The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 155 How about paying back the price?

Chapter 155 How about paying back the price?

So, how much does it cost to buy a server?

Mo Mo knew nothing about this business, and he couldn't figure out the intricacies of it, so he had to find someone who knew how to lead the way.

But what troubled Shen Mo was that he didn't know such a person at all.

Ever since, Silence can only pin its hopes on Du Niang.

Sit in front of the computer, open the search page, search for [Purchase Server Price], and relevant results will pop up soon. Silence ignores the advertisement on the first page, and checks Baidu Zhizhi, which has a high praise rate.

This is a case analysis about online games. Take an online game with an average of 4 online games as an example. Its cost includes server purchase fees, payment of telecom operators’ fees, etc. To build an online game, one-time purchase of servers The total cost is 145 million yuan.

Seeing this, the corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched a few times, and it cost 4 million to buy a server with 145 online users, not including other subsequent expenses.

Shen Mo glanced at his account balance and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He is so poor, and poverty still limits his imagination.

With his current family background, after buying this server, he has no money to find someone to design her own game for Linger.

Do you want Linger to design games for herself?

Um? !Shen Mo frowned, why not?
The purpose of purchasing the server is for Linger to build her own ghost creature. Since it is her own ghost creature, why can't she let her create it herself?

Of course, as a funder, Mo Mo must give Linger some advice.

Because the future ghosts will also be of great use to Shen Mo, and the ability of ghosts to turn fiction into reality makes Shen Mo very concerned.

If Ling'er really builds her ghost creature on the Internet, the future is absolutely limitless, and even what level it will develop to, Shen Mo can't predict it.

Using 140 yuan to win Linger's future, Mo Mo felt that it was very worthwhile, and it was not a loss at all.

When choosing between buying a car and Linger's future, Mo Mo must choose Linger's future, and Jueji will not be like Nannan, who is an Internet addicted girl, regardless of severity.

The car can be bought at any time, if Linger's ghost misses it, he will really miss it.

Shen Mo made up his mind, found the magazine that published the report, and searched through Du Niang to find the editor's phone number. Since they published the report, they must have the contact information of the server manufacturer on hand.

After dialing the phone, the girl who answered the phone was a very nice girl who silently explained her situation and communicated.

Although the other party did not solve the problem of silence, the younger sister named several well-known domestic server manufacturers for his reference.

Shen Mo wrote down their names, and after some comparisons, he chose a server manufacturer named Suguang, logged on to Sugon's client webpage, and found the contact information of the Yancheng regional platform.

The person who can help Silence solve the problem has finally been found.

No. 19, Yancheng High-tech Zone, Manager: Chang Qinghai, 1530358****.

Under Lin Linger's expectant gaze, Shen Mo dialed the other party's phone.

"Hello, Chang Qinghai, the manager of Shuguang Yancheng District, is here to serve you. May I help you?" The other party spoke quickly, but it was not difficult to hear that he had said this sentence tens of thousands of times.

"Hello, I want to buy a server." Shen Mo straight to the point explained his purpose.

"Okay, is it convenient for you now? Can you come to the store? We have many types and prices of servers for you to choose from. It's best to meet and discuss in detail."

This is a routine used by salesmen. To talk about customers, you must make an appointment to come to the store first, and you must not finish playing your cards on the phone.

Silently glanced at the time, it was still early before the night's appointment with Uncle Lame, and he had time to go to the store to talk in detail.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while."

"Well, may I ask your surname, sir, I will make an appointment for you to visit."

"My surname is Shen."

"Okay, Mr. Shen, see you later, I wish you a happy life and a prosperous business."

Hanging up the phone, Shen Mo's first impression of Chang Qinghai was not bad. As a salesman, his speaking ability is good, and his words are full of confidence. It is only natural that he can be a manager.

"Linger, come with me! I want to buy a server for you."

Lin Linger's eyes were full of gratitude. She was by Shen Mo's side the whole time, so she naturally knew the price of the server. Shen Mo was willing to spend 145 million to buy a server for her to build a new ghost.

For Lin Ling'er who came out of the mountains, this was not something she could hope for. If she hadn't been a female ghost now, she really wanted to repay Silence's kindness with her body.

"Little Momo, you are so kind, I really don't know how to thank you, otherwise, I..."

Shen Mo immediately interrupted Lin Linger's words, and quickly replied, "Why don't you be my clerk like Nan Nan, and just treat me as the server I spent money on, and then hire you as the server's GM."

Lin Ling'er's face sank, although she was a little unhappy in her heart, it just passed by for a moment, and she pretended to be happy again, nodding repeatedly, "Okay, it's all up to you, from today onwards, I'll be your ghost !"

"Well, that's nice!"

The two hit it off immediately, and there was a great feeling of regretting seeing each other later.

Shen Mo is interested in Linger's potential, and Linger is interested in Shen Mo.

Hey, how angry, when people become better, even ghosts stick to their bodies.

One person and one ghost drove away, and it didn't take long to arrive at No. 19 of the High-tech Zone. Chang Qinghai was waiting downstairs early, confirmed Shen Mo's identity, and enthusiastically led him into the hall.

Shen Mo didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his purpose. Before the two had talked ten words, Shen Mo bought a server with an average capacity of 160 online users at a price of 5 million.

Chang Qinghai was dazed while holding the contract in his hand. He couldn't believe this fact. Originally, he had prepared a hundred sales tactics to deal with Shen Mo, but he didn't expect that just as soon as he opened his mouth, the other party decided to pay him back. It is the full amount.

Is this meeting a local tyrant?

Chang Qinghai has been in sales for so many years, and he has never met such an aggressive client, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Shen, you are so forthright. Why don't you pay back the price. I'm a little bit emotional about selling it to you."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, "What's the matter? You mean the server I bought is not worth the price?!"

"No, no, no!" Chang Qinghai explained repeatedly, "That's right, the server you want is of course worth the price, but the normal price is a little less than this price. To tell you the truth, we all have a bottom line price in our hands. , I just quoted the highest price, and you didn't even pay back the price, which really surprised me!"

Silence shrugged indifferently, and cast a glance at Lin Linger floating beside her, "I don't care about a little money at all... how much difference can it be?"

"The minimum is 140."

"Deal! Sign the contract!"

Chang Qinghai looked confused, "???"

Silence urged, "Why are you so stunned? Hurry up and sign the contract. The amount of 140 million is not bad. If you save 20, I can do something else."

Suddenly, Chang Qinghai raised his thumb, "Mr. Shen, you are an expert in the sales world. You are playing hard to get, and you have retreated into advance. You have really taught me a good lesson."

Chang Qinghai's heart was bleeding, the tuition fee is really expensive.Just signed it directly and got it, why did you say something like that in a flash?Didn't you do it yourself?What the hell was he thinking just now?

Ah Qiu!Nan Nan, who was playing League of Legends, sneezed hard, and then murmured, "The boss is rubbing my luck again, hum! It's really bad."

(End of this chapter)

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