The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 159 Intermediate Talismans

Chapter 159 Intermediate Talismans
"How much do you remember from the method I just taught you?"

Uncle Lame stared at Silence with a serious face, reminiscent of an ancient teacher asking a student.

Mo Mo clasped the back of her head in embarrassment, "Remember a little."

"How much is a little?" Uncle Lame's face became more serious.

"The sky is round and the earth is round, and humanity is natural."

"Where did it come down?"


"Forgot!" Lame uncle said angrily, "The essence of the [-]-word method is the only one you remember?"

Ten thousand beasts of the prairie roared past in Mo Mo's heart, what is it? I just remember one sentence, you tell me this is the essence of the [-]-word method? !
I can still memorize a [-]-word vernacular text with twice the mental strength, but your method is a [-]-word classical Chinese text, and you have to read it with extremely convoluted pronunciation, otherwise everyone can remember it!

Mo Mo asked with a sullen face, "Uncle Lame, how long did it take you to memorize it?"

The lame uncle said proudly, "Seven or eight months!"

"Seven or eight months!?" Mo Mo felt aggrieved, "What you only remember in seven or eight months, you let me remember in one night? Do you really think I'm cheating?"

Uncle Lame couldn't hear Silence's inner voice, but he could easily see dissatisfaction from Silence's face, and sighed helplessly, "Hey, Amo, it's not that Uncle Lame is too demanding of you, I have to rush to Thailand tomorrow morning It’s really too late to go out to work.”

Silently stunned, it turns out that Ma Shisan's threat to Hua Yingjun's trip to Thailand was not a joke there, Chaoju really had a field mission to Thailand.

Shen Mo hurriedly asked, "Uncle Lame, why did you go to Thailand? The business scope of Super Bureau has already radiated abroad?"

Uncle Lame hesitated for a moment, and then told the reason for his silence, "A Buddha tomb was found in Kwan County, Kanchanabilao, Thailand. After the news leaked, all forces from all sides will focus on where it is. The style of the big picture."

"What demeanor?!" Silence was puzzled.

Uncle Lame looked up at the black sky at a 45-degree angle, "What's theirs is ours, and what's ours is ours."

Silence suddenly realized that it was clearly arranged.

Knowing why Uncle Lame was so anxious to memorize the essence of the method better than him, Mo Mo felt relieved.

But relieved to be relieved, he really can't remember, so many words, such a convoluted pronunciation, who can remember it.

Just when Shen Mo was at a loss, a flash of inspiration flashed in his head, and he immediately thought of a solution.

"Uncle Lame, why don't you do this!" Shen Mo suggested, "You read it again, and I'll record it for you. After I'm done, I will record it myself, which is convenient and does not waste time."

Lame uncle was taken aback, didn't expect to come like this?The most difficult thing about the essence of the method is not classical Chinese, but its pronunciation and intonation. This is a secret method that needs to be passed on word of mouth. If you can learn it through mobile phone recordings, wouldn’t it just solve this problem?
Um!Silence is indeed a talent!Why didn't he think of it.

"Recording with a mobile phone is also a good way, let's try it first."

Ever since, Shen Mo took out his mobile phone to record a piece of language for the lame uncle, and after playing it again, the pronunciation and intonation in it are generally the same, which is completely enough for Shen Mo to learn, this method is feasible.

Next, Shen Mo held the phone in his hand, turned on the recording function, and recorded the essence of the lame uncle's [-]-character method. Before he remembered it, it would become a frequent visitor on his player.

"Okay, the essence of the method of shrinking the ground to an inch has been taught to you, and it's time to test your talisman foundation!"

As the uncle said, he took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the cloth pocket at his waist, and placed them on the ground one by one, signaling to Shen Mo to look carefully, he was writing madly with a pen, and soon a talisman engraved on yellow paper appeared on Shen Mo before.

Letter to [The sky is round and the earth shrinks to an inch]

This is the shrinking land-to-inch talisman that Lame Uncle once used.

"Because this supernatural power is extremely difficult to practice, so the patriarch thought of a way, which is to use the power of the talisman to increase the power of this supernatural power as much as possible. This shrinking ground into an inch talisman is the most critical secret method. Only those who are proficient in the talisman Only those who follow the Tao have the ability to carve this talisman."

Uncle Lame said and handed the brush in his hand to Shen Mo, "Come on, draw a picture according to my talisman and let me have a look."

Shen Mo took the pen, restrained his mind, stared at the talisman drawn by the lame uncle with all his attention, and silently recited the basic talisman skills in his heart, and his mental power poured out like a tide.

hum!There was a buzzing in his mind, and the next moment, the talisman in front of him was infinitely magnified in his mind, showing all the details in microseconds.

I saw Shen Mo holding a pen and writing wildly, and his solid basic skills of talisman were manifested at this moment, and he was improving towards a higher realm.

Uncle Lame was fascinated by watching from the sidelines. He was staring at the pen in Shen Mo's hand. Originally, he just wanted to give Mo Mo a try, thinking that Mo Mo's first portrayal must end in failure, so he was able to stand up, which means The profound teaching is silent, you must practice more frequently in the future, and don't waste the foundation of talismans.

But what Uncle Lame never expected was that the pen in Shen Mo's hand wandered among the yellow paper, and a talisman engraved with "the sky is round and the earth shrinks into an inch" soon appeared in front of his eyes, exuding a faint light. earthy yellow luster.


He actually drew it in one go.

How can this be? !Uncle Lame stared at Shen Mo in astonishment, his eyes widened in disbelief. He painted this talisman back then, but practiced hard for five years, how could Mo Mo succeed in one go.

Am I dreaming?

Snapped!Uncle Lame gave himself a big ear melon seed, trying to wake himself up from the dream, but apart from the burning pain on his face, nothing changed, the silence was still silence, and the talisman was still a talisman.

Only then did Uncle Lame suddenly realize that Mo Mo really portrayed the shrinking talisman in one go.

He is definitely a talisman genius!
Uncle Lame can only draw this conclusion.

At this moment, a new reminder sounded in Silence's mind.

【Ding! 】【Acquired Talisman Shrinking the Ground into an Inch Talisman】

【Shrink the ground into an inch】

After using it with the essence of magical powers, you will get the magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch, and you can travel thousands of miles with one step.

[Elementary talisman skills are improved, advanced to intermediate talisman. 】

[Divine Power Talisman, Speed ​​Talisman, Vajra Talisman, automatically advanced to intermediate-level Talisman, Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, Fast and Lightning, Vajra Possession]

Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, (intermediate talisman) will gain the power of nine bulls and two tigers after use.

Wind and lightning, (intermediate talisman) will gain the speed of wind and electricity after use.

Diamond body protection, (intermediate talisman) will be blessed with diamond body protection after use.

Silence's eyes recovered, and after reading the information in his mind, he felt so happy in his heart that his hard work finally paid off.

Not only did he learn the shrinking talisman at one time, but he also raised his primary talisman skills to the realm of intermediate talisman. He also advanced three kinds of primary talisman to become more powerful intermediate talisman.

Shen Mo secretly rejoiced that he had agreed to follow Uncle Lame to learn the way of talismans, which was indeed a very conscious choice.

Although the talisman that would be so powerful before the cleric became an exorcist is very different, but in the real world, the more skills you have, the more powerful you can improve your own strength. Naturally, the more you master, the better.

"Amo, Uncle Lame believes that you will definitely make a difference!"

"You have already drawn the talisman, and you must practice more frequently in the future. Practice makes perfect, and you will be favored by the fire as soon as possible. Spend more energy on the essence of the method, and with the help of the power of the talisman, you will soon be able to display it. the way."

(End of this chapter)

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