The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 191 The True Big Brother Forrest Gump

Chapter 191 The True Big Brother Forrest Gump (please subscribe for reward)
"Little brother, don't!"

Da Fei stopped the silence and reminded, "We are not her opponents. If we go to war directly, we will surely die."

Mo Mo shook off Da Fei firmly, "I am indeed no match for her, but if she dares to touch my ghost, I will teach her to be a human being."

"Be patient, let's retreat strategically first, and wait for the support from the super bureau to come, and it will not be too late to teach."

Shen Mo's face darkened, "When the support from the Super Bureau comes, the girl Huang Hua will be married and become a woman. I must not let Ling'er become a puppet without wisdom."

Because Ling'er is the top priority of Silent Ghost Creature's plan, without Ling'er, everything will be empty talk.

You can lose the battle, but Linger can't die.

Why!Da Fei let out a long sigh, and she found that she couldn't persuade Mo Mo at all, since she couldn't persuade her, she could only force her anus.

"Little brother, how sure are you that we just charge up like this?" Da Fei said, her pink demonic aura flashed, and she immediately transformed into a half-human, half-demon fox form. This state made her combat power extremely powerful. Great liberation.

Shen Mo looked surprised, "We can't beat her again, wouldn't we die if we rushed up?"

Duffy: "???"

If you don't rush forward, you say a hammer?I thought you were going to have a hard anus with Tongtianliu?Why is there so much thunder and little rain, bluffing!
Mo Mo ignored Da Fei's contemptuous gaze, and asked instead, "Do you have a big move?"

"Huh?" Da Fei was even more puzzled, "What big move?"

Shen Mo looked disgusted, "Play more games if you have nothing to do, you don't even know the ultimate move, how to cooperate with me is the most powerful move."

Dafei felt embarrassed to be despised by her little brother. The vixen won't play games to offend you. If she can survive this time, she must play all the games to her heart's content.

"Yes, the trump card for life-saving."

Nodding silently, "Help me delay for a minute, can you do it?"

Dafei's beautiful eyes were slightly condensed, her brows were furrowed, and she took a deep breath, "Okay!"

"Okay! I'll leave it to you."

Silently speaking, he drew back and hid behind Da Fei. His big move needs to be held back for 1 minute. During this time, he cannot be disturbed. When he holds back his big move, he will teach Tong Tianliu to be a man.

Dafei's monster eyes flickered, and she took out a snow-white fox tail from her bosom, about the length of a palm, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but seeing that Tongtian Liu had already started to twitch its branches to attack everyone present, She gritted her teeth tightly and became ruthless.

Puff!It was too late, but it was fast, I saw Dafei grabbing the fox tail, and following the fox tail into the stock, Dafei trembled all over, the pink demonic aura surged, erupting from the fox tail like a substance, and it circulated in the blink of an eye It reaches the whole body, and its demon power soars.

"Little brother, why are you still staring blankly? If you have a big move, prepare quickly. I won't last long with my sister."

With a shout, Da Fei has transformed into a two-tailed white fox, dancing her snow-white fox tails, and swooping down towards Tongtianliu.

Boom, beep!

The snow-white foxtail and countless willow branches of Tongtian Willow whipped together, and a terrifying air wave erupted, which instantly bounced ordinary villagers away, while the silent surroundings were not affected in the slightest because of Da Fei's protection.

Mo Mo was surprised. He didn't expect Da Fei to have such a foxtail transformation skill. It was really an eye-opener. He didn't dare to delay, and immediately prepared to release the big move.

What kind of big move?True boss summoning technique!

[Devil King’s Reward Contract: Privilege 4, Summon the Four Swordsmen——A Ganzuo (1 time) (both the real world and the mirror world can be used)

Silently shouted, raised his hands, and began to chant the ancient language of the Arad continent according to the summoner's ritual.

"The powerful and taciturn Four Swordsman Forrest Gump! I am here to summon you with the help of the Demon King's reward contract. Please break through the barriers of dimensions and come to this world, and cut off the evil willow in front of you!"

Mo Mo doesn't care about the secondary attribute of summoning the eulogy. His purpose is only to summon the legendary Four Swordsman Forrest Gump Zuo. As long as the elder brother is willing to come, he can perform handstands and wash his hair without any problem.

As the chanting spell continued to spit out from the silent mouth, the devil reward contract blessed on him emitted a powerful, mysterious and unknowable power, and A-Gump Zuo, who was on the continent of Arad, sensed this power in the dark, Also hear the call of silence.

"A summoner from another world?"

Forrest Gump was dressed in a body-shaping leather jacket so handsome that it exploded on the spot, his gray hair and beard full of male hormones showed the vicissitudes of life and aloofness. He stood up from the corner of the Moonlight Tavern and took up the big gun A ronin long sword as tall as a man.

"A-Gump, don't you want to continue drinking?" the sexy blonde Socia asked A-Gump affectionately.

"Prepare the red wine and wait for me to come back."

"Where are you going?"

"To complete the mission from another world!"

The blond Socia looked obsessed, "Oh, he is indeed the male god in my heart, every word is enough to make me obsessed."

Behind the back mountain, Shen Mo shook his hands and kept chanting the incantation. This was the second time he had chanted the incantation. Why hasn't the real boss, Forrest Gump, come yet?
Did you get lost on the way to break through the dimensional wall?Or was it cut off by some other strange thing?It shouldn't be, isn't the devil king's reward contract the most unreasonable contract?How could it be possible to make a mistake? If A Ganzuo couldn't be summoned, he would join hands with Da Fei to sing cool today.

boom!The twitching willow branches of Tongtian Liu slapped Da Fei's demon body fiercely. In an instant, bright red blood appeared on the snow-white demon body, and fell to the ground along the snow-white hair. The increase is buffed, but it is still not the opponent of the thousand-year-old Tongtianliu. Instead of entangled for a moment, it is already at the end of its strength, unable to do what it wants, and it looks like it will be beaten to death by Tongtianliu.

Mo Mo was anxious, if this didn't happen again, Da Fei would be cold.

"Are you calling me?"

Like a raging fire in winter, a gorgeous summoner altar composed of flames ignited in front of Silence, and a burly figure stepped out of it, he came, he came handsome.

Shen Mo looked up at the broad and thick ronin long sword that was as tall as a person, and then sensed the opponent's powerful aura through his spiritual sense, the giant sword hanging above his head finally fell down.

The real boss, Forrest Gump, finally came, and they were saved.

"The great Saint of the Four Swords, Forrest Gump, is the one I summoned. Please use your Ronin Great Sword to kill this evil willow!"

A-Gump inspected Silence with sharp eyes, "A clergyman from another world? Your enemy must be the evil of this world! If that's the case, then cut it off."

hum!The great sword of the Ronin buzzed in A-Gump's left hand, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye erupted. The powerful aura from the Juggernaut was enough to make all living beings tremble. This was the oppression from the boss.

"Is that fox also the target to kill?"

Silence was startled, and quickly explained, "No, that fox is my pet, and your opponent is that demon willow."

A-Gump made the sword master's standard slashing posture, "Your pet is really special. Then, let her go, and leave the rest of the battle to me."

(End of this chapter)

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