The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 207 See you in the woods tomorrow night 3

Chapter 207 See you in the woods at midnight tomorrow night
"Xiaoqian, grandma loves you the most!"

Nie Xiaoqian recalled in her mind what the dryad's grandmother had said to her not long ago.

"So, grandma, I decided to betroth you to the old demon of Montenegro. If you become the concubine of the old demon of Montenegro, you can leave grandma and go to the underworld to enjoy happiness."

Nie Xiaoqian's face was pale, and she knew very well in her heart that the reason why the dryad grandma did whatever she wanted in Guobei County and was unscrupulous was that the backer behind it was the Heishan old demon from the underworld. A female ghost was given to the old Heishan demon. On the surface, it was said that she was sent there to be a concubine, but in fact, none of the female ghosts who were sent there could survive the wedding night in the bridal chamber, and all became the ghosts of the old Heishan demon.

Nie Xiaoqian understood that she was sent to the underworld not to enjoy the blessings, but to be ravaged miserably, her soul was scattered, and she would undoubtedly die.

So, what can she do?She said yes!Although Silence gave Nie Xiaoqian a particularly unreliable feeling, but she was really forced to either sit and wait to die tragically under the crotch of the Black Mountain old demon, or take a chance, hoping that Silence and Yan Chixia could really kill the tree demon grandma , rescued her from the sea of ​​suffering.

Although hope is sometimes as slim as dust, she is always more worthy of desire than despair.Ghosts, too.

"I believe in you." Nie Xiaoqian nodded emphatically, got up from the ground with difficulty, and then said solemnly, "But I can't tell you where my grandma's original body is now, because her original body is hidden in the demon world I built. , only if I lead you, can you step into the demon world and find her original body."

As Nie Xiaoqian spoke, she continued without waiting for Shen Mo to question her, "Tomorrow night at three o'clock, see you in the small woods in the north of our county. At that time, I will personally take you into grandma's demon world."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and looked Nie Xiaoqian up and down with great interest, wondering if what she said was true, because according to what Nie Xiaoqian said, the hidden danger in this matter is extremely great, if it is three o'clock tomorrow night, after they arrive at the grove , what was waiting for them was not Nie Xiaoqian, but the trap of the dryad grandma, then they were arranged clearly and neatly, and they would sing cool songs together hand in hand.

Mo Mo was not stupid enough to ask Nie Xiaoqian [Why can't they be brought into the tree demon world tonight? 】

Because the tree demon's roots are all outside Lanruo Temple, once Nie Xiaoqian shows signs of betrayal, the tree demon who controls Nie Xiaoqian's ashes urn can have a hundred ways to kill Nie Xiaoqian.

Thinking about it this way, at three o'clock tomorrow night, waiting for Nie Xiaoqian to take advantage of the tree demon's grandmother's unpreparedness and secretly lead them into the demon world is really the safest way.

After thinking this through, he nodded heavily in silence, "Okay, since you trust me, I trust you too. At midnight tomorrow, Xiao Shulin, I'll wait for you."

Shen Mo reached an agreement with Nie Xiaoqian, flicked his wrist to reveal his phantom battle axe, and the pink halo erupted with a terrifying aura, which made Nie Xiaoqian extremely afraid.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, his purpose was to let Nie Xiaoqian take a look at his methods. Only when Shen Mo showed the power to kill the tree demon grandma, Nie Xiaoqian would stand up and take risks, risking her soul-shattering end, and disobeying the tree demon grandma.

"Nie Xiaoqian, for a while, don't blink your eyes, show me carefully. I'm going to pretend... to make a move!"

After speaking in silence, his consciousness sank into his personal warehouse, and he directly put on the [Title: Ruthless Lumberjack],

hum!Wear it successfully.

[Title: Ruthless Lumberjack]

[Tongtianliu, which was conceived and raised for thousands of years, died so tragically under your claws, you are worthy of being a ruthless woodcutter. 】

[Wearing this title, you will get the following special effects skills. 1: Tree language, ruthless. During the ruthless logging process, you have comprehended tree language and can communicate with trees. 2: Catalysis, trees don't grow as fast as you cut them down, so you realize the ability to urge trees to grow wildly.As long as you are willing to give up your mental strength, you can grow as thick as you say. 3: An emotionless lumberjack activates this skill, and the damage to wood attribute creatures increases by 200%.There is no tree that you cannot cut down, if there is, be more ruthless. 】

Mo Mo's eyes were as cold as snow, revealing a ruthless killing spirit, the strong wind swept open a window, leaped out like a dragon entering the sea, accompanied by streaks of pink afterimages piercing the night, he was steady The ground landed outside the house, and when I looked closely, I saw that Yan Chixia was entangled with several waist-thick vines, the sharp steel long sword was already covered with blunt marks and green juice, and the sloppy beard was twisted. Knotting is even more embarrassing, and the burly body is full of exhaustion and persistence.

Yan Chixia couldn't beat the vine tentacles of the dryad's grandmother?
Shen Mo took a closer look, and soon understood the reason.It turned out that Yan Chixia did not use the Xuanyuan sword behind her back since she shot it, but relied on superb swordsmanship and other Taoist methods to deal with the tree demon. The purpose is also obvious, that is to keep the strongest hole card, and kill the tree demon grandma by surprise .

Um!Shen Mo muttered secretly, Daoist Yan is worthy of being Daoist Yan, he has rich practical experience, and he will definitely not lose his big move easily.This kind of feeling is like fighting the landlord. When the opponent throws a three, there is no need for us to take two kings to bomb. Bear with it and keep the king bomb, it will definitely be of great use.

This teammate is the real good teammate, more than a hundred times stronger than those pig teammates who use Wang Zhabo to fight three.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and the phantom battle ax pulled out a splinter, and shouted sharply, "Daoist Yan, leave the rest to me!"

Yan Chixia raised her brows, her face beaming with joy, because the appearance of silence indicated that he had already obtained the real body of the tree demon's grandmother from the female ghost's mouth, and they had taken a big step towards their goal of killing this demon.

After finishing speaking, Yan Chixia swept across with one blow, wiped away the vines in front of her eyes, and withdrew her whole body, hiding behind Shen Mo.

Silence was full of fighting spirit, and when he stepped out, the person had disappeared in place, and in the next second he appeared in the sky above the tree demon vines, buzz!The battle ax slashed, and several vines snapped off, bursting out green juice.

The 200% critical strike damage from the ruthless lumberjack makes the power of the phantom battle ax soar.

"Hiss! Who are you? What supernatural power did you use just now?" There were strange voices of neither male nor female, nor male nor female, questioning the silence with a trace of panic and fear.

Silence is not stupid, he knows that the villain died because of talking too much, and the decent one should not hesitate to keep his essence, how could he answer the tree demon's question, only to see the shrinking talisman on his body flickering again, and the whole person disappeared into the original place again. The next moment, it appeared near the other vines.

Ax Skill - Collapsing Mountain Strike!

With the infusion of huge force, the phantom battle ax exploded with extremely strong lethality, and the tree demon vines, which were difficult to pierce with fine steel swords, were broken into several pieces in an instant.

Grandma Dryad roared past ten thousand prairie beasts, cursing that this guy doesn't understand the rules of the rivers and lakes. When others asked him his name and footsteps, he ignored them and took advantage of this gap to attack again. Cut off several of its tentacles.

This man is ruthless, decisive in killing, powerful and mysterious in supernatural powers, and the giant ax chops him like a vegetable, and he cannot be provoked.

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian pretended to take the opportunity to escape, escaped into the void, and hid her figure. She saw all the power that Mo Mo had just shown. Nie Xiaoqian was greatly shocked by her supernatural powers. With such a method, it is indeed very possible to kill the tree demon grandma. For her own freedom, she is worth a fight.

"Mr. Shen, I believe in you, you must not let my family down!"

After Nie Xiaoqian finished speaking, she threw herself into a vine belonging to the tree demon's grandmother and fled away.

"Master Shen must definitely come to the northern grove in Sangeng County tomorrow night."

(End of this chapter)

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