Chapter 202

This is a shroud shop whose main business is coffin board shrouds, and the assistant business is talisman exorcism.

Shen Mo stepped into the store with curiosity, ignored the shrouds and coffin boards, and directly set his eyes on the talismans hanging on the shelves. Through spiritual perception, these talismans were useless. Their only effect was that the materials used were Good cinnabar can have a deterrent effect on ghosts and ghosts, so it seems that the owner of this store is not a fellow, but a small merchant who uses this way to make a fortune.

Seeing that Mo Mo was interested in the talismans, the little fellow immediately stepped forward to sell them, "My lord, you are really astute. The talismans in our store are famous efficacies in Guobei County. One piece exorcises ghosts and evil spirits, and two pieces strengthen the body." , three cards to prolong life, if you come to a dozen, you will live forever!"

Silently chuckled, this man's words are more mysterious than nonsense, and he is immortal. Do you think this is Ziqiao's Kidney Treasure?After flirting, he is faster than Liu Xiang, taller than Yao Ming, one bottle of refreshment, two bottles of never tired, three bottles of immortality.

He pretended to be mysterious and asked, "It's so powerful, how much does that talisman cost?"

The little guy was overjoyed, and immediately became energetic, "It's a good deal, you came by a coincidence, our store is offering a discount, a talisman only costs one tael of silver, buy a dozen at a time, and get a good nanmu A coffin, plus a set of luxurious shrouds. You deserve it! Would you like to get yourself a set?"

drink bah!Silently spit out bad luck, this guy is really a sales talent, he bought a talisman and even gave him a coffin as a one-stop service, is this the rhythm of using the talisman well, and even saving the cost of the coffin if he doesn’t use it well?
"Son, how many do you want?!"

Silence waved his hand, "No one!"

The boy's face darkened, don't want you to talk nonsense, waste your feelings, and waste me for so long!

Mo Mo changed the subject, "Are you selling cinnabar like this?"

"Cinnabar?" the boy muttered dully, "Sell it, I'll even sell myself for the money!"

"It's useless for me to want you!" Shen Mo threw out a bag of money again, "Bring the cinnabar from the store, and prepare pens, inks, papers and inkstones!"

The little guy took the money bag in surprise, weighed it slightly, was overjoyed, and hurriedly put the money bag into his pocket, afraid of being silent and repenting, his attitude changed 180 degrees, he nodded and bowed without asking why, "Okay, son, wait a moment, I This is ready for you."

Driven by the money, the boy quickly prepared the required materials for Silence, which are all necessary materials for refining talismans.

That's right, Shen Mo needs to refine some talismans to deal with the upcoming tree demon war.

I saw Shen Mo skillfully picked up the brush, asked the little guy to polish the cinnabar ink, spread the yellow paper, and wrote wildly, saying: Nine cows and two tigers, the wind is fast, the body is protected by diamonds, and the ground shrinks to an inch.

A set of talisman techniques, flowing clouds and flowing water, the young man stared wide-eyed. This talisman technique is far different from his boss's ghost-drawing talisman, and it can be called a master's work.

"Young Master, you are truly a great talent. My admiration for you is like..."

"Your sister, grind!" Shouted silently, after making one set, continue to pick up the yellow paper, and prepare to refine the next set. You must prepare more intermediate-level talismans, in case there is no talisman when you use it, and there is no regret.

The little fellow immediately silenced his voice, and hurriedly continued to grind for the silence, while staring at the movement of the silence, learning how to write intermediate talismans.

Silence does not shy away from it, if these talismans are so simple that others steal them, then his name can be written upside down.

Time flew by, and when Shen Mo exhausted his last bit of mental power, there were already twelve sets of intermediate-level talismans in front of him. If there were no accidents, such a number would be enough to deal with the battle of the tree demon.

He rubbed his swollen temples, picked up the talisman on the desk, left the shroud shop, and planned to take a rest at the inn in the market to recover his mental strength.

With the prestige created before, the check-in in the inn was also very smooth, the waiter entered the upper room with silence, and closed the door after admonishing.

When he was away from home, Silence was naturally careful. He placed the ceramic dishes in the house by the door and window. Once someone broke in, there would be a movement. He himself did not sleep on the bed, but jumped into the room. Top beams, this is the safest place to live in the rivers and lakes.

As the saying goes, which hero has never slept on a beam?Naturally, they have all slept. Sleeping on a beam is one of the necessary skills for walking in the rivers and lakes.

Maybe it was because he was silent and worried too much, until he woke up naturally, no one dared to disturb him to rest.

Seeing that his mental strength recovered to 40/45, and the sun outside the house was about to set, Shen Mo decided to go to Lanruo Temple to meet the thousand-year-old dryad grandma for a while. She looks like a ladyboy, I don't know what it will be like in the mirror world.

Silence went downstairs. At this moment, there were many people eating because it was just time for dinner. He came to the bar and asked the innkeeper, "Boss, how can I get to Lanruo Temple?"

The sound of silence is not loud, but it is enough for most people in the lobby to hear, hiss!Those who were eating stopped their movements one after another, staring at Silence with eyes of extreme fear, as if looking at another dying person who was about to die.

The innkeeper's face turned pale, and he stammered back, "My lord, it's going to be dark, what are you doing there?"

Shen Mo replied solemnly, "I heard that the folk customs of Guobei County are simple and honest, and Lanruo Temple has outstanding people. I have seen your simple folk customs before. I want to visit Lanruo Temple with outstanding people."

Innkeeper: "???"

A group of diners: "???"

Could it be that this son has lost his mind?Look at everyone here, which one is not hideous and vicious, where does the folk customs come from, where does the people come from?

"Young master, don't be kidding, you can't go there, you will die."

Shen Mo let out a light sigh, "Is it really going to die?"


"Then I will go even more!"

Innkeeper: "..."

have to!It seems that I can't persuade this master, you are rushing to die, and I can't stop it, so I can only let you go. Out of good intentions, the innkeeper suggested, "Master, if you insist on going, why don't you stay longer?" some silver."

Silently puzzled, "Why?"

"I'll help you take care of your funeral!"

The corners of the mouth twitch in silence, get out of here, I don't need you to worry about my funeral, just be a promising career as an innkeeper, and play a part-time funeral if you have nothing to do.

Silence asked the location of Lanruo Temple from the innkeeper, and then left the market alone, taking advantage of the afterglow of the sun, and strode forward.

Lanruo Temple!
This is an extremely dilapidated temple, but its weight is extremely important in the world of ghosts and ghosts. Who has never heard of Lanruo Temple's fierce reputation? It is like Yao Ming in the basketball world, Liu Xiang in the hurdles world, The Spielberg of cinema.

Mo Mo stood beside the stone tablet half covered by vines, and stretched out his hand to peel off the vines. On the stone tablet were written "Lanruo Temple" in regular script.

He continued to stride forward, and before he entered the temple, a figure jumped out in front of him, and with a wild tone, he shouted angrily, "Hey! Who is it, tell me your name!"

Silence's first instinct was to shout, I am your father.

But when he saw the person's appearance and attire clearly, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips, because the person was obviously a ruthless character, and he couldn't afford to mess with him.

(End of this chapter)

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