The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 190 I'll Give You 3 Ways, You Have a Choice

Chapter 190 I’ll Give You Three Ways, You Have a Choice (Seeking a Reward)
Are they really happy?
That depends on how you define happiness.

Some people's happiness is when there is a long drought and sweet rain, some people's happiness is when they meet an old friend in a foreign land, some people's happiness is the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and some people's happiness is when they are named on the gold list, and the happiness of the rich is, You can't even imagine it.

Bah, digressed.

Mo Mo pointed at the souls of the dead in the Paradise, and shouted sharply, "Do you think they are happy?"

"Aren't they happy?"

No!They are definitely not happy!
Shen Mo took a step forward, pointing at the person who was the most emotional just now and asked, "You said that you and Widow Liu miss your late wife very much, so, call her now and see if she agrees with you."

The man and Widow Liu were taken aback for a moment, and then they called out the souls of the dead in the painting, but even though they shouted their throats, his dead wife didn't respond to him, but mechanically froze in place like a puppet, unconscious and unaware.

The other villagers couldn't help but change their minds, and immediately began to call out the names of the deceased, but no matter how they called, none of the deceased responded. They were imprisoned in the blessed land like walking dead, without any brilliance of humanity.

The villagers began to panic. Their dreams were shattered in an instant. Is this the so-called paradise and a happy life?What kind of happiness is such happiness without even being aware of the call of family members.

Sun Yue'e's eyes were flustered, and she hurriedly asked Tong Tianliu, "Shenliu, what's going on, why are our relatives ignoring us, what's wrong with them?"

Crash!Tong Tianliu answered Sun Yue'e's question, this time she did not hide anything.

"There are gains and losses in this world. Isn't it unreasonable for you to want your deceased family members to stay in the world forever, and make a little sacrifice? Although they have lost their sanity, they live happily in my demon world, and they can still live happily at any time." Appreciated by you, shouldn't you be grateful to me? Why do you still question me?"

appreciate? !Tongtianliu actually called this appreciation? !
The silence was a bit unbearable, and Sun Yuee couldn't bear it even more. She said emotionally, "Shenliu, it's not like this, it shouldn't be like this. We miss the old people because of family affection, because of longing, because we will never see each other again." Regret and concern. We don't want to appreciate them, we want them to live better in another world. Please, let them regain their senses, it's really painful for them to live like this."

yes!Nodding silently, people without sanity, where there is happiness, it is clearly pain.

Crash, Tong Tianliu was silent for a long time, and once again delivered a new message.

"Their sanity has long been wiped out, and there is no way to recover it."

As if struck by a thunderbolt, Sun Yuee slumped on the ground weakly, and the villagers burst into tears, pouring out all their emotions at the old man in the painting.

Sun Yue'e murmured, "We are the ones who harmed them, we are the ones who harmed them... We shouldn't have begged you back then, we shouldn't have begged you."

But what can I do?It's too late, everything is done, and the outcome cannot be changed.

Tong Tianliu was silent, quietly watching these ants-like humans.

Four years ago, she felt the abnormal changes in the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth, and sucked the spiritual energy into her body violently, which caused a major earthquake in Shangtongtian Village. Blessing, and at the request of the villagers, he gave them inexhaustible food and fruits, and used his newly awakened demon world to absorb the souls of the living and dead for them to remember.

Up to now, the situation has inevitably reached a desperate situation where it is difficult to turn back.

The villagers regretted it, but Tong Tianliu did not regret it, because she discovered that since she used the demon world to absorb the souls of the living and dead, her cultivation base has increased day by day, and the newly awakened demon world has become more concise and perfect. She accidentally found a way to shape the demon world. The only method is to use the living soul to enter the world, shape the world with the soul, and nourish the world with the soul, in order to obtain the supreme demon world.

She is no longer the Tongtian Liu four years ago, but she regards Shangtongtian Village as her own territory, and uses the villagers' souls to refine the evil willows of the demon world. Desire has impregnated her demon heart unconsciously, or so to speak. , the endless demands from the villagers made her learn what greed and desire are.

Mo Mo looked at the blessed land in Tongtianliu's body, feeling extremely familiar.

hum!The investigative skill was thrown out, and the information about Dongtian Paradise came back.

[Demon Realm: An alternative space formed by the condensed demon energy in Tongtianliu's body, which can accommodate souls and monsters, forming a world of its own. 】

Silent suddenly, no wonder it is so familiar, ghosts have ghosts, and demons have demon worlds.The demon realm of Tongtianliu belongs to the same type as the ghosts of the man with glasses before.

She is using the soul of a stranger to refine the rhythm of the demon world!
Shen Mo finally figured out the secret of Tong Tian Liu. Although the process was complicated and the good and evil alternated, the result was the same.

The villagers regretted it after floating, and didn't want to float anymore.

At the beginning Tongtianliu was kind to save people, but after being blackened, she didn't want to stop.

This is why Tongtianliu is hostile to outsiders. In his own pig farm, how can outside pigs be allowed to act recklessly and break the rules.

There was no right or wrong between the villagers and Tongtianliu at first, but as time went by, greed and desires engulfed them, blinded their eyes, and right and wrong seemed very pale.

Silence doesn't care who is right or wrong between them, he only considers his own interests.

First: Save Ling'er!

Second: try to recruit Tongtianliu, the recruitment went well, everyone is happy.If the recruitment fails, take a step back and let them make a record and regulate their behavior.If the first two are rejected, we can only gather the strength of the super bureau to cut off this demon willow that cannot conform to the trend of the times.

Because monsters who don't understand the rules represent a great instability factor, and no one can guarantee that they will not endanger the lives of other creatures.

Mo Mo looked at Sun Yue'e again, "Do you still want to send Ling'er to the so-called Paradise of Paradise?"

Sun Yue'e shook her head again and again, "No, I won't let my spirit baby go to that kind of place to suffer."

As Sun Yue'e spoke, she danced and danced, murmured words, mumbled something, and the next moment, Ling'er, who had been dazed before, regained her wits and regained her sanity.

"Why am I here?!" Ling'er didn't feel anything about the previous memory, and didn't know what happened.

Seeing that Ling'er recovered, Mo Mo immediately called out, "Ling'er, come to me quickly, stay away from Tong Tian Liu."

Puff!Before the words of silence fell, the willow branches on Tongtianliu's body twitched, and countless willow branches swept over Linger's body, pulling her into the demon world, and the ink painting immediately manifested waves like water ripples, and Linger had disappeared from the crowd In front of him, a figure appeared out of nowhere in the demon world, and it was Ling'er.

"Naughty beast, let go of that female ghost!"

Silent shouted loudly, flashed out the phantom battle ax in his hand, and pointed directly at Tongtianliu, "I will give you three ways, first: release Linger, join the super bureau. Second: release Linger, file a record in the super bureau, In the future, don't hurt innocent people, so that you can practice well. The third release Ling'er, and prepare to meet the strangulation of the entire super bureau!"

Wow, Tongtianliu didn't think at all, and she didn't care what the super game was, she said bluntly.

"I don't choose any path, this is my territory, and everything is mine, including you."

Silence sneered, "In that case, you have no choice."

【Ding! 】

[Sub-task: The secret of the Millennium Tongtian Willow.There is a millennium Tongtian willow in Shangtongtian Village, please find out the secret of Tongtian willow.mission completed.Rewards are issued for completing follow-up tasks. 】

[Trigger the follow-up side task: the obsessed Tongtianliu.Tongtianliu is obsessed with obsession, and wants to bring the entire upper Tongtian village into the demon world for refining, so he asks the priests to stop Tongtianliu. 】

[Task Reward: Unknown (after the task is completed, the reward will be issued according to the participation of the clergy)]

Shen Mo's face was cold, even if he didn't trigger the follow-up side mission, he would fight to the death with Tong Tianliu, because no one in this world could hurt Ling'er.

He will kill anyone who dares to touch his ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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