The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 122 Ant Duo Kills Elephant

Chapter 122 Ant Duo Kills Elephant

Under Shen Mo's command, the goblin beast cavalry and paladins passed through the narrow passage as the vanguard, followed by the heavy armored infantry.

But Silence soon ran into a problem.

What problem?
Have you experienced the high speed of May Day?

Have you ever experienced the thrill and excitement of a high-speed three-day three-night tour?
That's right!

Shen Mo actually experienced what is called a high-speed happy traffic jam in Yuan Tomb, but it was the goblin army that blocked him, not cars.

Although the beast cavalry can quickly pass through the narrow and secret passages, the heavy armored infantry cannot.

Silence looked at the army moving slowly like a snail, the black lines on his face getting thicker and thicker.

At this speed, when the [-] troops have all poured into the apse, regardless of whether the apse is pretending or not, even the time is absolutely not allowed.

Sixty minutes are fleeting, and there is no extra time for silence to be spent on the road of marching.

He frowned, and immediately called the goblin guards who had just sent the message, and asked.

"What are the teams of the three thousand goblins brought by the military division?"

"Report to the boss, Second General..."

"Call me General!"

"Yes, the boss, the Second General!"


Whatever you want, as long as you are happy.

"The soldiers brought by the military division are [-] goblin heavy armored infantry, [-] beast cavalry, and [-] archers."

Mo Mo thought for a while, and realized that the combat power configuration of the apse was obviously biased towards the defensive type. The Goblin Magic Support Group and the Goblin Artillery Team, which were responsible for the output of the army, were not recruited.

The battle situation in the apse obviously urgently needs our C position to appear.

As a result, Shen Mo immediately adjusted his plan. He ordered the goblin heavy armored infantry to quickly line up on both sides, make way for a ramp, and then retreat backwards to give the magic volunteers and the artillery team time and opportunity to pass quickly.

I saw the heavy armored infantry quickly stop, turn around, stand sideways against the wall, and retreat sideways like a crab. Although such a pace is funny, it gives us a ramp that is enough for them to pass quickly at position C.

"The magic support team and the artillery team listened to the order and rushed to the apse immediately to support the military division."

"As ordered!"

After silent adjustments, the marching speed of the army suddenly increased several times, and the strategic configuration was more optimized and complete.


"What kind of monster is this?!"

The original calm face of the Goblin Army Master became more and more serious as the corpse king Tatar kept slashing his sharp sword.

"If our goblin's level is ten, his level has definitely reached fifty, and may even reach one hundred."

The goblin military adviser exclaimed in disbelief, "How could the boss, the second general, have offended such a terrifying enemy?"

If it weren't for the military order, he would never provoke such a monster.

While speaking, several goblin warriors died tragically under the sword of the corpse king.

In just dozens of rounds, the number of goblin warriors killed by the corpse king was approaching [-].

What a terrifying number this is.

What made the goblin army commander even more desperate was that after sacrificing the lives of so many goblin warriors, even the corpse king's body protection body energy could not be broken, and only a very small amount of his body energy was consumed.

According to the fighting situation like this, even if the three thousand goblins in his hands are exhausted, it may not be able to break the corpse king's corpse aura.

"Why hasn't the boss's second general's reinforcements arrived yet? If he doesn't come, the old man will really die for General Nannan."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Only the sound of hurried footsteps came from the secret passage, and the clang of armor rubbing against each other could be heard endlessly. It was obvious that the silent reinforcements had arrived.

The goblin army division was overjoyed, and immediately ordered, "Our reinforcements have arrived, goblin heavy armored fighters, charge!"

Strange but extremely heroic roars came from the goblin heavy armored infantry regiment. The goblin warriors who were on the defensive were finally about to counterattack.

They immediately changed their formation and formed a cone-shaped sprinting formation, holding a pause in one hand and an ax in the other, stepping forward, plundering the small battle space in the apse inch by inch.

At the same time, the Goblin Paladins and the Beast Knights finally appeared. They drove the Silver Wolf and the Gray Wolf, and surrounded and killed the corpses from the left and right flanks respectively. Although the apse was narrow, it was enough for the Paladins and the Beast Knights to complete. Short-distance sprint, combined with heavy armored infantry to form a three-way encirclement.

The Goblin Magic Support Squad was naturally following the Beast Riding Squad.

Once they appeared, they held up their wands, cast their respective specializations, and threw them on the battlefield.

Strengthen magic!Advanced Power!Intermediate defense!Weakened pain perception!
Several kinds of positive attribute magic were thrown on our goblin warriors one after another.

Weaken the magic!weak!slow!

Three kinds of negative attribute magic crazily hit the enemy corpses.

As the enemy attacked us, the situation of the battle changed dramatically in an instant.

Under the leadership of the corpse king, the group of corpses, which were originally so powerful, were like eggplants beaten by frost, and their overall attributes dropped sharply.

And the morale of our goblin fighters became more and more high, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and their attributes doubled.

I saw a group of goblin beast cavalry rushing into the crowd of corpses. With a powerful and inertial sword, they easily tore apart a zombie's body protection and corpse aura, and chopped on his weakened corpse, revealing a terrifying wound with deep bone visible. .

The zombie howled, and just wanted to escape, but was chopped down by another beast cavalry, and was instantly submerged under the gray wolf's iron claws.

This kind of situation happened several times in just a few breaths, which caused the number of zombies that were not many to drop sharply.

The Corpse King Tatar naturally noticed the change in the battle situation, because he also had several negative attribute magics on his body, not only became dull and weak all over his body, but even the corpse energy he was proud of was running a little slowly.

Although the attribute weakening from magic can only last for a few seconds, nearly a thousand goblin magic support soldiers continuously throw magic, which perfectly makes up for the gap in level and the persistence of magic.

At this moment, the goblin army perfectly explained what it meant to be killed by ants.

Although ants are small, if their number is increased geometrically and reaches a certain peak value, the quantitative change will inevitably lead to a qualitative change.

Small ants can also kill huge elephants.

But as the old saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Even the corpse king weakened by the weakening magic is not an existence that the goblin army can kill for a while.

The corpse king let out a roar, his corpse energy restrained to protect his figure, he changed his sword into an axe, swept across all the troops, and instantly beheaded a group of beast cavalry who wanted to charge into the crowd of corpses.

At the same time, the corpse vaporized the armor, making the gilded battle armor stronger, and even the strengthened sharp ax could not tear his defense apart.

The Corpse King Tatars stand between the goblin army and the Corpse King's family, one man guards against the other.

Although the situation of the battle has been reversed, under the deadly force of the corpse king, he is in an extremely delicate situation for a short moment.

And it is extremely simple to break this situation.

The Goblin Army Master sneered, looked at the Goblin warriors pouring in from the secret passage, and ordered again.

"Brave goblin warriors! For our glory, for the glory of General Nannan, and the second general of the boss, let's fight with blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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