The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 203 Cherish Yan Chixia Heartfeltly

Chapter 203 Cherish Yan Chixia Heartfeltly

It was getting late, and who else would dare to jump out of Lanruo Temple? Naturally, it was Yan Chixia, who was famous all over the world, with strong spells, who looked like Zhong Kui but had a hint of naughty, unrestrained personality but still childlike.

Silently looked at Yan Chixia carefully. There was a sword box on his back. Under his spiritual perception, there was a divine sword exuding an extremely powerful sword energy. It was completely different from the sword energy used by Forrest Gump, but it was undoubtedly very It is so powerful that it seems to be able to cut everything in the world.At the same time, he held a fine steel sword in his hand, although it was not as good as the divine sword hidden in the sword case, it was also several times sharper than the long sword snatched by the bandits.

Looking at Yan Chixia's appearance again, the bearded face is not angry and majestic, Kong Wu's powerful body is like a mountain, exuding a vigorous masculinity all over his body, he doesn't look like a good person, but anyone who knows him knows that , Yan Chixia is the best kind person in A Chinese Ghost Story.

He was originally a hot-handed judge in the 26 provinces of the Guandong Province. He hated corrupt officials the most. Because treacherous ministers were in power, he chose to retire from the Jianghu.

According to the description in the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, Yan Chixia was able to control the Xuanyuan sword at that time, and she could fly with the sword. With a mouthful of "Prajna Paramita" and the spell "Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law", the demons and ghosts were terrified and knelt down. Just call grandpa.

Of course, the current Yan Chixia is much weaker, so it is still an ordinary weapon in the mortal world, and it seems that it has not been long since it was inherited.

In the bottom of Shen Mo's heart, Yan Chixia is a powerful force to deal with the dryad's grandmother. No matter from which point of view, Yan Chixia is an extremely perfect partner for brushing pictures. It is harmful, reliable, and easy to pull into the team.

Shen Mo was serious and serious, and replied solemnly, "I am silent, I heard that there are evil spirits in Lanruo Temple, and I am here to subdue the evil spirits, help justice, and eliminate harm for the people. I don't know who you are and why you appear in Lanruo Temple."

Shen Mo imitated the tone of the ancient chivalrous men, told her why she came, and then threw the question to Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia was taken aback, and looked up and down Shen Mo again with curious eyes. Today is a troubled time, and Mo Mo, who has a good conversational temperament, is by no means an ordinary person. With unique skills, overlooking all living beings.

It's just that Yan Chixia looks at Shen Mo's age and physique. Although she is stronger than ordinary people, she has no mana fluctuations. She doesn't look like a Taoist, but like a son who has practiced crop handles for several years. To subdue demons and demons, and uphold justice, makes people feel very funny and overwhelmed.

Could it be that the son of some family read a few second-rate novels about ghosts and foxes, and his head became so hot that he was sent to Lanruo Temple to die?Hey, isn't this world chaotic enough?They are actually some little fart children who make trouble for others.

"Young master, don't you read too many ghost novels? Come to Lanruo Temple to have fun. The old man advises you to go home early, stay with your parents, find a pretty wife, give birth to a fat baby, and live your life in peace. Don't worry." Toss around and lose your life in vain."

Silence was slapped on the head by Yan Chixia, making it a bit inexplicable. What he said just now has no problems in the normal routine. An ordinary protagonist can definitely get in touch with Yan Chixia. Why did Yan Chixia not only disagree with him when he came here, but instead advised him to go home and marry his wife.

Why!Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, looking at his charm value of 1 point, he was speechless.

You bloody charm that has nowhere to rest!

Shen Mo didn't bother to refute, because in Yan Chixia's eyes, Niubi's rebuttals were weak, and only genuine strength could shake Yan Chixia's heartstrings.

hum!With a shake of Shen Mo's wrist, the minotaur's phantom battle ax manifested, bursting out with a dazzling pink halo, and then, being lifted high in Shen Mo's hands, he leaped into the air, and cast the attack from Forrest Gump. The mountain-bending attack learned from Zuo Na, blasted towards the Buddha Pagoda outside the gate of Lanruo Temple.

boom!The gravel was splashed and dust was flying, and a Buddha pagoda was broken into pieces in an instant, and it was difficult to see the original appearance.

Yan Chixia's face was bewildered, her eyes widened, and the steel long sword she was holding clicked.

"Young master, good method!"

What did he just see? !

Teleportation? !This young master actually knows Taoist supernatural powers such as the universe in his sleeves, and he has a few jumps and slashes. Although his skills are poor, his momentum and power are extremely strong. Even if he is suddenly collapsed, he will either die or be injured.

This son is not an ignorant brat, but a fellow man with unique skills.

Yan Chixia's attitude has undergone a 180-degree change. He stared at Shen Mo with pity eyes, and said gratifiedly, "Young master is indeed a fellow, and there is indeed a monster in Lanruo Temple. It is a thousand-year-old tree demon. , I have been here for some time, but I can't find the hiding place of the tree demon, so I can only stay here to warn the strangers who stray into Lanruo Temple by mistake, lest they lose their lives in vain."

Shen Mo flicked his wrist, put away the phantom battle axe, and clasped his fists in response, "Your Excellency's heart, I really admire it, I don't know how to call it."

"Yan Chixia!"

Silently, he said politely, "Daoist Yan! Being benevolent and righteous, exorcising demons for the people is really chivalrous."

Yan Chixia responded, "Little friend Shen! You have such means at such a young age. You are really a rising star. Don't give up too much. I admire you."

Although there is a huge age difference between the two, they have a feeling that Bole, their confidant, hates being late when they meet each other. In today's troubled times, there are very few people with such benevolence and righteousness. They are as rare and rare as the national treasure panda. When we meet in the temple, we naturally cherish each other and hold each other together.

The picture changed rapidly for a while, so it is not possible to describe it emphatically.Just as the two cherished each other and conspired together for the great cause of eliminating demons, there was a crackling sound from a distance, and immediately a figure fell in front of Shen Mo and Yan Chixia.

"Hey! Yan Chixia, I finally found you, let's do it!"

The visitor was a swordsman holding a long sword, with sharp brows and a threatening aura.Seeing this person, Yan Chixia frowned, and explained to Shen Mo, "This person is Xiahou swordsman. For the sake of the title of the best sword in the world, he has chased me hard for seven years and compared swords with me for seven years. , He has never defeated me, he is motivated by interests, he uses the sword quickly but not inaccurately, his intentions are not righteous, his temperament is not good, he does not seek to make progress, and he is embarrassing and makes great use of it."

Swordsman Xiahou snorted coldly, "Yan Chixia, why are there so many nonsense, look at the sword!"

hum!The long sword buzzed, passing by the side of Shen Mo, stabbing Yan Chixia with a strong wind. Picking it up, it rushed out a distance and slammed it into the wall of Lanruo Temple. The wall that had been in disrepair instantly collapsed, raising countless dust.

Shen Mo's face darkened and he said contemptuously, "The adults are talking, why do the children interrupt? Didn't you see that I was discussing the important matter of subjugating demons and demons with Daoist Yan? Seven years have not grown up yet, why chase after them? If you take Going after a girl at this time, the child can play soy sauce, it is really a waste of youth and emotion."

Although the silent cursing is ignored, there is some truth to it. Although this Xiahou swordsman has a bad temper, he has good sword training aptitude, otherwise he wouldn't be worthy of fighting Yan Chixia for seven years. It's a pity that this person is just average Swordsman, who doesn't know the spells of subjugating demons and demons, can't even fight ordinary female ghosts, let alone deal with the tree demon grandma, so the silent team doesn't plan to bring Xiahou swordsman, he is obviously a pit, the one who would be troublesome if he lay dead. kind.

Silently knocked down Xiahou Swordsman, and discussed with Yan Chixia again, "Daoist Yan, let's continue, let him sit in the pile of bricks and reflect on himself!"

(End of this chapter)

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