The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 127 Peepee Gets Kicked Everyday

Chapter 127 Peepee Gets Kicked Everyday
Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense No.20 Group (99+)
The silence was stunned, the always deserted group 21 actually had more than 99 messages, did they eat Xuanmai?Hey, can't stop talking?

During the three hours when Silence went to the Yuan Tomb, what were they talking about?
With full of curiosity and doubts, I clicked on the group chat dialog box of Group 21.

Before he had time to climb the stairs to look up the historical records, Shen Mo saw 21 groups of peppies and demons Hua Yingjun who were denouncing him hoarsely there.

Modu Huayingjun: @凤城黑恐, you have the ability to come out to this young master and leave me alone in Yuan Tomb, won't your conscience hurt?If it weren't for the good fortune of my young master and the help of gods, I am afraid that today I would fly up in the Yuan tomb and go to God to drink tea and talk.

Ahu in Taibai Mountain: @魔都华领俊, handsome brother, God is from abroad, you should go to the fairyland when you ascend, besides, God doesn’t drink tea, he should drink coffee.

Haojing Li Yang: Brother Tiger is wise, like it, jpg
Biancheng: Brother Hu has a lot of knowledge and a lot of talent.I heard that the tiger has a treasure that can cure stubborn diseases,

Ahu in Taibai Mountain: Don’t you know that tigers are national first-class protected animals?I dare to give it, do you dare to eat it?kitchen knife jpg
Biancheng: I dare not.shivering jpg
Moduhua Yingjun: What are you talking about?Come and condemn Yancheng Silence with me. This kid left me alone in the Yuan Tomb and almost killed me.

Ahu in Taibai Mountain: People who don’t know the truth happen to pass by you and throw a big question mark at you. Jpg
Hao Jing Li Yang: If you have a conflict, find the group leader. Don’t scold the street in the group. It’s very rude. I’m really angry. You can fly to him and challenge him. When the time comes, please send me a live video. I’m a person No hobbies, just like to join in the fun.

Moduhua Yingjun: You're right, I'll buy a plane ticket and go to Yancheng to seek revenge on him. This kid used some kind of secret escape method at that time, and now I'm afraid he has fled back to Yancheng.

Biancheng: @魔都华优俊, brother, let’s take revenge bravely!We support you. If there is a live video broadcast, you can come to my place to reimburse the round-trip air ticket. After all, being beaten or beating others is risky. If you win, you can watch the walls in the prison, and if you lose, you can watch TV in the hospital.

Moduhua is handsome: embarrassing jpg, I have money, I break his leg and pay him a house.

Moduhua Yingjun was kicked out of the 21st group by the group leader Ma Shisan.

Yanjing Ma Shisan: It is forbidden to fight privately among group friends, and it is forbidden to hurt each other. When you encounter problems, please treat them rationally. As for the grievances between Shen Mo and Hua Yingjun, I will personally ask and give an explanation to both parties.

Taibai Mountain Ah Hu: The leader of the group is wise!

Hao Jing Li Yang: The leader of the group is both talented and beautiful!
Biancheng: What the upstairs said is correct.

Silently peeking at the screen, scrolling through all the chat records, directly ignoring Hua Yingjun's message, and silently giving the group leader Ma Shisan a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart.

Because the way the group leader handles it is very comfortable, at least it makes Silence feel very comfortable.

Withdrew from the 21 group, Shen Mo decided to privately chat with the group leader Ma Shisan, and not to show up in the group until the misunderstanding was resolved.

Click on Weixin's avatar of Yanjing Ma Shisan.

Yancheng is silent: "Group leader, a supernatural phenomenon has been found in a joint pig farm owned by people from Yancheng, and the degree of danger is unknown. Please apply for an investigation."

Yanjing Ma Shisan: "Agreed!"

"Yuanmu and his party, please write me a thousand-character written report."

Silence stunned, stunned on the spot.

Written report? !Is this the rhythm of returning to student days to write reviews?How do you write something like this?
If you report truthfully, you will definitely expose your silent trump card.

What's the point of writing such a thing if it's fictional information?

Silence is very entangled, but driven by his own interests, he still decided to "seriously" write a profound written report and report his trip to the Yuan Tomb to the group leader Ma Shisan.

As for how much real material and embellishments there are in the written report, it depends on how good the pen is.

If Silence sets itself free, let alone a thousand-character written report, even a ten-thousand-character in-depth self-criticism is a trivial matter.

He used to be a tentacle boss with more than [-] characters at a certain point, how can you and other mortals be able to guess and measure.

At the same time, the silent Weixin also received a video invitation from Uncle Lame.

In fact, after Uncle Lame escaped from Yuan Tomb, he tried to contact Shen Mo with his mobile phone, wanting to make sure that Mo Mo was safe.

This is the third time a video invitation has been sent.

Mo Mo felt that now was not the time to make a video call with Uncle Lame, so he hung up the call and edited the message, "Uncle Lame, I have returned to Yancheng safely, don't read it. If there is something to do, let's talk face to face."

Soon, Uncle Lame sent a reply.

"Ahode, wozejiuhguyancheng." Bell translated: [Okay, I'll go back to Yancheng. 】

Mo Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and with the approval of his superior, he had the right to go to the Renhe Farm in Yancheng to investigate the evil pork.

"Brother Huang, the report has been completed, we can set off now."

Lao Huang shook his head, showing embarrassment, and suggested embarrassingly, "I won't get involved in this kind of thing, Brother Shen can go alone."

"Brother Huang doesn't want to go see the world?"

Lao Huang glanced at the kitchen subconsciously, shook his head and refused, "I won't go, there is still a lot of work in the store waiting for me to clean up, and I'd better leave you young people with the job of gaining experience and increasing your knowledge in the world!"

The silence is clear, knowing that Lao Huang is reluctant to part with his sister-in-law and Xiao Huang, and is afraid that if an accident happens to him, the family will really line up neatly.

Silence doesn't embarrass Lao Huang, everyone has his own ambition, and he can't force it.

Mo Mo sat back in the seat just now, picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dumpling dipped in sesame oil and vinegar, and stuffed it into his mouth. He was really hungry.

I don't care how much the pork just made my stomach restless, I should thank my sister-in-law for her kindness.

"Yeah! The dumplings made by my sister-in-law are delicious!"

Silence ate while praising.

"If it's delicious, eat more, if it's not enough, I'll ask your sister-in-law to order some for you."

Lao Huang smiled shyly and was very happy. He can't do much for silence. Although the dumplings are light, they are also a kind of friendship and gratitude.

"Enough, I'm in a hurry this time, next time I'll have a good drink with Brother Huang."


Shen Mo bid farewell to Lao Huang, asked him to help take care of the decoration of the store, and then drove alone to the Renhe pig farm in the southern suburbs of Yancheng.

I didn't encounter any special things along the way, and arrived at the destination smoothly.

Shen Mo stood at the door of the clean and tidy farm, his spiritual sense was opened, and he wanted to see the source of the evil spirit.

It's okay if you don't look at it, when you look at it, Mo Mo breaks out in a cold sweat.

I saw that the whole farm was shrouded in a faint black evil, which was very strange and evil.

"What happened to the Renhe Farm?!"

(End of this chapter)

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