The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 206 Girl, Listen to Me

Chapter 206 Girl, Listen to Me
Is it possible to be an inhuman undead knight? !
Thinking about it in silence, on the vast prairie, with the spring breeze paving the surface, I and Nie Xiaoqian galloped on horses, talking about a love that spanned life and death.

Tsk tsk, the picture is too beautiful to look at.

Wait, Mo Mo slapped his thigh, how did he get out of the horns? Whoever said that Nie Xiaoqian must be captured if he obtained information about the dryad's grandma from Nie Xiaoqian's mouth? Isn't there any other more direct, simpler, and more brutal method? ?
Of course the answer is yes, soft ones won’t work, let’s go straight to the hard ones!
In a word, since Nie Xiaoqian is here, she can't leave tonight without incident.

"Daoist Yan, do it!"

Hearing a loud shout from Silence, he got up together, and suddenly jumped off the beam with Yan Chixia, who had been lying in wait for a long time. Nie Xiaoqian, who was summoning the tree demon, was so frightened that she murmured, "My lord, there are still people in your room." Two people?!"

Ning Caichen's eyes wandered, seeing Shen Mo and Yan Chixia's hands, he already realized that there was a [-]% chance that the girl was a ghost, and he was so scared that he ignored Nie Xiaoqian's question, and backed away again and again.

Silence fell to the ground with a loud bang, and appeared beside Nie Xiaoqian like thunder and lightning. The right hand exuding a milky white halo stretched out, and grabbed Nie Xiaoqian's snow-white neck precisely and ruthlessly.

Boo!With a shrill gasp, the ghost energy on Nie Xiaoqian's body fluctuated violently, and was abruptly shrouded by the milky white halo in Silence's hand, compressing into a ball of spirit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

[Mimicry: Millennium Tongtian Willow.Talent skill: Tongtian Demon Realm.launch! 】

Nie Xiaoqian's spirit body squirmed, forming a ripple-like spatial fluctuation between her and Silence's palm, and immediately, the powerful suction pulled the spirit mass directly into the demon world.

[Tongtian Demon Realm: Incomplete soul 64, complete soul 1. 】

From falling silent to accepting Nie Xiaoqian, it took only a few seconds before and after, and Yan Chixia who had just raised the knife to chop looked at Yan Chixia in a daze. !Hey, little brother, you can do it!

Silently accepting Nie Xiaoqian, he didn't stop, but his face became more dignified, because his spiritual sense clearly sensed the extremely thick and evil evil spirit permeating outside Lanruo Temple, which was different from Nannan's immature and Dafei's charming fragrance, This demonic aura is mixed with a pungent bloody smell, as soon as one smells it, one can tell that this demonic aura is impure and definitely not good.

"Daoist Yan, the tree demon has arrived."

Fortunately, Yan Chixia was inherited by the sword fairy, and her means of subjugating demons and demons is very strong, but in terms of spiritual perception, she is far inferior to the priest of Silence.

"Did you perceive it? Where is that evildoer?"

Shen Mo looked calm, and said truthfully, "She is everywhere."

Yan Chixia: "???"

Shen Xiaoyou, at such a critical moment, please don't make fun of me.What does ubiquitous mean?
Silently explained, "The roots of the dryad have surrounded Lanruo Temple. This is her hunting ground, and we have been surrounded."

Yan Chixia's face covered with bushy beards was extremely dignified. Looking at Ning Caichen who was trembling at the foot of the wall, she hesitated for a while, then took out an ancient book from her bosom, and wrote three Sanskrit words of the Diamond Sutra.

Silently, he didn't want to worry about why the Taoist priest had the Diamond Sutra in his hands, but Yan Chixia threw the scriptures to Ning Caichen and shouted sharply, "Boy, if you don't want to die, use the scriptures to seal the surrounding windows."

Ning Caichen took the scriptures, thanked them repeatedly, and was about to tear off the scriptures in a hurry, and glued the scriptures on the window.

Shen Mo felt a little distressed in his eyes. Could this Diamond Sutra be the scripture in the movie to kill the thousand-year-old demon in the underworld?Such a powerful Diamond Sutra is used to protect Ning Caichen's life?Yan Chixia is really a good person!

If the Diamond Sutra is in Shen Mo's hands, it will definitely be a great weapon against the tree demon's grandmother.No wonder people often say that crying children have milk to drink. Look, Ning Caichen has not started crying yet, how much milk he sucked, at least this big >(ˉ▽ˉ)<

Silence was filled with envy, but Yan Chixia moved again, "Xiaoyou Shen, the female ghost has been collected, but her ashes are in the hands of the tree demon. At dawn, if she can't go back, her soul will be lost, so I will go outside to drag her away." Live the tree demon, quickly ask the female ghost where the tree demon's original body is."

Silently, it turned out that Yan Chixia took out the Diamond Sutra not to protect Ning Caichen, but to create a secret space for herself to interrogate the female ghost.

Brother Yan, I wrongly blamed you for being silent!You are really a nice person!
"Daoist Yan, you are so loyal, I feel a little embarrassed."

Yan Chixia changed the subject, "If Xiaoyou Shen feels bad, then you give me the female ghost, and I'll interrogate you, and you go out and hold back that thousand-year-old tree demon."


How can you feel sorry? I'm just being polite. Don't take it seriously, Daoist. You go well and don't send it off. You must pay attention to safety when you fight with the tree demon. It's dark outside. Remember to bring a torch. Mr. Ning and I, Mentally support you a hundred times, and when I find out the real tree demon from the female ghost, I will rush out to help you as soon as possible.

Yan Chixia chuckled, picked up the steel sword in her hand, opened a window, and rushed out of the house. Young people nowadays really can't take jokes.

When Yan Chixia left, only Shen Mo and Ning Caichen were left in the room. Seeing that Ning Caichen was still busy covering the window with the Vajra Sutra, Shen Mo found a corner and sat down, his consciousness sank into the Tongtian Demon Realm in his mind, and found that he had just been captured. Nie Xiaoqian, who was included in it.

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian is standing dazedly among the 64 incomplete souls. Her untouched and vulgar face looks a little cute and lifeless, which has a special taste.

hum!Silently, I called out Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian, who had just manifested her figure, felt the wind blowing under her feet, and wanted to escape, but she hit the Diamond Sutra rune on the window, and was immediately bounced back viciously as if she had been electrocuted. It landed on the ground, with a faint ghostly aura all over its body.

Shen Mo smiled badly, "Nie Xiaoqian, don't try to escape, even if you try your best, you won't be able to escape my Wuzhi Mountain."

Nie Xiaoqian's face was waxy, without a trace of blood. Although she was a ghost, she was sweating profusely. She asked in pain, "My lord, how do you know the name of the slave family. The slave family has never said their name."


Um?You didn't say what your name is?You and Ning Caichen have been lingering down there for a while, didn't you say your name?Silence recalled carefully, Nie Xiaoqian really never said her name.

This is very embarrassing, how to explain the silence?Say you are all fake, your world is also fake, it’s all a mirror world, I just come in to do tasks, and leave when I’m done, the kind of ruthless drifter who never takes responsibility?Obviously a little unrealistic, even ghosts will not believe it.

Mo Mo thought for a while, and immediately thought of a solution in his mind, only to see him say solemnly, "Girl, just listen to me."

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't help being curious, "Sir, please tell me, I'm listening."

"It doesn't matter how I know your name, you just need to know that I am the undead knight who is about to rescue you from the sea of ​​suffering."

Nie Xiaoqian was puzzled, what is an undead knight.

"In terms you can understand, I am the hero who will kill the tree demon and save you from the sea of ​​suffering."

Nie Xiaoqian was pleasantly surprised, "Sir, what you said is true?! Can you really kill the thousand-year-old tree demon and save me from the sea of ​​suffering?"

"Of course, as long as you tell me where the tree demon's original body is, I will join hands with Daoist Yan to destroy the tree demon and return Guobei County to a bright future."

Nie Xiaoqian fell silent, should she believe the words of the person in front of her?
(End of this chapter)

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