The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 126 Invite You to Eat Dumplings

Chapter 126 Invite You to Eat Dumplings

Fang is not convenient, do you have no point in your heart?

It's not that Lao Huang is unaware of the identity of the special commissioner of the Silent Super Bureau. He locked himself in the bedroom for several hours without any movement. Naturally, he was dealing with some urgent matters.

Even if nothing happened, Silence is actually sleeping, but which sleeping person likes to be woken up by others?
Based on Shen Mo's understanding of Lao Huang, he is definitely not a stunned young man who doesn't understand anything.

That being the case, Lao Huang still took the initiative to find the door.

From Silence, one could deduce that Lao Huang had something to do with him, and it was a very urgent matter.

He simply tidied his clothes, spread out the yellow paper on the desk, pretended to be practicing talismans, and then replied in a low voice.

"The door is open, come in!"


The door of the room opened in response, and Lao Huang rushed in from the outside with a look of graciousness. Seeing that Mo Mo was concentrating on practicing talismans, he immediately apologized, "Brother Shen, I interrupted your practice."

Shen Mo pretended to have nothing to do with it, and slowly put down the brush, "Everyone is his own, why is Brother Huang so polite? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes! This is really there." Lao Huang nodded again and again, and said solemnly, "Brother Shen, is it convenient for me to come to the store now?"

Silent for a moment, he didn't know what kind of lawsuit the old Huang Shen secretly sold the land, he temporarily suppressed the desire to use the spiritual energy to upgrade, turned around and signaled the old Huang to lead the way.

"Thank you, Brother Shen!"

Seeing that Shen Mo agreed, Lao Huang thanked him again and again, leading Shen Mo downstairs, and went straight to his Eight Immortals bun shop.

The steamed stuffed bun shop was in the breakfast business, and it was already twelve o'clock at noon, and half of the rolling shutters in the shop had been pulled down, but the remaining steamed stuffed buns and soup hadn't been cleaned up yet, and they were left messily aside.

Shen Mo was very surprised. A hard-working and dutiful uncle like Lao Huang disappeared because his bun shop was so sloppy and messy.

So, what is it that makes Lao Huang look for him so anxiously that he doesn't even care about cleaning up the shop?

With curiosity, Mo Mo pulled a chair and sat down, glanced at the direction of the kitchen, the ghostly spirit of sister-in-law and Xiao Huang was still there, and there was nothing strange about it. Obviously, the problem this time was not sister-in-law and Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang's problem.

"Brother Shen, wait a minute." Lao Huang said, and walked into the kitchen. Not long after, a plate of steaming dumplings and a stack of sesame oil and vinegar were brought out.

"Haven't you had lunch yet? These are dumplings specially made by your sister-in-law for you. Eat them while they're hot."


Dumplings made by sister-in-law? !
Lao Huang couldn't have invited him here so mysteriously just to treat him to a meal of dumplings, right?

It's not necessary at all, and it shouldn't be!
"Brother Huang, you invited me here to eat the dumplings made by my sister-in-law, right?"

Lao Huang rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and explained, "Of course not, I came to you for another matter. Well, you eat the dumplings first, and I'll tell you when you're done."


The dumpling he had just picked up was in the air, and the dumpling wrapper dipped in sesame oil and vinegar dropped a mixture of oil and soup onto the table in front of him, looking very abrupt.

What did Lao Huang say, he dared not eat it.

What do you mean I finish the dumplings first, and you tell me later.

If after I finish eating, you tell me that there is something wrong with my sister-in-law's dumplings, I will ask someone to comment.

Shen Mo put the dumplings back on the plate decisively, and said seriously, "Brother Huang, we are all on our own, there is no need to procrastinate like this, if you have something to say, don't be shy and uncomfortable."

The corners of Lao Huang's mouth twitched, and he hesitated for a few moments, "Brother Shen, it's not that I'm procrastinating, it's because I'm afraid that you won't be in the mood to eat after hearing this, and that this matter will affect your appetite."

Forehead!Mo Mo was ashamed, what he was about to tell him would also affect his appetite, why did the more he listened to it, the more he felt that there was something wrong with the dumplings in front of him?
No more!
Shen Mo put down his chopsticks and shouted sharply, "Let's talk first."

"Okay!" Lao Huang was helpless, turned around and went into the kitchen again, quickly took out a sling of bright red pork, and put it directly in front of Shen Mo, "Brother Shen, that's what happened."

"What do you think of this pork?"

Shen Mo glanced at it roughly, "This hanging pork is fat and thin, there is meat in the fat, there is fat in the meat, the meat is full in color, and the meat is Q-bomb. Although it is not a piece of top-quality pork belly, it is definitely the top-grade pork."

Dazed, Lao Huang couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and exclaimed, "Brother Shen, you are really awesome."

"It's so-so!" Shen Mo shook his hand, becoming more and more surprised, "I'll let you talk about it, why are you bringing out a sling of pork?"

"Brother Shen, please be safe and don't be impatient, you should look carefully."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and once again set his eyes on the pork in front of him, this time, he opened up his spiritual sense.

Silence's eyes flickered, and his inspiration shrouded in pork. The next moment, the pork that he had just rated as top grade changed strangely at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I saw that piece of fat and thin pork became extremely bright red, and thick pig blood was continuously leaching from the pork, and black air spread, twisting and wriggling on the meat fiber like an earthworm probe.

vomit? !

Shen Mo couldn't help retching, but unfortunately there was nothing in his stomach that he could spit out, if he had to say anything, it would only be gallbladder.

"What is this?!" Shen Mo shouted sharply, "This dumpling won't be made with this kind of pork!"

Lao Huang quickly explained, "Brother Shen, don't get me wrong. The pork used to make dumplings is the best pork. The pork with problems was delivered just at noon. When I saw something wrong, I went to you directly, and it didn't go to the chopping board at all."

The silent stomach felt a little better, and immediately asked, "What's the matter with this pork? Why is it so disgusting?"

Lao Huang answered, "That's why I came to you. There is obviously something wrong with this piece of pork, but ordinary people can't see it at all. According to your sister-in-law's speculation, this pork should be polluted by some kind of evil spirit. Although ordinary people will not suffer any serious problems if they eat it, at most they will have diarrhea, but it is definitely not easy to release this kind of evil. If you let it go unchecked, something may happen someday."

When the old yellow saying comes here, the intention is already obvious.

There was a problem with the pork he bought, and it was a problem that ordinary people couldn't solve. As a good citizen, Lao Huang naturally thought of silence to deal with special incidents at the first moment.

Isn't that what the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense does!

"Where did this meat come from?" Shen Mo frowned, signaling Lao Huang to remove the pork first.

"Human joint pig farm!" Lao Huang took the pork and threw it into the trash can in the kitchen, then looked silent, waiting for his decision.

"Human joint pig farm?!"

Mo Mo had mentioned this place before, it was the largest automated pig farm in Yancheng, the little piglet went in, and when he came out again, it was raw meat covered with red marks.

In silent memory, the pork produced by Renhe has never had any problems for so many years. This time, there are definitely factors that ordinary people cannot discover and control, which affect the quality of pork.

This problem must be resolved as soon as possible. Shen Mo has the obligation and responsibility to let the common people eat a piece of pork with peace of mind.

"Brother Huang, leave this matter to me, and I'll make a report to the higher-ups first."

"Then I'll trouble Brother Shen."

"It's not a troublesome matter."

As he said silently, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on the 21 group, and prepared to contact the group leader Ma Shisan.

(End of this chapter)

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