Chapter 181 Millennium Sky-reaching Willow

"Xiao Mo, didn't what we did just go too far." Ling'er was slightly concerned in her heart, she was a kind-hearted obedient ghost, unlike Shen Mo who was a bad guy who would pay every penny.

"Is it too much?" Mo Mo asked Ling'er back, "Didn't he think it was too much when he slaughtered us?"

"He kills customers, we can choose to sit or not to sit, there is no need to punish him."

Shen Mo shook his head, grabbed Ling'er's hand, and taught meaningfully, "Ling'er, when our legal rights are violated, we should not choose to be silent, and we should bravely stand up against those who treat us unfairly." Let these evil people pay the due price for what they have done. If we swallow our anger and choose to ignore it and avoid it, sooner or later one day a small evil will become a big evil, and a big evil will become a great evil. People who suffer from its poison will not only It's just us."

Ling'er pondered carefully, and there was indeed some truth to what Mo Mo said.

"Besides, we just taught him a little bit, broke some money, and didn't hurt his life. The speed of the secondary road is 60 miles. In addition, he is an old driver. He slows down and brakes when he notices something wrong. It won't make much difference. If you lose some money, it will be over. As for seeing you, no one will believe it except himself. "

Shen Mo asked again, "Are you sure you scrapped the car camera?"

Ling'er nodded, "The scrapped ones can't be scrapped anymore."

"That's good," Shen Mo closed the matter in his heart and continued, "Let's go, we still have three hours to sit on the bus."

Ever since, Shen Mo took Linger to Zhangkou Bus Station, chose the bus that departed first, went to Shangtongtian Village, bought the ticket, checked the ticket, and got on the bus.

Before Shen Mo found the seat that belonged to him, he saw a familiar face sitting on the back seat of the bus, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, thinking secretly.

As the saying goes, besides widows, the most difficult thing to provoke in the world is vixen, once you get provoked, you can't get rid of it even if you want to.

Shen Mo has a deep understanding now, because he saw Duffy, that annoying vixen again on the bus.

"Xiao Mo, why don't we change one!" Ling'er suggested.

"No, for what?" Mo Mo didn't give Da Fei the slightest hint, "Since she's on this bus, she probably already knows our destination, so she can't hide."

"Then let her pester us like this?" Ling'er's expression was not good. She didn't have a good relationship with Da Fei, and it's the same with women.

"If you want to stick to it, stick to it. I'm a man of seven feet, and I'm afraid that a vixen won't make it."

After the silence, he took the initiative to attack, turned passive into active, stepped to Dafei's side, and sat down beside her.

hiss!The enchanting fragrance unique to vixen rushed into Shen Mo's nostrils, and Da Fei looked up and down Mo Mo with playful eyes, and said with a smile.

"Little brother, you are so anxious to use that chic little thing with your sister?"

Shen Mo sneered, he had already thrown that little thing into the trash can, and even used a hammer.

"You really know how to joke." Shen Mo replied angrily, "Tell me, why are you following us?"

Da Fei was taken aback, and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you following me?"

Shen Mo and Ling'er looked at each other, what do you mean we follow you, obviously you followed us, you obsessive vixen, you always want to plot against Shen Mo.

All three of them looked suspicious, thought for a while, and asked in unison.

"Where are you (you) going?"

"Shangtongtian Village!"*2
Silently, there are many destinations for this bus, and Shangtongtian Village is just one of the stops. Dafei can tell the name of the place, so the possibility of her lying is not high. Does she also want to go to Tongtian Village?
Why would a vixen go to such a remote mountain village?

Silently asked, "Why are you going back to your hometown to visit relatives, and you ran into us so coincidentally?"

Dafei chuckled, amused by the silence, "Little brother is so funny, I'm a vixen from the city, not a vixen from the valley, who visits relatives or not, but you, who ran into the valley with a female ghost What? Experience the fun of the countryside?"

None of them are willing to reveal their true purpose. Although they are all super-level people, they don't belong to the same group, and there is inevitably a gap between them.

Shen Mo's old face pulled away, and he was keenly experiencing the rural mood. This vixen can do whatever he wants when he pissed people off.

"Nothing to do with you!"

Silence hastily ended this unpleasant and destined to be fruitless conversation, he stood up, found his seat, sat down in a muffled voice, and ignored Duffy.

But how could Da Fei, who was aroused by interest, let Shen Mo go, she got up from her seat, walked around Ling'er and sat directly next to Shen Mo, and for a while, Shen Mo was sandwiched between Da Fei and Ling'er, feeling uncomfortable from left to right, with a woman on one side Ghost, on one side is a vixen.

What do you want him to do?
"Little brother, just tell my sister, she's very curious!" Dafei said, leaning towards Shen Mo deliberately, trying her best to break through Shen Mo's psychological defense.

"Xiao Mo, you must never tell her that she is not a decent vixen, no, there is no decent vixen." Ling'er pinched Silence's itchy flesh beside Ling, reminding him to keep a clear mind.

Shen Mo was hot and itchy at the same time, and the combination of ice and fire was extremely uncomfortable. After only a few rounds, Mo Mo surrendered his gun and surrendered helplessly.

"Okay! You all stop for me!"

Shen Mo shouted sharply, if he continued playing like this, he would gradually become abnormal under the struggle of a demon and a ghost before he reached Shangtongtian Village.

"Don't you want to know why we went to Shangtongtian Village?"

Da Fei nodded, her winking eyes twinkled with stars, "Yeah, tell me, I'll listen."

Shen Mo felt a pain in his waist, almost turning blue from being pinched by Linger, "Say it first!"

Seeing that Mo Mo was embarrassed, Da Fei said with a smirk, "Speak first, sister listen!"

"If you don't say it, I won't say it!" Shen Mo expressed his attitude. If he said it first, he would definitely be crazily retaliated by Linger. Mo Mo was not afraid of Linger. After all, he still didn't trust Da Fei and wanted to exchange information with each other.

Seeing that the silence was so firm, Dafei held back for a while, and then said slowly, "Sister, I am going to Tongtian Village as a task assigned by the group, and I am going to find someone there."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

Da Fei tilted her head and said with a slight smile, "To be exact, she is not a person, but a demon."

"Monster?!" Shen Mo and Ling'er's hearts tightened. Is there a demon in Shangtongtian Village?
Shen Mo looked at Ling'er, she looked like she didn't know anything, she didn't know that there was a monster in her hometown.

"What monster?" Linger asked anxiously.

"Hee hee, why is my sister so nervous? What do you have to do with Tongtian Village?"

Ling'er confessed, "That's my home."

Da Fei was taken aback, then looked at Shen Mo and Ling'er again, as if she understood something.

"Your sister used to be an Earth Binding Spirit?"

Ling'er nodded as an acknowledgment.

Dafei suddenly realized, and there was a slight change in the eyes she looked at Shen Mo. She didn't expect this little brother who was so bad to the bone to have such a kind side.

Dafei couldn't help but feel a little jealous, and thought brokenly, if the little brother can be so kind to the elder sister, how sweet the elder sister's heart would be.

"Stop holding it in your mouth, you're talking!" Shen Mo urged, also wanting to know what kind of monster it was.

Dafei pondered for a while, and said frankly, "It's a willow that has a thousand years of Taoism!"


Are there monsters with thousands of years of practice in this world?Are you kidding me?

(End of this chapter)

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