Concubine Chang Enchanting

Chapter 260 Pull Out Tang Aotian's Chess Piece

Chapter 260 Pull Out Tang Aotian's Chess Piece
The next day, when I got up early and left the room, I saw a few people sitting downstairs chatting friendlyly drinking morning tea. "Come out?" Bailitang said almost teasingly.

When Shangguanming saw these two people coming out together, his eyes were a little sad, but he still forced a smile and forced the two of them.It could be seen that he must not have slept well that night, and looked haggard.

But Yue Qingran is not a good man and a faithful woman. Although Shangguan Minghui has a direct relationship with him like this, Yue Qingran will not feel any guilt because of this.

"Come out. What is your expression? What do you think we have done?" Qianye Shangxie held Yue Qingran in his arms, walked down the stairs without any hesitation, and scanned the crowd openly.

Bai Litang was glanced at, shrunk his neck in embarrassment, touched the back of his head and laughed awkwardly, waited to widen his eyes, and looked away innocently.

"Tang Aotian seems to have changed. After we go back, we have to be careful about Tang Aotian. As for other things... The chess piece that Tang Aotian placed here has been turned over. Let's go back and deal with it."

Qianye said that he was playing without changing his face, and found a teacup at random and poured a cup of tea by himself. "Why don't you guys have breakfast?" Ignoring everyone's shocked expressions, Qianye Shangxie was a little puzzled by the fact that there was no breakfast on the dinner table.

"Why didn't he solve it by himself? This kind of thing needs our help?" Bai Litang was very puzzled. Maybe people from the Yuezhi can do such a simple thing?
Shrugging his shoulders, he glanced at Yue Qingran: "Then who knows? We are only responsible for going there to help solve this matter. By the way, look for clues and see how they contacted Tang Aotian."

Qianye Shangxie was thinking that if he could get rid of the dark chess, he would be able to find Tang Aotian's whereabouts by the way. In this case, it would be good to be able to wipe them out in one fell swoop. Even if they couldn't, they would find a place to hide in embarrassment.

Yue Qingran's eyes rolled around, and when she saw the waiter walking over with a big plate, her eyes lit up.I've been hungry all night, so I can eat something like breakfast.

Bailitang and the others were still talking about something, Yue Qingran was not interested in listening.Anyway, the issues they discussed were all discussed in depth last night.Qianye Shangxie was only responsible for conveying the order, not a discussion, but an order.

I found a remote corner and sat down, drinking porridge and eating side dishes.The food was delicious, and suddenly his eyes went dark.He raised his eyes, and when he found Shangguan Ming, he continued to eat without raising his head.

Shangguanming just found that he couldn't participate in the discussion, so he wanted to find out where Yue Qingran was.Unexpectedly, he saw Yue Qingran eating by himself in the corner, and walked over involuntarily.

Yue Qingran just raised his eyes to look at himself, and then continued to eat, which made Shangguan Ming feel a little dumbfounded. "You...don't look up?"

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to ask what he wanted to ask.Just curious, why didn't Yue Qingran put down her chopsticks and look up at herself?Is it because I don't want to watch it, or something else?
What else, Shangguan Ming thought, could it be because he is very familiar with him, so he doesn't care?But Shangguan Ming just thought about it, but he didn't dare to look forward to it.

Yue Qingran swallowed the last bite of the side dish, put down the chopsticks, and raised his head leisurely, "What do you want to ask? Or, is there anything else?" Shangguan Ming smiled wryly. He didn't hear his own question, did he?

It doesn't matter if you didn't hear me, such a silly question is not my style.

Who knows, Yue Qingran paused after asking the question, and replied: "As for your question just now..." After thinking about it carefully, he said seriously: "Because... I think since you can walk with us, then naturally you can be trusted Since you can trust me, you don't care whether I eat first or see you first, right?"

For a moment, Shangguanming's heartbeat was frighteningly fast.Hearing Yue Qingran say this, even though she knew that Yue Qingran didn't mean it, she still felt her heart beating very fast.

Even if there is no more gap between them, but Yue Qingran can put her house, ah, in a position that she can't even imagine, this is something to be excited about.

Then, Yue Qingran looked at Shangguan Ming who was sitting in front of her, because the corners of her mouth were almost grinning to her ears, and Shangguan Ming, who was smiling like a fool, couldn't understand.Sure enough, he doesn't understand his world?
This is obviously the person who will be the leader of the country in the future, and his thinking is different from everyone else's.

Qianye Shangxie had probably finished talking here, and they all sat at the edge of several tables centered on themselves.Yue Qingran looked to the left, looked again, and then looked at the person in front of him who was smiling like a fool, Yuzu Ezhou was gone.

Qianye Shangxie came over unhappily: "What are you laughing at, kid? Hurry up and eat, and I'll send you on your way after eating." With this sentence, everyone shuddered unanimously.

Boss, you can't send him on the road just because someone said something to your wife...

When the sun was rising, they had already reached the territory of the Sun Empire.If there is no accident, if you hurry up, you will be able to reach the capital three hours after dark at night.

Since it was three hours after dark, the sky was completely dark after calculation, so everyone did the calculations and felt that there was no need to hurry like the first day, so they all slowed down by coincidence.

After dark, I found an inn to live in, and was sent by Fei Ge again.This time, Yue Jiqiu simply drew the distribution of all chess pieces.

Qianye Shangxie took a look and raised his eyebrows: "How many seem to be around here? If we look at it this way, we can consider getting rid of them on the way, lest they do other things.

"You're not looking for Tang Aotian anymore?" Yue Qingran turned her head, looking at the letter in Qianye Shangxie's hand, the distribution pattern on the letter was very clear.As they walked along the way, there were a few places where more or less people belonged to Tang Aotian.

Qianye Shangxie hesitated for a moment: "Qingran, you said we killed all its people, would he be angry? Then will he show up on his own initiative?"

Yue Qingran sighed, Qianye Shangxie was right.He just didn't want to come again.If it is solved in this way, it will save finding Rose and Qiuzai and being discharged.

"Okay then, go to Bailitang and find all the aggressive ones. Let's get rid of the people in this place first at night." Qianye smiled when he was approved of the evil idea.

I recorded the letter in my mind, put it on the candle and burned it.Yue Qingran watched as Qianye Shangxie went to find someone else, and continued with a sigh.Tang Aotian?I really don't have much impression of him.

It's just that such a person, but with such painstaking efforts, really makes people feel that he is twisted and perverted to a certain extent.Being too attached is not good.

Yue Qingran shook her head, and sat on the side drinking tea.As soon as the tea was in his mouth, Qianye Shangxie brought the people back.When Yue Qingran saw the person, she took a sip of tea.

"Why did he follow?" Yue Qingran pointed at Shangguan Ming.My God, this is the future ruler of the country. If the three countries want to do well, they must make good use of it and please Shangguan Ming.

But now, should Shangguan Ming do anything about the Yaori Empire himself?In this way, the Yaori Empire owes the Chihan Empire something in the future.

Qianye Shangxie shrugged: "He wants it himself." Yue Qingran patted the table, stood up, and walked over: "No, I don't agree with Shangguan Ming to follow."

Shangguan Ming's eyes darkened for a moment, and there seemed to be a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Why?" Yue Qingran spoke out her concerns without even thinking about it. "You can't let the Sun Empire owe you in the future."

Shangguan Ming thought for a while: "I did it voluntarily." Yue Qingran shook his head firmly: "That's not okay either, this matter is about Yueshi and Qianye's family, and has nothing to do with you."

Shangguan Ming's face was a bit ugly, and his face was pale: "Okay then, I'll go back to sleep." He staggered and walked back.Yue Qingran didn't feel too much guilt, seeing that the number of people was about the same, she clapped her hands and told them to act.

Sneak in silently and kill a few people in just a few minutes.But those who were unlucky were warned by someone, so more people ran out.

After fighting bloody battles, when he came out again, it was already half an hour later.The entire house was completely devastated.The pawn in this place, get rid of it!
In the next two days, Bailitang brought others back to Yue Jiqiu's other courtyard to meet with Yue Jiqiu, while Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran led some people to continue this kind of assassination and open killing.

Two days later, the Yaori Empire led by Yue Jiqiu and all Tang Aotian's chess pieces will be eradicated!Yue Qingrana and Qianye Shangxie looked at each other, made gestures of victory, and high-fived each other.

During this period, Shangguanming stayed by their side as a trash.Speaking of which, you're still a little bit reconciled, right?Seeing their tacit cooperation, Shangguan Ming was not reconciled.

He didn't go back with Bailitang, but followed them, letting the jealousy in his heart burn him, make him crazy, let himself fall.

For this, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie saw it, but they didn't think about what to do.

Tang Aotian's chess piece was completely removed, Yue Qingran and Qianye Shangxie seemed relaxed.He rushed back overnight, and at dawn, he had already entered the other courtyard.

The purpose of Shangguan Ming's coming here is to temporarily seek advice from his family as a prince for ten years.As for friendship for 50 years and 100 years, all of these have to wait until my father gives up the position to me.

Yue Jiqiu was naturally very happy about this. After exchanging a certain amount of products and gold and silver, the transaction was considered a complete success.

Originally, the transaction was successful, and Shangguan Ming should have stayed here for a few days to appreciate the local conditions and customs before leaving.However, Shangguan Ming is really a freak, he has tasted the customs here, but he has no intention of leaving.

A prince, in his own territory, anyone would feel a little pressure, right?Shangguanming was almost masochistic, relying on Qianye Shangxie and Yue Qingran.

Looking sad and resentful, he looked at the love between the two of them as if no one else was there.Bai Litang looked at the strange atmosphere among the three people speechlessly, and felt that Shangguan Ming was a person with a typical human personality—cheesy!

Human beings always have a group of typical people, and they all have a character called "cheap" in their bones.Shangguan Ming happened to be a typical example of that.

But it's also true, the humblest person is invincible, Shangguan Ming is willing, so let him be happy.It's just that Yue Jiqiu's heart is trembling a little.After all, he is a prince, and he has to bear the responsibility if something happens.

(End of this chapter)

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