The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 121 I Don't Have a Girlfriend Yet

Chapter 121 I Don't Have a Girlfriend Yet

What on earth does the corpse king Tatar want to do?
I saw the corpse king Tatar sighed, and said with a wry smile, "Lost, the outside world is too terrifying, and the hope of helping Dayuan is too slim. Both my father and your uncle were wrong, which caused you to fall to this point. Now It's time to atone for my king's mistakes."

The corpse king Tatar stepped forward, his body was full of corpse energy, and he seemed to be generous to die.

Ye Li was lost and stood stiffly on the spot, she didn't know how to speak for a while, her whole head was buzzing, her heart was mixed with mixed feelings, and the blood and tears in her eyes couldn't help but flow down wildly.

After all, she still has feelings for Tatar, and the love between father and daughter is so deep that it can be cut off just by cutting it off.

"Father, don't trust them, they will never let us go, I saw with my own eyes that the three thousand corpse soldiers in the front hall were culled, and they are going to drive us all to death, don't you..."

The corpse king Tatar simply ignored Ye Limi's obstruction, he seemed to have already made up his mind.

I saw him walking towards the center of the apse step by step, the aura of the corpse danced like countless tentacles, which was dazzling.

Just when everyone thought that the corpse king Tatar was going to commit suicide.

A loud noise exploded out of thin air, and the corpse king Tatar finally made his move.

The corpse king, wrapped in the aura of a century-old corpse, turned into afterimages and went straight to the enemy camp.

The corpse energy danced and turned into a ferocious giant hand, grabbing Ye Limi, rescued her from the goblin army, and pulled her back to the group of corpses.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and by the time the Goblin army division reacted, the corpse king had already rushed into the army.

"Ye Li's lineage, follow me to fight! Fight! Fight!"

The corpse king yelled again and again, and the corpse's aura surged, instantly shaking several goblin heavy armored infantry beside him into minced meat. Hit hard to resist.

"Not good! The level of the enemy is too high!" The goblin army commander exclaimed, and immediately ordered the goblin army to form a semi-defensive formation to delay the time as much as possible. At the same time, he ordered the goblin assassin to quickly go to the front hall to seek Army support.

In the eyes of the goblin army master, if the three thousand goblins in the back hall could not destroy the corpse king, he would not believe that the seven thousand goblin army in the front hall could not kill a corpse king.

As the corpse king Tatar kicked off the battle, the zombies of Yeli's lineage roared and rushed forward. Although they were only members of the corpse king's family and had average combat power, under the leadership of the corpse king, they played far and wide. Extraordinarily powerful combat power.

For a moment, the corpse king and a dozen of his family members took advantage of the narrow space in the apse to firmly hold down the goblin army.

One goblin fell, and another goblin went up, facing the attack and tearing of the corpse king and zombies.

They are all summoned objects from other worlds, with absolute execution power and the courage to fear death.

The order they got was to work hard and consume as much power as possible from the corpse king.

A goblin heavy armored infantryman was chopped off by the corpse king's sharp sword, but he still struggled bravely from the ground, hugged the corpse king's calf tightly, and restricted the corpse king's movements.

At the same time, several goblins raised their huge axes and slashed at the corpse king fiercely. When the giant axes fell, they were stopped by the corpse aura before they touched the corpse king's body.

Following the corpse king's strike and slash, several goblins died on the spot.

Such scenes happen all the time in the apse.

If it weren't for the goblin's body turning into starlight and returning to another world after his death, this apse might have already been reduced to a goblin's tomb.

The scuffle is still going on.

The only person in the apse who did not participate in the battle was Hua Yingjun.

I saw Hua Yingjun behind a stone sculpture, carefully avoiding the attention of zombies and goblins.

In Hua Yingjun's view, neither zombies nor goblins are his teammates. He is like a tiny leaf caught between two vortexes.

Therefore, he wanted to find an opportunity to escape from the apse as soon as possible while the melee between the two sides, followed the robbery hole of the Supreme Hall, and left the Yuan Tomb as soon as possible.

Soon, Hua Yingjun's opportunity came.

The two old zombies guarding him were pinned down by several goblin paladins, and they had no time to monitor his whereabouts.

Hua Yingjun's heart was ruthless, he aimed at the escape route, and ran away. The speed he burst out in an instant was even comparable to the world champion Bolt's [-]-meter sprint.

He only felt his heart beating wildly. If there were detection equipment, it would definitely detect that his hormones and adrenaline surged exponentially, and then transformed into the strength of his body, supporting him to escape and ascend to heaven.

Human potential is unlimited.

Even Hua Yingjun, who was pampered and pampered all day long, showed a performance far beyond ordinary people when he was dying.

Any quicker, and he'll be able to escape.

When he escapes, he must sleep in it for three days and three nights, and then go straight to Yancheng to teach Silence to be a man.

He will definitely go.

He swears!

Hua Yingjun broke through all the shackles, and in a blink of an eye, before everyone could react, he escaped from the apse alone.

Finally escaped.

He didn't dare to be careless, and continued to escape along the secret path, the secret path to leave the Yuan Tomb was at a corner of the Supreme Hall.

Climbing out from there is real life.

Hua Yingjun gasped heavily, and his breathing became more and more heavy. He didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he climbed out of the robbery hole with all his strength and saw the outside sun shining on his face.

But at this moment, several figures flashed to his side out of thin air, surrounding him.

Hua Yingjun didn't have the strength to distinguish between friends and foes, so he could only shout out with all his might.

"Help! I don't have a girlfriend yet... I don't want to die."

Several figures surrounding Hua Yingjun began to talk.

"Who is this idiot?"

"Looks like Hua Yingjun from Group 21?"

"He's not dead?"


"What about the next plan?"

"The three groups of us still need to plan to carry out the mission? Going down is just to fight!"

"Don't make trouble, monkey, listen to the boss."

Everyone looked at an extremely burly man with a scar on his face that cut off his right eye. He was silent for a few seconds.

"Save Hua Yingjun first, and when he wakes up, ask about the situation inside. Fellow Daoist said that the corpse king is terrifying, so it's best to be cautious."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, which was completely different from the usual task style of the three groups, but the boss had spoken, and they had no choice but to obey.

At the same time, they also understand that this mission is absolutely extraordinary.

Front hall.

Mo Mo commanded seven thousand goblin warriors, harvesting the lives of the corpse soldiers like a lawn mower.

These puppet-like corpse soldiers were easily torn to pieces in the face of the goblin army's crushing like thin paper.

Just as the number of corpse soldiers continued to drop sharply, it seemed that the end was almost clear.

A goblin guard hurried over to report.

"Report to the boss, the second general, the military division is fighting with the corpse king, please help quickly."

Mo Mo frowned, thinking inwardly, it's a confrontation so soon.

Taking a look, there are still about a hundred corpse soldiers that have not been wiped out. Silence did not dare to hesitate, and immediately ordered.

"Leave one hundred beast cavalry to deal with the remaining corpse soldiers, and the other goblins will rush to the apse with me to support the army division and kill the corpse king."


Nearly [-] goblin troops rushed towards the apse under the leadership of Shen Mo.

Next, of course, is the final contest between the 800-year corpse king and the goblin army of ten thousand people.

Is it the 800-year-old corpse king or the goblin army of ten thousand people?

Or is it that the praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind? !

(End of this chapter)

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