The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 205 Unknown customers can't get on, regular customers haven't yet

Chapter 205 Unknown customers can't get on, regular customers haven't yet

Lanruo Temple!
Ning Caichen fought at night with a lamp on, holding a volume of old poems and books, and murmured anxiously, "Guanguan Jujiu, on the continent of the river. A fair lady, a gentleman is very good."

His flustered eyes glanced around from time to time, and when there was a slight disturbance, he was like a frightened bird, flustered.Because he knew very well in his heart that he was being hijacked by two villains on the beam, acting as bait to lure the ghosts into the hook.

He was originally just a poor scholar in charge of rent collection in Baibaozhai. He had never seen such a scene before. The ghosts in his impression were all green-faced fangs. .

This poem is the most difficult poem to recite in his life. Reciting poems used to increase knowledge, but now reciting poems is a terrible business!

"Hey! Mr. Ning, keep on singing, don't stop, once you stop, why would a female ghost come to your door?"

Seeing that Ning Caichen stopped, Mo Mo, who was crawling on the beam, looked sad and lamented, and immediately reminded him that as the saying goes, if you do what you do and love what you do, those who are bait should naturally have the minimum professional ethics, and don't be inappropriate in their duties. To seek other things, to harm others and oneself, to waste one's youth.

Ning Caichen's face was waxy, and he glanced at Shen Mo and Yan Chixia on the beams. He was sure that he was someone he couldn't offend, so he had no choice but to continue reciting poems and flaunting his talents.

"Parking and sitting in love with maple trees late, frost leaves are red in February flowers."

"Ghost, don't come here. There is an ambush here. If you come, it will be very bad for me and you. Please let me spend tonight in peace. I will finish collecting the rent tomorrow morning." , never come to Guobei County again.”

In the dilapidated Lanruo Temple, the voice of Ning Caichen reciting poems and rebelling could be heard, but unfortunately, nothing happened until the middle of the night. He kept nodding his head, as if he was about to doze off at any time.

But Silence and Yan Chixia on the beam were unusually sober, because they knew that the ghost was either on its way, or was already watching outside the door.

It's just that Ning Caichen is too weak, let's be a bait, if you can't get a stranger, and there are no regular customers, it's really useless to be a scholar!

Just when Ning Caichen was in a daze, there were sudden urgent cries for help outside Lanruo Temple. The voice was ethereal and unusual, as melodious and clear as a copper bell, and it made people scratch their hearts like a kitten, and it was unbearable.

Yan Chixia lay beside Shen Mo and grabbed Shen Mo's hand, reminding her in a low voice, "The ghost is coming!"

Silence was calm and composed, "Don't panic, we will play by ear!"

Ning Caichen under the beam was also awakened by the cries for help. At first he was flustered, but after hearing clearly that it was a female voice, there was a different flavor between his brows.

"Brothers, there is a woman calling for help outside, why don't you go and save her?"

Shen Mo and Yan Chixia were slightly angry, and shouted in a low voice, "Leave us alone, just treat us as air, what should we do."

Ning Caichen was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, these two brothers are really not a thing, how could they die without saving their husbands while they are alive.

Wait, Ning Caichen was shocked, the person outside the house must be a ghost!It's still a female ghost!Then he saves or not?
creak!Ning Caichen's indecisive character has not yet made a decision, the door of Lanruo Temple was blown open by a gloomy wind, and immediately, a figure floating like a fairy broke in from outside the house. With charm, a pair of soft bones and red dust eyes, how many heroic tears have been shed, this kind of beauty falls in the world, it is either a fox or a demon.

When Ning Caichen saw her, he felt as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

Shen Mo lay on the beam, and saw the ghost at a glance, and his angle had a better view than Ning Caichen's.

hiss!See no evil, speak no evil, believe no evil.She is just a ghost, no matter how fierce she is, she is still a ghost.

The ghost is none other than Nie Xiaoqian.

"Young master, help!"

Nie Xiaoqian was like a frightened bird, soft and weak, she threw herself into Ning Caichen's arms miserably, every move, every frown and smile, was all natural charm.

hiss!Ning Caichen was a small tenant, how could he stand against such a situation, he was not the general of Nie Xiaoqian at all, his body became weak in an instant, and he was defeated. He looked down at the nephrite in his arms, his speech was chaotic, he didn't know what to say What.

As for what to do, he has a plan in his heart, but he can't do it!

Because there were two spectators lying on the beam, their every move could be seen by them. If something happened, wouldn't it be a live broadcast?
Silently watching carefully, he saw that Ning Caichen couldn't hold it anymore, and muttered to himself, Undead knight, live online, everyone's old iron presents are up.


It's a pity that Ning Caichen didn't do his best, and he pushed Nie Xiaoqian away, with an upright look on his face, "Girl, please respect yourself!"

Nie Xiaoqian: "???"

how so?Is there really a gentleman in this world who is not tempted by beauty?What kind of person is this young master? Although he looks poor and miserable, the most important thing is that he can sit still and not mess up.

Although Nie Xiaoqian was thinking so much in her heart, she was unwilling to give up. She rushed to Ning Caichen again, trying to seduce him with her beauty, and whispered soft words to coax him, but unfortunately all she got in return was a cold rejection.

"Girl, don't be like this, stay away from me, if you come close to me again, I will scream."

Puff!Nie Xiaoqian was amused, like an old drifter who has experienced many battles, meeting a fledgling chick and bird.

"My lord, go ahead and yell. If you yell out your throat, no one will answer you in this wilderness."

Ning Caichen wants to cry but has no tears, what's the matter!It also prevents people from collecting rent properly.Didn't he read the almanac when he went out?
Mo Mo suppressed a smile, and frantically gave Ning Caichen winks, the meaning was obvious, "You are the best, hurry up and take down this ghost, and ask where the tree demon's original body is, so that we can go to kill the demon and save the world common people."

Ning Caichen caught sight of silence from the corner of his eye, and then remembered his real mission, quickly organized his words, and asked Nie Xiaoqian, "Dare to ask girl, are you a ghost?"

Mo Mo cursed secretly, "You stick!"

Nie Xiaoqian: "???"

After a fleeting moment of distraction, Nie Xiaoqian responded with a tactful smile, "Young Master, you really know how to joke. There is no such thing as a ghost in this world."

"Aren't you a ghost?"


"Then you go!" Ning Caichen said, and was about to push Nie Xiaoqian out of the house, which made Nie Xiaoqian look confused.

"Young master, what do you mean? Don't tell me that the slave family is not a ghost, so you are going to reject the slave family?"

Ning Caichen muttered, "Yes, I am looking for a ghost, you are not, why don't you go home and ask, if there is a ghost, help bring him here, and say that I have something to do with him."

Nie Xiaoqian was speechless. This was the strangest fishing trip she had encountered in all these years of fishing, and it was simply unforgettable for her.

Just now she thought that Ning Caichen was a gentleman, but now it seems that he is just a stupid scholar with a bad brain. Hey, such a scholar, it would be a good home for such a scholar to be remade by grandma.

Thinking of this, Nie Xiaoqian wanted to attack Ning Caichen directly. Her complexion changed suddenly, and her aura rose everywhere. The copper bell on her ankle automatically emitted some kind of fluctuation, as if calling for something.

The silence on the beam and Yan Chixia felt Nie Xiaoqian's change, Yan Chixia shouted in a low voice, "No, Ning Caichen messed up, the female ghost is already summoning the tree demon, we are ready to fight!"

Shen Mo frowned, and also realized that the plan had failed. What Nie Xiaoqian summoned was only the tree demon's soul-absorbing branches. , it really is even more difficult.

There was a slight pause in silence, maybe Ning Caichen should not be allowed to attack Nie Xiaoqian, or should he go up and try it himself? !
(End of this chapter)

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