The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 182 Can You Guess?

Chapter 182 Can You Guess?
"Little brother, don't act immature like you haven't seen the world. This world is more magical and interesting than what you have seen. When you have a chance, come to my sister's house. I will tell you a good story. Tell me something interesting."

Da Fei teased Shen Mo, and stopped explaining too much about Tong Tianliu to Shen Mo. She didn't know if she didn't know much about it, or she was deliberately hiding it from Shen Mo.

Shen Mo looked solemn, he ignored Da Fei's temptation, the vixen's house must not be visited, and interesting things can be heard.

But let's talk about it another day, he really has something to do now.

Knowing from Da Fei the information about the thousand-year-old Tongtian willow in Shangtongtian Village, Shen Mo and Ling'er's hearts hung high, and their faces were full of worry and solemnity.

A thousand-year-old Tongtian willow appeared in Shangtongtian Village. What kind of impact will it have on the villagers living there?Whether Linger's parents are still alive, whether there has been reduced to a demon realm... Countless questions surround Shen Mo and Linger's minds, making them eager to rush to Shangtongtian Village as soon as possible to find out.

Da Fei saw Shen Mo and Ling'er's worries, and said with relief, "You don't have to worry so much. According to our information, a landslide occurred in Shangtongtian Village four years ago, and the road into the mountain was blocked, and it has not been repaired until now. After four years of isolation, it has been reduced to a paradise, and our people who passed by felt the powerful breath of the Tongtian Willow and the anger of a large number of living people, so your parents are probably still alive."

"Well! Thank you!" Ling'er nodded, and his hanging heart relaxed a little, but he thought more in silence. His spiritual sense told himself that the landslide four years ago and the current closure of Shangtongtian Village There is some faint connection.The Shangtongtian Village at this moment is definitely not the Shangtongtian Village four years ago. It is definitely not simple there.

"Dafei, did you come to Shangtongtian Village this time just for this Tongtian willow?" Shen Mo asked.

"That's right! The group leader of the thirteenth group sent me to meet this thousand-year-old willow, and I have to register her in the register for the convenience of future supervision!"

Nodding silently, she acquiesced to Da Fei's identity. Judging from her mission, they can indeed go together, and they can take care of each other.

After all, it was a thousand-year-old monster!

Shen Mo was a little flustered in his heart, and subconsciously thought of the thousand-year-old tree demon grandma in A Chinese Ghost Story. That enchanting figure and eloquent and sexy voice are simply men's nightmares and ghosts' nightmares.

At the end of the heavy topic, Silence, in order to relieve the dignified atmosphere, teased playfully, "Da Fei, how many years have you been a demon?"

In the super game, the positioning of monsters depends on their strength corresponding to the year. The monsters with low strength are called ten-year monsters, those with average strength are called century-old monsters, and those with extremely strong strength are called thousand-year monsters. The corpse king of the Yuan Dynasty was finally rated as a 500-year monster, which means that the corpse king has 500 years of Taoism.

Silence is very curious about how deep Dafei's Taoism is?

"Has my little brother started to be curious about my sister?" Da Fei smiled like a flower, and said seductively, "Try to guess?"

Silence sneered, "Can you guess or not?"

Da Fei drove, "I guess you can't figure it out, my sister and I are very knowledgeable!"

Da Fei said, leaning her body towards Shen Mo, teasing her with her hands while rubbing against her, "Do you want to try my sister's skills?"

Silent for a moment, looking at Linger's gloomy face, he refused, "I'm not interested, I don't want to try, if you insist on forcing me, then another day!"

"Hee hee!" Da Fei covered her mouth and chuckled. The silver bell-like laughter echoed in the bus. As the bus started slowly, it gradually dissipated in the hum of the engine.

"Little brother is getting more and more interesting!"

Silently sneered, his adaptability is very strong, he was a bit unfamiliar when he was molested by Da Fei for the first time, after getting to know each other again and again, not only did he no longer feel unfamiliar, but he had an aura of anti-customer. In the flirtatious world, men They all have natural instincts that they can teach themselves without a teacher. When a man makes a fuss, basically there is nothing wrong with a woman.

Mo Mo suddenly felt that he had a talent, the talent to transform into Shen Sao Duan Yao Mo.

The bus moved forward, driving on the dirt road deep in the mountains. Three hours later, in silence, Linger, Da Fei got off at a deserted construction site.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, looking at the road dredging project that was halfway in progress, and the hill-like earth and rocks, "Da Fei, is this the landslide four years ago?"

"Yes, this road is the only one leading to Shangtongtian Village. It was originally planned to be dredged in three months, but just halfway through the project, many strange things happened. Workers on the construction site often disappeared for no reason, and construction equipment was always damaged. Under pressure, we can only suspend work indefinitely."

Mo Mo looked at the path that opened out from the foot of the hill, "Did you send someone to look inside?"

"According to the intelligence, a rescue team was dispatched at that time, and they lost contact shortly after entering. On the fifth day, a person escaped. The report shows that a large amount of plant fiber was found in his stomach... At that time, the Super Bureau had just been established, and he did not have the strength to investigate this area, so he could only seal up the case. A colleague passed by here some time ago. He was a bat. Jing, sensed the abnormality in Shangtongtian Village, and then brought up the old case again."

Silently listened to the cause and effect, and sorted out her thoughts. All the clues pointed to the thousand-year-old Tongtianliu, which caused the landslide and restricted the construction progress. ?What is her purpose?
All the answers can only be answered by stepping into Shangtongtian Village.

call!Shen Mo took a deep breath, "Let's go in!"

Ever since, Shen Mo took a demon and a ghost along the path full of weeds, climbed over the hills, and headed towards Shangtongtian Village.

Just after turning over the hill caused by the landslide that year, an old dirt road full of weeds appeared in front of Shen Mo.

hum!The silent spiritual sense opened, and immediately felt an extremely powerful will permeating the surroundings, as if all the trees, flowers and plants nearby were staring at them with pairs of eyes.

Silence was shocked in his heart. Knowing the attributes of Tongtianliu, he could naturally guess that four years is enough for a thousand-year-old Tongtianliu to cover any corner of Shangtongtian Village with her ears, eyes, and eyes. All the plants that can be seen may be Tongtian Willow's eyes and ears.

Silence reminded, "Be careful, she has already found us!"

At the same time, an old willow tree with a crooked neck far behind the back mountain of Shangtongtian Village swayed its old green willow branches and made a hissing sound, as if it was whispering there, and it seemed to be giving orders there.

(End of this chapter)

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