Chapter 156
Shen Mo purchased a set of servers with an average online capacity of 140 people at a price of 5 million. After the contract was signed, Chang Qinghai taught Shen Mo the server's authority and daily maintenance and management methods.

Mo Mo just needs to download it on the computer at home and log in to the management interface to perform daily management and maintenance. As for using this server to develop games or do other things, Mo Mo’s current manpower, material and financial resources simply do not allow it, so he can only retire. And secondly, hand over all the servers to Lin Linger first, let her build the ghost creature first, and after the ghost creature is built, the two will discuss how to do something in the ghost creature together.

After all, Shen Mo invested [-]% of his family property in ghosts at one time, and his purpose was not purely for Lin Linger, he had other ideas.

what idea?
Naturally, it is the idea of ​​cashing in ghosts and beasts.

Shen Mo feels that he is still too poor now, and there is only one thought in his heart, 【He just wants to make money】

Theoretically speaking, as long as Lin Linger builds her ghost creature in the server, then Shen Mo can use her power to turn fiction into reality and build the ghost creature world that Mo Mo wants in the server.

Then design the ghost world as an online game, put it into the market, and attract tens of thousands of people to enter the ghost game world. At that time, the whole first charge, open a shopping mall, add krypton gold to become stronger, and the money is not the same as cutting leeks , One crop after another, it won't take long before Shen Mo can sit on hundreds of millions of assets, live as he pleases, and do whatever he wants.

Hehe, just thinking about it now makes people excited.

As soon as Shen Mo and Lin Linger returned to Laifu Woodcarving Shop, they immediately drove Nan Nan off the computer, ignoring Nan Nan's eyes full of grievances and resentment, Mo Mo followed the method taught by Chang Qinghai, and successfully downloaded the authorized client. Enter the account password to enter the management interface.

Although Shen Mo still doesn't understand the various data and control methods on the interface, he doesn't need to understand at all. With Lin Linger here, these daily operations are meaningless.

When Lin Linger builds the ghost monster, she will be the biggest GM in the server. All the daily management, maintenance and updates will be handed over to Linger. Silence only needs to sit down and count the money.

"Ling'er, it's your turn." Shen Mo pointed to the server management interface, signaling her to use the magical skill of crawling the web again to enter the server.

Lin Linger nodded, and after Shen Mo blessed her with a good weapon, she turned into a streamer and disappeared into the computer. Only 10 minutes later, Linger reappeared with a face full of excitement.

"Successful! My ghost energy can be integrated into this server, and I am not repelled like before."

Mo Mo was also happy for Linger, and asked, "Linger, how long will it take you to build this server into your ghost creature?"

"Well~ According to my current ghost energy, it can be seven or eight years at least, or ten years at most. After all, the space in this server is dozens of times larger than the entire Xuehai Lake. I want to refine it. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive.”

Silently stunned, his face was ugly, "Seven or eight years?! Ten years?!"

After such a long time, his children can talk to each other!And play with a hammer.

"Ling'er, the time is too long, can you speed up the pace?"

Ling'er thought for a while, "It's not impossible, there are many ways, you can improve my ghost energy cultivation base, you can also use some natural treasures, or you can catch some lonely ghosts or strangers like the man with glasses The soul speeds up the progress... In short, building ghosts is not as simple as imagined, but it is not so difficult."

Shen Mo fell into deep thought, knowing in his heart that creating ghosts and creatures is really not something to rush, one has to do it step by step, since there are many ways to build it, then Mo Mo will speed up its progress as much as possible, trying to shorten seven or eight years to the shortest possible time time.

Shen Mo once again set his eyes on Lin Ling'er, and suddenly felt a sense of sadness that he was about to move bricks for Ling'er for the rest of his life.

The female ghost I provoked, even if I was kneeling, I had to raise her.

"Okay! Starting today, I'll make money to support you!"

Lin Ling'er blushed and nodded slightly, "Yeah!"

Silence has no way to improve Ling'er's ghost energy cultivation for the time being, and there is no natural treasure to replenish Ling'er's body. The only thing he can do now is to feed ghosts with ghosts, and rely on the ghost energy of those lonely and wild ghosts to replenish energy.

As for taking the soul of a living person, which is detrimental to morality and brings disaster, Silence will never do it.

This is a long and arduous road, but Mo Mo is not afraid, because he has a dream in his heart, a dream that is heartless, rich and self-willed enough to do whatever he wants.

After making the wish, Linger plunged into the computer and entered the server to refine ghosts. No matter how small a fly is, it is still meat. As long as Linger has time, she will spend it in the server.

And Shen Mo handed over the computer to Nan Nan again, and asked her to continue to go to the Summoner's Canyon, and then walked downstairs by herself.

The Laifu woodcarving shop has been renovated, and he glanced around silently. The brand-new shop is very suitable for him.

The previous bar was demolished and replaced by a leisure area for people to chat and drink tea. Stepping inside, three sides are surrounded by antique wooden shelves. Although the above is empty, Silence will soon use wood carvings full.The center of the shop is left unoccupied, which will be the place where Shen Mo usually sculpts and practices.

Speaking of carving, Mo Mo has not carved new wood carvings for two days, and now he just has time to carve new wood carvings.

So Shen Mo took out the tools and raw materials from the warehouse, placed them in the center of the shop, calmed down, and began to think about what he should carve.

When Silence killed the Soul-devouring pig demon, the enchanted Buddha beads hanging around his neck were shattered by the soul-devouring pig demon's bewitching sound. Now that there is no magic weapon to defend the mind, it is natural to re-carve one.

But Shen Mo doesn't plan to carve Buddhist beads anymore, because he has new ideas.

I saw Shen Mo choose a good piece of peach wood, carefully examine the texture of the peach wood, his eyes converge, and remove the excess wood in his mind, imagining how it will be carved.


[Wood Carving Master skill activated! 】

Mo Mo dexterously rolls up the carving tools with both hands, and walks on the peach wood like a dragon and a phoenix. Every time he carves, he cuts off a piece of sawdust. look.

【Ding!Carving completed]

[Wood Carving Master Proficiency +1] [Current Skill Level 3, Proficiency (2/10000)]

[Trigger effect: Master's Light, increase all attributes by 20.00%]

Silence's eyes returned to normal, and a new magic weapon appeared in his hand.This is a round magical instrument with a protruding front and dragon-like texture carved on the round edge. Although it looks wooden, it has a copper-iron texture.

[Heart Mirror] (Peach wood to ward off evil spirits) (Master's light) (Pure heart and wise)

It is an armor inlaid on the chest or back for defense in ancient times. Equipped with this armor, it can counteract attacks on the upper body and mind.

Peach wood to ward off evil spirits: deter ghosts, ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters.

Master's Light: Increase all attributes by 20.00%.

Pure heart and wise: Calm the mind, weaken the damage and influence caused by the attack of the mind.

(End of this chapter)

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