The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 201 This is a cruel character

Chapter 201 This is a cruel character
Shen Mo continued to walk along the small dirt road, and encountered many bones along the way, some of which had been eaten by unknown beasts and were incomplete, and some of which had already turned into piles of white bones. It is purgatory on earth.

I would rather be a dog in a prosperous age than a person in a troubled world.This statement is not adulterated at all.

Shaking his head silently, putting away some overflowing emotions, he walked forward several hundred meters, and finally saw Guobei County in the mission briefing. This place is not so much a county town, but it is not even comparable to a small village in the real world. It is equivalent to a gathering for a market.

Look at the noisy ancient people in the assembly. They were born in troubled times, everyone was bandit-like, and they did evil everywhere. With knives and guns, all of them had a fierce look on their faces, a sad scene of ghosts and ghosts among pedestrians.

Before Shen Mo stepped into the rally, his clothing was locked by many malicious eyes, and some even grabbed the spear and sword in his hand and surrounded him directly.

call!Nine bandits surrounded Silence in the center, and the leading bandit winked at his subordinates, and someone shouted, "I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, leave money to buy your life! My son!" , you want money or your life!"

Silently sneered, from ancient times to the present, the routine of robbery has really not changed at all, and the person he hates most in his life has no technical content at all, and he relies on his strength to communicate with many people, and he can't even talk about it. Not gangsters, just small characters at the level of street hooligans.

Mo Mo asked curiously, "There are so many people here, why do you want to rob me?"

Indeed, there are many strangers coming and going to Guobei County, but why are these gangsters targeting themselves so much?Is it because he has a dark face and a halo of hatred?
"Hey! Young master, you can afford such expensive clothes and you are alone. We won't rob you, and someone else will rob you. Don't talk nonsense. Give us all your valuables, including this clothes. , and selling it at a cloth shop can exchange for a meal of wine."

Silence suddenly realized that it was not his own dark complexion, but his attire and noble temperament were to blame. His temperament was too dazzling, and he couldn't change it, but he could change his style in terms of clothing.

He ignored the bandits around him, looked around, and soon found that the cloth shop they mentioned also saw a lot of ancient clothes.

But here comes the problem, Silence he has no money. In this era, real gold, silver and copper coins are used. Except for the barbecue brother with a big gold chain and a small watch, who is free to go out with a gold chain weighing a few kilograms? .

Wait, Mo Mo thought for a while, he really has gold coins on him, and the evil coin he picked up in Shangtongtian Village is still on him, although there is only one, but it can indeed be used as currency to circulate, but he is not willing to spend the evil coin , because this evil coin is very commemorative, it would be a pity to spend it.

Shen Mo cast his eyes on the bandits around him, looked at the money bags hanging around their waists, and the expressions on their faces gradually became abnormal.

Some people say that the environment changes people; some people say that people change the environment.Silence does not deal with those false ones, he is short of money now, and the bandits have money, then their money is silent.There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

"Don't move! Rob! Hand over all the money you have on you!" Mo Mo imitated the tone of the gangster, and sternly shouted.

The bandits were stunned by this voice, and then looked at each other, laughing wildly.

"Brother, do you think this kid was so scared that he lost his mind, and actually wanted to rob us instead? He..."

Before the younger brother could finish his words, the silence that stood there moved.As the saying goes, if you can do it, try not to make noise. Silence is the essence of it.

hum!Shen Mo didn't draw out his phantom battle ax which was nearly two meters long, because he was afraid of dirtying his artifact, so he just relied on his fists to attack the little brother.

Punch!Puff!The fist the size of a sandbag magnified infinitely in the younger brother's eyes, until it landed on his face, knocking him unconscious with one blow, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The rest of the gangsters were shocked and quickly drew their knives to fight back, but Silence was faster, more ruthless, and more fierce than them.

ah!ah!ah!Several screams resounded through the market, causing everyone present to stop and look sideways. The gangsters who were standing there one second all fell to the ground the next second, screaming again and again, life would be worse than death.

So fast, so ruthless, so good!
The really ruthless characters in the crowd who were already watching made a succinct evaluation of Silence. Such a character who dared to step into Guobei County alone is definitely not an ordinary person. After the verification of these small characters, this is even more confirmed.

This is a ruthless character.

Silently patted the dust that fell from his body, sneered with the corner of his mouth raised, picked up an iron sword that was not bad, picked up the edge of the sword, and took off the money bags around the bandit's waist one by one, although he looked very fierce when he struck, But the way he picked up the money was very kind.

"These money will buy your lives! Be careful when robbing in the future, not everyone is as easy-talking as I am. Maybe you have to be more careful in your younger life."

Putting his words down in silence, he strode forward and walked straight to the cloth shop. The people around him made way for him, not daring to come within two meters of him. Obviously, the move just now made the people in the market Define Silence as a ruthless character that cannot be provoked, and what's more, subconsciously clutches the money bag around his waist, for fear that Silence will never die and miss their money.

Smiling silently without saying a word, and showing some strength when necessary can indeed save a lot of trouble.

He came to the commoner shop. The owner of the commoner shop was a middle-aged man with mischievous eyebrows. He also saw the crushing situation just now, and his attitude towards Shen Mo was extremely respectful and awed. Dressed in a navy blue book long robe, the upper body of the robe, the silent temperament changed suddenly, and it immediately blended into this era, which has a special taste.

"How much?" Mo Mo asked aloud, satisfied with the boss's service.

"Talking about money hurts feelings. Hero, you are a permanent resident in Guobei County, and you still have visitors."

Shen Mo thought for a while, "I don't live here all the time, I just pass by."

"Two, two or three dollars, these are all high-quality fabrics."


The face of this boss can be turned faster than a book, one second hurts feelings, the next second it starts to hurt money, think about people who can open a shop in troubled times, naturally have their way of survival, silence doesn't matter, lose Give out a bag of money, regardless of whether it is enough or not, and mutter, "That's all. Anyway, I picked it up."

The boss was overjoyed, the money in the bag was definitely more than two, two or three, and he made it.

"Thank you, son, for your generosity. Welcome to come next time."

Silently waved his hand, picked up his original package of clothes, and left the commoner shop, why come next time, this shop will only be consumed once in a lifetime.

After leaving the cloth shop, I looked around in silence, my spiritual sense opened up, and I felt it, and soon found that there was a very special shop in the corner of the assembly.

What kind of store is it?

(End of this chapter)

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