Chapter 196

Where is my sister's male god? !
Da Fei stared at Shen Mo resentfully, as if she was about to swallow Shen Mo alive.

"Little brother, what did you do to my sister's god? Where is he now?"

Shrugging silently and helplessly, he explained, "Your male god left. He left overnight. He bought a standing ticket."

"Why?" Da Fei asked inexplicably. In front of such a charming and delicious vixen, the male god would choose to leave alone. Is this the loss of human nature, the distortion of values, or the silence The strange thing inside is that he forced the male god to pick up the soap on the ground.

"You have to give me a perfect explanation."

Mo Mo smiled, "Da Fei, you are not suitable, you are not worthy of him."

"Why don't you deserve it? I'm the princess of the Northeast Fox Clan..." Da Fei said, the subject changed, "Tell me, what is his origin?"

Mo Mo said desperately, "You beg me, you beg me. I'll tell you."

Dafei's face darkened, and she looked at Shen Mo's sloppy expression that could no longer be sloppy. Based on her understanding of men, even if she subdued and begged for Silence, Moment would not tell him. This is the nature of a man, how can such a cheap The words are great.

"Wishful thinking, sister, I will never beg you in this life. Sister, I have a lot of means, and I will definitely find my sister's male god." Mo Mo sees through, and secretly thinks that even if Da Fei searches all the men in this world, he will not even try to find him. Gan Zuo, because he is in the continent of Arad, if you are looking for pandas on the earth, isn’t that just looking for pandas in the pond, and you’re just messing around!
Ignoring Dafei's petty hypocrisy, Mo Mo took Ling'er and Dafei back to Shangtongtian Village again. The frightened villagers were gathering at the house of village chief Lin Chongjiu, trembling.

In the past four years, they have worshiped Tongtianliu as a god, but they did not expect that Tongtianliu just raised them like pigs. Such a huge contrast awakened these villagers who were addicted to utopia. The collective Jiangzhi fed by the sugar-coated cannonballs, at this moment Tongtianliu is going berserk, trying to swallow them all, this is probably the rhythm of the whole village going to the underworld neatly!

As old villagers who have not developed their wisdom, their thinking has solidified, and they have not caught up with the trend of the new era, they are really panicking now.

"Village chief, what should we do?" The villagers begged Lin Chongjiu in confusion, "We don't want to die, we don't want to be eaten for our souls, and we won't be reborn forever."

Lin Chongjiu's face was ugly, and he didn't know what to do. Subconsciously, he looked at his wife, she made the decisions about the small things in the house, and he nailed the big things. Now that such a big thing came out, he should have stood up and made up his mind, but At the end of the day, he found that he couldn't make the decision at all. He had long been used to not worrying about everything, looking for his wife when he had something to do, and having nothing to do with sex.

"What are you going to do, mother-in-law!"

Sun Yue'e also looked depressed. Among all the villagers, she was the one who suffered the most. It was because she had the highest trust in Tongtianliu that she became the witch of Tongtianliu. Now that Tongtianliu's conspiracy has been exposed, her three views have suffered. When it came to the collapse of the volcanic eruption, she had already begun to doubt her life, and she had no reason to figure out a way to deal with the crisis.

Hey, it's over.Lin Chongjiu let out a long sigh. This time they went to Tongtian Village, they were really going to be doomed. The whole village was about to fall into the claws of Tongtian Willow neatly, and their chances of reincarnation were lost.

Just when Lin Chongjiu lost all hope, the wooden door of his house was knocked.

Boom boom boom!
hiss!The spirits of the villagers immediately tensed up. They stared at the gate with terrified eyes, and hid in the corner shivering. In their opinion, the thing knocking on the door now must not be a good thing.

"Open the door, I know you are inside." Shen Mo shouted loudly, "Tong Tian Liu has been wiped out, you are safe!"

Lin Chongjiu was taken aback, it wasn't that thing knocking on the door outside! ?This voice is clearly the young man who brought Ling'er back.

Hi, our village has been saved!
As expected of the old village chief, Lin Chongjiu realized it immediately, trotted to the gate, and asked in a low voice, "Is that Linger's friend outside?"

"My fellow, it's us, we are all on our own." Mo Mo said, pushing Ling'er next to him, "Linger, hurry up, call Dad!"

Ling'er seemed a little reserved and helpless. Although Silence didn't tell her the truth, she knew that she was being controlled by someone, and that person was her mother. No matter what the mother's purpose was, it hurt Ling'er's heart.

Linger shook her head and said to Shen Mo, "Let's go!"

ha? !Silent and puzzled, why don't you continue to visit your relatives?

Ling'er replied firmly, "Knowing that they are doing well, I am satisfied, let's go, let's go home."

The word "family" in Ling'er's mouth was especially aggravated, which warmed the hearts of those who listened silently. He is indeed a ghost raised by him. He knows how to repay her kindness, knows how to be grateful, and has not hurt her in vain during this time. You see, this is her family. .

Nodded silently, gave Da Fei a look, "Go, let's retreat."

After finishing speaking, the silent three turned and left, disappearing into the night.

After a long time, Lin Chongjiu who couldn't wait for an answer opened the door and looked at the empty door with guilt and helplessness in his eyes.

"Ling baby, father and mother are sorry for you, you must live happily in the future."

Yancheng Airport.

Dafei said goodbye to Shen Shen and Linger with her plane ticket to the northeast.

"Sister Ling'er, I must come to the Northeast when I have time. My sister treats you to pork stewed vermicelli. That guy is very active."

Ling'er smiled shyly. It was the first time for her and Shen Mo to hear Da Fei bursting out in dialect. Don't tell me, it really has a little taste and is strong enough.

"Thank you sister, I will go with Amo if I have the chance."

Da Fei looked at Mo Mo with contempt, "You can come here as a ghost, don't bring a stinky man, and, my sister told you, this kid is very mean-spirited, you should be careful, don't let him take advantage of you."

Silently smiled, what right does she have to dictate the matter between him and Linger, isn't she just a vixen with knitting?I really think of myself as a ruthless character.

Ling'er smiled without saying a word, watching Da Fei walk into the boarding gate, and when she left, Ling'er replied to Shen Mo, "Xiao Mo, the women outside say you are not a good person, but I think you are really A good man."

Before Shen Mo answered, Linger continued, "Let me experience it sometime, you are not a good person!"


Another day!Another day!Let the limelight pass.It's tight now.If you can't drive a car, you can't even drive a ghost car.

cough cough!Shen Mo turned his head away in embarrassment, pretending to close his eyes to rest his mind, the flight between him and Linger had to take off for nearly four hours, so he just took advantage of this gap to spend the rewards he just got.

After all, he is now a local tyrant with 5000 aura points, which is enough for him to spend a while.

Shen Mo stared at the attribute panel and personal warehouse, thinking about how to arrange these rewards.

Level: Level 6 (Aura 6650/2000)

Earth pot props Pocket pot*2
Material: The core of the demon world from the Millennium Tongtianliu (incomplete soul 64)

Material: Millennium willow wood.

Should I upgrade my level first, or upgrade my skills?

(End of this chapter)

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