Chapter 167

His silent eyes were fixed on King Slime who had been cut in half. He had the experience of being preyed upon by tauren before, so he would never let himself fall into the danger of being predated.

"Go away!"

With a loud shout in silence, the phantom battle ax in his hand turned into a slap, and the broad ax head slapped fiercely on King Slime's remnant body, sending it flying directly. Before the light blue liquid body had time to Restoring or preying on Silence, drawing a graceful arc like a golf ball, crashing straight into Roshan who is eating crazily.

Humming? !

Roshan snorted suspiciously. He had never been so happy in his life. Before, he had to grab food by himself, but now the unfinished food threw himself on him like a demon, making him feast on it.

Just now, another zombie monster came over on its own initiative, and was instantly grabbed by several arms. After a burst of frenzied tearing, it was devoured.


This kind of life is simply hell on earth!
While Roshan was enjoying the delicious food, a colic suddenly occurred in his body, as if something extremely indigestible was tearing and twisting in his stomach.

Roshan's IQ was not very high, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Because since the birth of Roshan, anything eaten by it will become a part of Roshan, and it has never encountered the current situation.

"Maybe it's because the food I just ate is not digestible?!" Roshan thought so, urging the special digestive organs in his body to secrete the solution crazily, trying to solve this problem, but what made Roshan more and more flustered was that his stomach The colic in Li Li did not ease, but became more and more intense, making him stop eating uncontrollably, his huge body trembled violently, and his fat and muscles trembled like water ripples.

Roshan wailed in pain. Under the silent gaze, it only struggled for a minute before its huge body was devoured by the light blue liquid.

Immediately afterwards, King Slime's mimicry ability was activated again, and its appearance changed drastically.

Roshan - King Slime!
A huge light blue meat mountain slime king with a height of five floors appeared in front of everyone. It had lost the appearance of a normal creature. Countless arms, heads, and torsos of monsters struggled from its body. When it came out, it let out a distorted and painful wail, and the unimaginable tonnage made it look like a luxury to move. What's more noteworthy is that it has lost its wisdom as a demon king, replaced by Roshan's unique strong appetite.

Puff chirp... hum!

King Slime trembled again, and under the influence of his uncontrollable appetite, he began to control the zombies and monsters around him to keep flocking to him, and began his gluttonous feast.

It wants to eat all of its kind and turn them into parts of its body.

Lei Nuo and others who were fighting the zombie monsters also discovered the anomaly of the monsters at the first time. They abandoned the town and went forward to satisfy the slime's bottomless appetite without fear of death.

Mo Mo put away the Phantom Battle Axe, and stepped back, lest he be caught in the delivery of Meituan Waimai by the zombie frenzy.

Sure enough, he guessed right. Although King Slime's predator ability is powerful against the sky, there are great flaws in its mimicry ability. It cannot control its own mimicry ability, and mimics whatever it preys on.

It just confirms the sentence that I don’t know who said, your strength will often become your weakness.

Shen Mo once again climbed up the giant wooden barrier with the help of ropes to join Lei Nuo and others, and they watched King Slime devour those zombie monsters together.

"The brave is silent, and we just watch it devour and become stronger?" Lei Nuo asked anxiously, he was worried that King Slime would become stronger after being devoured.

Silence showed a clear look, "You are right, we can't just watch, do you have any snacks here? Let's watch while eating."

"Huh?!" Lei Nuo was stunned, staring at Silence with weird eyes, as if he was looking at a monster. Now it is a war. When you are fighting to the death, can you be more serious.

Silence then explained, "No matter what, we can't stop King Slime from being devoured. In this case, we should take advantage of this time to adjust our state and prepare for the upcoming battle."

Renault suddenly realized that this sentence made sense. He turned around and looked at the soldiers in Gray Town. They were already exhausted, both physically and mentally. They really should take advantage of this gap to take a good rest.

"Everyone rest on the spot and replenish your strength."

After Lei Nuo gave the order, he looked at Silence again, "Silence the Brave, I'm still worried, we have to find a way to stop King Slime from eating, otherwise it will be extremely powerful after it finishes eating."

Shen Mo shook his head and asked, "Are you sure it will be extremely powerful?"

Renault was taken aback, pondered for a long time, then shook his head, "I'm not sure, but according to common sense..."

Silence interrupted Renault, and said first, "There is no common sense. Its appearance is unreasonable. Although I don't know much about monsters, I firmly believe that the road of evolution is full of dangers. If you just want to complete evolution by devouring the same kind, then It's just a fool's dream."

"What do you mean?"

Silently laughed, "I bet, it will fail to evolve!"

"Evolution failed?! Are you sure?" Renault asked.

"I'm not sure, I'm also gambling. Fortunately, my luck is generally very good." Mo Mo stroked the wood carving of a demon body at his waist. Since he had Nan Nan, his luck has never been bad.

Renault fell silent. Although he was still a little worried, seeing Shen Mo's confident appearance, the uneasiness in his heart was somewhat relieved.

The devouring of King Roshan Slime is still going on, its body becomes bigger and bigger with the continuous devouring, and its mimicry appearance is getting uglier and uglier.

I don't know how long it has passed, the eating speed of Roshan Slime King slowed down, his huge body like a mountain trembled violently, and then the spider web cracks visible to the naked eye began to cover his whole body, thick black blood continued to ooze from the cracks, The twisted limbs gradually shrank, and the entire mountain of meat was on the verge of collapse.

"The critical moment of life and death has arrived."

Shen Mo focused on Roshan in front of him. If King Slime fails to evolve, they will win the war, but if King Slime succeeds, they will join hands and sing together.

Mo Mo stroked the monster-body wooden carving on his waist, and prayed silently in his heart, "Goddess of Luck, your daughter is in my hands, you can decide whether you succeed or fail!"

hum!The wooden carving of the demon body trembled slightly, and Nannan's childish voice sounded.

"Boss, don't touch me anymore, even if you touch me off, my luck won't help you this time, because it evolved successfully."

Silently stunned, trembling, staring at Roshan with wide eyes.


The mountain-like mountain of meat exploded, and countless flesh and blood organs splashed around, raising endless blood mist. When the mist thinned and dissipated, a light blue slime the size of a football appeared in front of everyone.

"It actually evolved successfully!"

This product is definitely full of money.

Renault looked at the reappearing King Slime, and asked anxiously, "The brave is silent, has it evolved successfully?"

Shen Mo didn't answer directly, but asked, "Can you sing cool?"

(End of this chapter)

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