The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 197 Shen · Dryad · Mo

Chapter 197 Shen · Dryad · Mo
This is a problem!
But it was obviously a small question, and after silently thinking about it, there was an answer in his heart.

upgrade!Must upgrade.Why?
On the one hand, the increase in attributes brought about by leveling up is huge, and on the other hand, after Shen Mo obtains the sub-professional change task, he vaguely guesses that his level has increased to a certain level, and he can trigger the clergyman change task.

In the continent of Arad, it is self-evident what job change means. It is the only way to make a qualitative change for the clergy. How can silence suppress the inner desire.

As the saying goes, a priest who doesn't want to change his job is not a good priest.

He has to upgrade, has to upgrade.

【Ding!Whether to spend 2000 aura points to upgrade the level, yes!no! 】

"Yes!" Silence muttered firmly.

hum!With the deduction of the spiritual energy value, Mo Mo felt a sense of sublimation in his whole body. The heat flow generated out of thin air circulated in his body, flowed through his limbs and bones, soaked in the cells of the whole body, and then burst out new power, blessing his body and soul Among them, this is the pleasure brought about by the enhancement of the four-dimensional attribute, an indescribable pleasure.

Ding!Level up.

Level: Level 7 (Aura 4650/3000)

It can be upgraded to another level, and the pleasure can continue!

Silence didn't hesitate, and said again, "Upgrade!"

Ling'er, who was at the side, noticed his abnormality, and rushed to him, and asked, "Little Momo, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

The ghost energy condensed and turned into a palm to push Shen Mo, and quickly pulled Mo Mo back from the pleasure of upgrading. Seeing Mo Mo opened his eyes, Ling'er's hanging heart gradually let go.

"It's just that you're fine... just now I thought you were going to be a ghost with me!" Ling'er was really worried at the time, although such things as sudden sudden death rarely happen to practitioners.However, plots of going crazy and exploding to death can be found everywhere in the novel. With the three of them becoming tigers, it is natural to scare Ling'er, making her think that Silence is going crazy and is about to die suddenly.

But after thinking about it, it would be a wonderful thing if Shen Mo died suddenly on the spot and turned into a ghost.

In ancient times, there were Liang Zhuhua butterflies flying side by side, but now there are silent Linger who are both ghosts, and the ghosts are born with love, wouldn't it be beautiful.

It's a pity that looking at Shen Mo's full energy and his increasingly powerful aura, Ling'er knows in his heart that Mo Mo is a breakthrough in cultivation and has improved to a higher level.

"Are you breaking through?"

Nodding silently, he said nonsense, "The battle of Tongtianliu gave me a little understanding. I just closed my eyes, three flowers gathered on the top, and my five senses were enlightened. It was like a god's help, and then I made a magical breakthrough."

Ling'er believed it. After all, what Shen Mo said was so serious, and combined with the soaring aura, ghosts believed it.

"Then congratulations, if you encounter this kind of situation again in the future, please say hello to me in advance," Ling'er said with a little embarrassment, "because when you broke through, that expression was really..."

"What the hell?!"

Ling'er hesitated a few times, but said truthfully, "It's too cheap!"


Are you complimenting me?Still hurting me?How cheap is cheap? !

"Okay, you just broke through, and it will definitely take time to consolidate, then I won't bother you, you continue to comprehend, and I will continue to float." Ling'er said, floating up, floating around in the waiting hall, like a celestial girl Go down to earth and entertain yourself.

Mo Mo doesn't care about Ling'er, he really needs to use the excuse of consolidating his cultivation to continue consuming his spiritual energy.

Looking closely at the attribute panel again, the attribute of silence has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Level: Level 8 (Aura 1650/4000)

Strength: 26 (+6) [32]

Physique: 25 (+8) [33]

Dexterity: 24 (+9) [33]

Spirit: 45/29 (+16) [45]

Lucky: 1 (+3) [4]

Charisma: 1
The level of silence is raised to level 8, and the four-dimensional attributes are increased by 4 points, and there are 1650 points of aura left, which can be used to upgrade skills.

He set his eyes on the skill bar, thinking about how to distribute the remaining aura points.

【Weapon Blessing】【Slow Healing】【Devil's Hand】【Purification】【Tiger Attack】

These five skills all need aura to increase the level, and [Collapse Mountain Strike], which was stolen from A-Gump Zuo, does not belong to the skill system of the clergyman. Although it is recognized as a skill, it cannot use the aura to increase the level. The damage and effect are only judged according to the four-dimensional attributes.

So, the question is, which skill should he upgrade?

Is it the weapon blessing of panacea, or the hand of the devil who has repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats, or the god-level purification.

Hey, children only make choices, we adults all want everything.

In the world of adults, we must know that the rain and dew are equal, and we cannot spoil one person alone.

upgrade!Five skills!
【Weapon Blessing】

Current Skill Level 4, Aura (0/400)

【Slow healing】

Current Skill Level 3, Aura (0/200)

【Devil's Hand】

Current Skill Level 3, Aura (0/200)


Current Skill Level 4, Aura (0/400)

【Tiger attack】

Current Skills: 3, Aura (0/200)

All five skills have been upgraded by one level, but to Shen Mo's disappointment, the five skills have only improved some skill effects and power, and no new effects have been awakened.

There is nothing wrong with this bit of silence, after all, these are the initial skills of the clergy, although I don't know if they have a level limit, and if so, what is the level limit.But what is certain is that if the upgrade of the level wants to cause a qualitative change, it still needs to be accumulated.

Mo Mo looked at the remaining 850 aura points, and decided to temporarily save the aura for emergencies. Then, he set his sights on the pocket jar, which is the earth jar's prop.

Mo Mo looked away from the two pocket jars based on the basic principle of never opening the jars without Nannan by his side.

In the end, it is naturally [Material: The Core of the Demon Realm of the Millennium Tongtianliu (Incomplete Soul 64)]

This is the most valuable item in the rewards!

Did Shen Mo use it as a material for refining dolls, or did he use it as his first mimicry? !
Millennium Tongtian Willow!Mo Mo fantasizes that she will turn into a willow tree, take root in the ground, absorb nutrients from the soil, and willow branches dance with the wind, swaying beautiful curves, and under photosynthesis, shed light and heat for nature.

Tut tut!Just thinking about it is a little exciting.

If he pretended to be Tong Tian Liu, then he would become Shen Dryad Mo!Although it can't be said to walk sideways on the ground, it is also the existence of a hero!As long as it is the place where he takes root, all the trees, flowers and plants, that is not what he decides.

From the perspective of maximizing benefits, Silence naturally wants to devour the core of Tongtianliu's demon world, as the first mimicry form of mimicry ability.

Talent skill - Mimicry!launch!

Mimic form——Millennium Tongtian Willow!
Shen Dryad Mo, coming soon!
(End of this chapter)

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