, right?Yue Qingran saw the most embarrassing side, and it's not bad to be friends.Unfortunately……

"If you don't want to die, you'd better stay away from me." Yue Qingran knew very well that if she became friends with a person of the opposite sex, even though Qianye Shangxie didn't say anything about it, she would definitely mind. .

What's more, if you become friends with someone who has pursued you before, there is no guarantee that he will treat you again that day.Yue Qingran doesn't want this kind of thing to happen to her.

Qianye Shangxie walked over and saw Yue Qingran and Shangguan Ming sitting together, he was stunned for a moment.Then, she walked in with her mouth pursed and her hands behind her back, and sat next to Yue Qingran.

Although he didn't say a word, but in this picture of the first year, anyone who looks at it will feel a little heartbroken, right?Especially, staring at you faintly, anyone who looks at it will find it scary.

Although Shangguan Ming was not someone who would wait for nothing, it was still unavoidable that he was a little frightened when Qianye Shangxie looked at him like this.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me I don't even have the right to talk to Yue Qingran?" After Shangguan Ming finished speaking, he felt that he seemed to have made a mistake.So he changed his words: "Yue Qingran is under your control, don't you have the right to talk to others? If that's the case, what's the difference between you and raising a puppet?"

Yue Qingran's face turned dark.Qianye Shangxie pursed his lips, he also knew it was wrong to do so.It's just that one's own confession and being told by others are completely two reasons.

"How I do it is my own business. Yueqing is my person, so naturally she can't mess around with women at will. Especially with someone like you, she can't touch at will."

"As for what I do, it's entirely my problem. Yue Qingran is willing for me to treat her like this. This proves that I am still very possessive of him."

The corner of Yue Qingran's mouth twitched, in this situation, can he not speak?God knows, I really don't like this damn possessiveness.However, as a human being, you can't be greedy.

Taking advantage of Qianye Shangxie's indoctrination to himself, to put it another way, it means that Qianye Shangxie still feels that he is attractive, and he will have some sense of crisis.

If there is no sense of crisis, it would be meaningless, right?

Yue Qingran raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction, thinking about it, her mood really improved a lot.

Seeing Yue Qingran smiled, Shangguan knew he had lost.If Yue Qingran felt angry or otherwise after hearing these words, and the two of them quarreled, she would still have a chance.

It's just that they didn't expect that the relationship between Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie had reached such a point that no one could cut off the relationship between them.

Therefore, seeing Yue Qingran's smile, Shangguan Ming knew that even if he was being controlled, Yue Qingran was willing to do so without any dissatisfaction.

If so, then you are being self-indulgent.In fact, I have no right to destroy the relationship between them at all.

"If you have nothing else to do, then hurry up and leave. You were supposed to leave today, but it turned out to be a little late, and someone came to bother you."

Already looking pointedly at Shangguanming, Qianye Shangxie complained dissatisfied.

Naturally, it was impossible for Shangguan Ming to let Qianye Shangxie get what he wanted. "Are you going? Where are you going?" Yue Qingran was stunned for a moment, then replied: "We will meet the Sun Empire."

Shangguan Ming laughed, which made people panic. "Can I go with you? I just have something to go to the Sun Empire."

Qianye Shangxie didn't even think about it: "No way, how is it possible, what's wrong with you going with me."

"Why can't I follow? You don't have confidence in yourself, right? You're afraid that Yue Qingran will leave with me, aren't you? Make it clear, you're actually afraid."

Shangguan Ming's provocative method was originally useless, but Yue Qingran tore Qianye Shangxie's clothes.Qianye Shangxie lowered his body tremblingly.Yue Qingran said to Qianye Shangxie: "Don't say you are afraid, tell Shangguan Ming, and tell him with practical actions that the relationship between us is not one-sided."

Qianye Shangxie was moved, so he said, "Who is afraid of you, I don't know how to climb. You can come if you want, anyway, it's you who will give up when the time comes."

Yue Qingran wouldn't admit it, she just wanted to see Qianye get jealous.

Therefore, Yue Qingran had a premonition that the journey would definitely be fun.

Sure enough, when they set off early the next morning, the two started various cold wars.But still please yourself.Needless to say, Qianye is evil, Yue Qingran understands the meaning of every movement and look.

Shangguan obviously lost a little bit in this matter.But it doesn't matter, after a day of coupling, Shangguanming also got to know Yue Qingran.

Thus, the two became a fair competition.Accommodation at night is also a problem.Yue Qingran had always lived with Qianye Shangxie, but this time, there was an extra Shangguan Ming watching over her.

Qianye Shangxie stared at him: "What does he do? We reluctantly agreed to you coming here. Can you still expect me to compete fairly with you? Don't forget, Yue Qingran is mine in the first place."

"I asked you to come here just to let you see the love between us. To put it bluntly, it's just to make you give up. Now, you see, we have a tacit understanding no matter whether we eat, drink or sleep."

"As for you, now you have two choices, or you can find the local tax by yourself, or you can stay with us, but you can choose a new room yourself. Le Qingran was originally mine, and it's okay for me to live with him."

"However, if you live with her, I'm afraid it won't make sense." Qianye Shangxie finished speaking in one breath, took the spoils and left downstairs, and went straight back to his bedroom.

The trophy was Yue Qingran, who was taken upstairs.Yue Qingran had a helpless expression on her face, but what Qianye Shangxie said was true.From the very beginning, the purpose of calling Shangguan Ming here was to make him give up, not to give him a chance to do something.

Therefore, there is no such thing as fairness at all.Because Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran were originally together.

Shangguan Ming stood aside with a sad face, watching the two of them go upstairs.

Bailitang looked left, looked again, and finally sighed helplessly: "Shangguanming, how about you choose a room yourself?" Shan Guanming came back to his senses, looked left and right: "Arrange one at random."

At this time, Shangguan Ming was no longer a prince.Even with the identity of the prince, it is useless to face these people.

With a sigh, Bailitang randomly arranged someone to live with Shangguan Ming.

Just kidding, it is naturally impossible for Bailitang to be with Shangguan Mingzhu in person, since he still has Bai Linger to take care of.

Shangguan Ming slept here all night, slowing down, Qianye Shangxie was always thinking of a victor, with a clear and proud look on his face.

As for Yue Qingran, she didn't look at Shangguanming, nor did she look at Qianye Shangxie, but it was that kind of relaxed, natural look that blinded people's eyes.

After Yue Qingrana and Qianye Shangxie went upstairs, they received a letter from Fei Ge.

It was sent in the autumn of the rose.He found a lot of chess pieces that Tang Aotian arranged in the Yaori Empire, but because he couldn't find out the location thoroughly, he couldn't clean them up at once.

Qianye Shangxie replied that Yue Jiqiu asked him to wait, Qianye Shangxie would go back in a few days, and he would do this in person after returning.

Then, Yue Jiqiu sent out a second letter to Feige.

"Yue Jiqiu said that it is possible that Tang Aotian is already inhuman?" Qianye Shangxie read out the content of the letter in confusion, his face full of confusion.

Yue Qingran blinked: "Look at what's said later."

Sure enough, there are words on the back. "Tang Aotian may be due to some reasons, or he has become obsessed, or he has taken some medicine, which has caused his temperament to change drastically, and he may even have become inhuman."

Yue Qingran translated the general meaning and muttered softly.He didn't raise his voice until he read the last sentence.

"What do you mean you might not be human anymore? Are you human?" Yue Qingran looked at the letter in confusion, and carefully read these few sentences.Just saying it's possible, so it's a guess.

But the so-called no longer a person must mean that the other party's personality has changed a lot, and he is absolutely crazy.But it must still be flesh and blood.

According to the definition given by humans, anyone who can use tools, has certain thoughts, and can speak is a human being.Therefore, Tang Aotian looks like a human being.

However, he was no longer his kind self.Well, he was never that kind.But now Tang Aotian must have changed his appearance, at least now this one may do all sorts of evil, it looks terrifying.

It is even possible that he lost his mind and went insane, and he had to eat human flesh from Santo or eat the blood of children raw, but he would do things that seemed more terrifying.

Yue Qingran finished reading the letter and looked at Qianye Shangxie: "No matter what, Tang Aotian is not right now, so we have to kill him before he becomes completely abnormal."

"I suspect that there must be a reason for him to do this." Yue Qingran has automatically and consciously imagined Tang Aotian's appearance.

But in fact, Tang Aotian is just because of the exercises he has been practicing recently, and some people who have been in him for a hundred years are not like ghosts or ghosts, and it is not that scary.

"Let's go back quickly, maybe Tang Aotian can be dealt with earlier, so that we will be much more stable. At least within 20 years, there will be no large-scale turmoil that requires our help."

After Qianye Shangxie finished speaking, he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Tomorrow we have to leave earlier, and we must return to the Sun Empire as soon as possible.Only when these things are resolved can we settle down.

(End of this chapter)

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