Chapter 160
Watching the lame uncle go away, Mo Mo secretly muttered in his heart, he must learn how to shrink the ground into an inch, whether it is powerful or not is one aspect, the main reason is because it is handsome.

One step is hundreds of meters away, such an elegant body style is simply the best weapon to pull Gaobige, no wonder Uncle Lame is so flamboyant, think about it for a reason.

Waiting until he could no longer see Uncle Lame, Mo Mo left the small forest in the south of the city, preparing to return to Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

Passing through the path full of weeds and thorns, sitting back in the car, pressing the start button, the buzz unique to supercars echoed in Shen Mo’s ears, and her upper hand stroked the steering wheel, a feeling of driving that could not be expressed pregnancy.

hiss!The touch of a good car is different, Mo Mo understood Hua Yingjun's sentence "a supercar is a man's dream lover".

But Shen Mo didn't dare to drive too fast.

It was his first time to drive a supercar, and he felt that he should have a little bit of a score, so he had to get familiar with the car first.

So, on the highway in the south of the city, Shen Mo actually drove the supercar out of the sense of running, and slowly swayed on the spacious road.

It was already one o'clock in the middle of the night, and there were not only no vehicles on the road, but even no pedestrians. As I said before, the south of the city is notoriously depressed.

But just as Shen Mo was driving another 600 meters, a dazzling one-eyed high beam flashed on the rearview mirror, making Shen Mo's eyes extremely uncomfortable.

Just as he wanted to see what was behind him, the dazzling headlights had already caught up with him, and suddenly passed by the car, as fast as lightning and swift as the wind.

Mo Mo finally saw clearly that it was a teenager, he was riding an eye-catching red electric car, playing explosive DJ music, with rebellious eyes and provocative gestures, despising the speeding Masala pedicle.

"Qie, what's the use of driving a good car? It's not as fast as my will-o'-the-wisp!" The young man taunted, twisting the handle violently, his will-o'-the-wisp sped up abruptly, leaving Silence behind.

Looking at the boy's back silently, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Taking a look at the speed on the dashboard, the boy's electric car has reached at least 90 miles.

Are you sure this thing is an electric car? !

Besides, at such a fast speed, for electric vehicles, the risk factor will increase exponentially. This is not driving, it is simply killing your life.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, no, he must catch up with the will-o'-the-wisp boy and stop him from such a dangerous behavior.

He is still young, and he is still a flower of the motherland. We cannot give up on him just because he is disabled. He is still saved, at least for now.

hum!Shen Mo stepped down on the accelerator, and the advantage of the supercar exploded instantly. The extremely perfect instant acceleration made Shen Mo gallop out like a thunderbolt, heading straight for the will-o'-the-wisps.

In just a few breaths, Mo Mo caught up with the boy.

He walked side by side with the boy, lowered the car window, and said in a warning tone, "Young man, don't get overthinking, stop quickly, this kind of electric car is not for you!"

The boy turned his head and stared silently, and said in a very second-hand manner, "Life is full of ups and downs, there is no will-o'-the-wisp, how can I be a big brother."

After the words fell, the boy turned his head and shook his hands, and the blaring music continued to play, completely thinking that the will-o'-the-wisp was driving there like a Land Rover.

Then, under the silent and incomprehensible eyes, the ghost boy sped up again and left Maserati far behind the car.

He proudly shouted, "From today onwards, I will be the chasing boy who outperformed Maserati."


Maserati slowly slowed down the car, what can Mo Mo say to such a chasing boy?
If he plays like this, it's a legend if he plays well, but if he doesn't play well, the car will fall, the cloth will be covered, and the whole village will wait for the food to be served.

Regardless of what car you drive, traveling safely is the most handsome way to show off.

Turning back to the old road, Mo Mo returned to Laifu woodcarving shop handsomely all the way.

Open the rolling shutter door, go through the shop on the first floor, and go directly to the bedroom on the second floor. Nannan, an internet addict girl, has already entered the demon body woodcarving to rest, but the computer beside her is still on, and the server's management interface is on the monitor.

Obviously, when most of the people were resting, Lin Linger was still working overtime, day and night, creating ghosts and monsters.

Shen Mo opened the seat and sat down, the milky white holy light hit the palm of his hand, and then gently slapped it against the computer screen.

clap clap clap!
"Ling'er, come out!"

After the silent slap, the original normal computer screen was distorted weirdly, and Lin Linger's ghost flashed out of it immediately.

Her face looked a little weak, and her ghostly aura was much thinner than before.

This is the sequelae of creating ghosts.

Shen Mo saw Linger's stubbornness and bravery, "Linger, don't worry about the ghost thing, let's take it step by step slowly, the matter with Uncle Lame has been dealt with, and I can go to your house tomorrow to see your parents. You Where is home?"

Lin Linger looked overjoyed and nodded heavily, "My home is in Shangtongtian Village, Zhangkou City, Yizhou."

I was stunned for a moment, thinking to myself, "Shangtongtian Village? Why is the name so strange?"

Thinking about it carefully, Yizhou is more than half of China from Yancheng, Shen Mo's idea of ​​driving there is not feasible.

If he wanted to arrive as soon as possible, he could only book the earliest air ticket overnight, take Lin Linger to Yizhou first, and then transfer to Zhangkou City.

According to Ling'er, when they arrived in Zhangkou City, they would take the city bus into the mountains, and after three hours, transfer to the ox cart that often goes out in the village, and they would be able to arrive at her house before dark.

After listening to the whole itinerary, Shen Mo felt a little dizzy, because such an itinerary gave Shen Mo the illusion that Lin Linger would abduct him to a small mountain village and sell him to the widow of the head of the village.

Mo Mo knew that Ling'er's family conditions were not good, but she didn't expect it to be so bad. She was actually a child from a very remote mountain.

It is very rare for such a child to be admitted to university. No wonder she keeps saying that she is the hope and pride of the whole village.

Oh, what a pity!
Shen Mo felt sorry for Ling'er's tragic fate. If she hadn't been treated as a scapegoat, how would she live her life now?

After booking the air ticket at [-] o'clock in the morning, I packed my luggage and made preparations before the trip, said goodnight to Linger, and then went to rest.

As for Ling'er's residence tonight, Mo Mo prepared for her an antique wooden carving of a lady in Tang suit. Although it is not as good as Nan Nan and Goudan's wood carvings of demon body and rhubarb wood, it will be enough for one night.

Shen Mo turned his back, adjusted his breathing, and was about to fall asleep, but not long after, he noticed Ling'er leaning out of the wood carving and slowly floating to his bedside.

Silently stunned, pretending to be asleep, not daring to move.

Ling'er was getting closer and closer to Shen Mo, until there was only [-] centimeters away from Mo Mo, the faint coolness from the ghost body made Mo Mo's drowsiness disappear.

Just when Shen Mo thought that tonight was going to be late, there was a loud dog barking from the rhubarb wood carving.

Both Shen Mo and Ling'er were startled, he continued to pretend to be sound asleep, but Ling'er was so frightened that he turned into a stream of light and fled back to the wood carving, and there was no movement for a long time.

Mo Mo suddenly had an urge to kill the dog egg and make it into a dog meat hot pot. When does this dog egg not bark, it has to bark at the critical moment, what is this trying to do?Is the river crab god possessed?

Just as Shen Mo complained, Linger's wood carving flashed again, and her figure appeared in the bedroom again.

Rejoice in silence, the car can still drive!

But I waited in silence for a long time, just to wait for the coolness, I couldn't help turning my head, I saw the computer in the bedroom turned on again, Linger entered the server again, and worked overtime to create ghosts, leaving Silence alone, guarding Empty bed.

Goudan, I must give you a neutering if I find a chance!

(End of this chapter)

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