Chapter 166 Surprise
The zombie devil slime who was invincible one second, was strangled to death by the minotaur the next second?

Believe it or not, silence is unbelief anyway.

A slime at the level of a demon king was so easily killed in seconds, that would be a shame for the title of a demon king.

Mo Mo used his strength with one arm, jumped up in the air, and landed on the giant wooden barrier again. He didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately ordered, "Taurus, get out of the pothole!"

The minotaur received a new order, and hit the ground with his thick hooves, trying to jump out of the hole with the help of a powerful impact, but just as the body of the minotaur left the ground, the scattered light blue liquid wriggled. Attached to the bullhead like a yin and yang magnetic pole.

Moo? !

The bullhead soldier snorted, and before he had time to struggle, he was covered by countless light blue liquid liquids. Under King Slime's strong predation ability, he dissolved and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a part of the liquid liquid.

The lord-level minotaur commander was only three seconds before he became the bait of the zombie king slime.

Shen Mo witnessed all this with his own eyes, and he has a new orientation for the predatory ability of King Slime. A lord-level monster as powerful as the Minotaur is swallowed by predation in just a few breaths. If he is preyed on by slime, he will definitely die. lifeless.

The slime that preyed on the tauren has mimicked again. On the basis of the original weird shape, it has added a pair of thick horns and hind hoofs full of tendons. The whole shape is even more nondescript. Deliberately bear the capacity of others.

Puff chirp ~ moo!
Even King Slime's voice unconsciously carried the muffled tone of the minotaur.

Silence frowned at this, and faintly sensed something.

Is the zombie slime king's mimicry ability flawed?Not as heaven-defying as Meng Wang?

Shen Mo realized that he had to try it out. If so, this might be the turning point for defeating the Zombie King Slime.

call!The minotaur's phantom battle ax danced again, and Shen Mo jumped off the giant wooden barrier this time and jumped into the tide of zombies.

These zombie monsters, which represent death, are being used by Silence at this moment, becoming a perfect shield to block the sight and attack of the zombie slime king.

"Nannan, I entrust my safety to you!" Mo Mo said to the wood carving of a demon body at his waist.

hum!The wooden sculpture with a demon body trembled slightly, "Boss, you are really embarrassing me. I just avoided the attention of some zombies before, but I can barely do it. You have to survive the siege of the zombies this time. The requirement of luck is too high!"

"After finishing it, go home and give you money to buy a National Day set!"

"Okay, boss, don't worry, leave everything to me, I tell you to do it, and make sure that no zombie monster can get close to you."

Nan Nan patted her small chest with a very confident look.

Nodding silently, he firmly believes in Nan Nan's identity as the daughter of the goddess of luck. As long as the benefits are in place, Nan Nan will definitely be able to create miracles under the blessing of the attribute of the master's light.

Sure enough, Nan Nan didn't disappoint Shen Mo, her first order was to have Mo Mo pick up a pig-headed man and swing it out, smashing out a blank area, and throwing the orderly zombies and monsters back into chaos.

Then, it was time for Nannan to command Shen Moxiu to operate. Under Nan Nan's command, Mo Mo was swimming in the frenzy of zombies, as free and carefree as a dragon entering the sea. No zombie could catch him, which made the history of zombies even worse. King Lyme could not find a shadow of silence.

And letting the zombie slime find himself is not the ultimate goal of Silence, his real goal has just begun.

Just as the zombie slime was trying his best to find the silent figure in the zombie frenzy, a huge lizardman was slammed into the air, drawing a beautiful parabola, and hit the king slime directly.

Puff!King Slime slashed with a pair of sickle blades, directly cutting the lizardman into two pieces. Just as it was about to lock on to the target that threw the lizardman, another zombie monster was slammed towards it.

This time it was a perverted goblin.

Puff chirp ~ moo!
The Zombie King Slime roared angrily, and poured its anger on the goblin, directly chopping the goblin into pieces, splashing countless flesh and blood on the ground.

But its anger seemed powerless, because other zombie monsters were silenced and flew out of the corpses one after another, attacking King Slime as a weapon.

King Slime couldn't find silence for a while, so he could only keep killing zombies and monsters that blocked his footsteps and sight.

In just a moment, the corpses and monsters around King Slime had piled up countless mountains of meat, and the broken bones and flesh were mixed, filling the entire battlefield.

Perhaps King Slime couldn't bear it anymore, and saw the liquid on its body squirming again, and the original human mouth disappeared and turned into the mouthpart of a monster.

hum!A low buzz sounded, and the chaotic zombie monsters around froze on the spot, once again reduced to the puppets of King Slime. At this moment, the silence hiding in the zombie frenzy was as dazzling as gold in the sand, even if Nannan's luck Against the sky, no matter how good the operation is, it is still difficult to escape the lock of King Slime.

King Slime has lost his human mouth, and he can no longer make a human voice, but it is not difficult to guess from Silence, what it said is definitely not a good word.

After King Slime finished speaking, the surrounding zombies frantically surrounded and killed Silence.

Has the opportunity finally come?
Facing the siege of corpses, Mo Mo didn't panic, on the contrary, his fighting spirit became stronger.

I saw the phantom battle ax in Shen Mo's hand dancing, and under the infusion of powerful power, he killed the low-level zombie monster approaching him in an instant. Then, he abandoned the low-level zombie monster and went straight to the meat that was so huge that it was difficult to move. Mountain—a monster composed of countless zombies and monsters!

Before Silence climbed the giant wooden barrier, he relied on Roshan as a springboard. This time, Silence also used Roshan's power to try King Slime's predator ability.

How to try?Let King Slime devour the entire mountain of meat!Or let Roshan devour King Slime!
With the wind and lightning, Silence soon came to the vicinity of Roshan, followed by a frenzy of zombies and King Slime in a state of rage.

After the previous crazy ridicule, the King Slime at this moment has fallen into a state of rage. When he sees Silence, it can be said that the enemy is extremely jealous when he meets him. He only wants to smash Silence into thousands of pieces.

Puff chirp...! (You are surrounded, prepare to die, stupid human being!)

Smiling silently without saying a word, he showed a very provocative expression, moved his index finger again, and mocked, "You have the ability to come here!"

King Slime: "Puff Chi Chi! (Damn you!)"

hum!Under the control of King Slime, countless zombie monsters besieged Silence, and they drowned Silence in the zombie frenzy in an instant. For ordinary people, even the bones and scum had already been eaten by the zombie monsters.

But how can Shen Mo be an ordinary person? To put it bluntly, everything is under his control.

Just when King Slime thought silence would surely lead to death, those zombie monsters approaching Roshan were suddenly attacked by Roshan. The arms and head were devoured and swallowed into the body.

Although Roshan is controlled by the slime, its nature of eating the same kind will not disappear because of this. Instead, it will become stronger after being suppressed. When encountering countless of the same kind rushing towards him, how can Roshan sit still and wait to die.

At the same time, a flash of light flashed behind King Slime, and a figure appeared out of thin air. The phantom of the pink giant ax was raised high, hanging above its head.

Puff!Up and down!King Slime was cut in half with an axe.

"Are you surprised or surprised? Don't worry, the matter is not over yet."

(End of this chapter)

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