Chapter 212

"Yan Chixia can actually fly with a sword?!"

The tree demon grandma showed shock, and with a tremor, she retracted the spreading tentacles into her body. There are only a handful of people in the world who can do this, but each of them is a ruthless character with great killing power. I didn't expect Yan Chixia to hide such a killer move, and the people beside Yan Chixia were ruthless and mysterious, and the threat was even worse than Yan Chixia's past.

Its heart couldn't help but become cautious. Thousands of years of practice did not make it extremely inflated, but instead created an extremely cautious character.

I saw the roots of the tree demon grandma wriggling, driving her original body deep into the ground, hiding her breath, and unable to shrink back, the humanoid body condensed by countless tentacles stepped out, facing Silence and Yan Chixia in the midair.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to break into grandma's demon world. If you don't want to die, leave as soon as possible, otherwise grandma will suck you dry." The tree demon grandma shouted, her yin and yang tone was disgusting.

"Tree demon, stop talking nonsense, today is your death day, come out and die!"

Yan Chixia yelled sharply, he had dealt with the tree demon for a long time, and today he finally found the original body of the tree demon, how could he let such a good opportunity pass by, he must use all his strength to kill the tree demon on the spot.

"Hey, what a big breath!"

The tree demon grandma let out a cold cry, her tentacles danced, her demonic aura filled the air, and she ordered her female ghost Xiao Yao to say, "Children, I will kill them for grandma, and grandma will reward anyone who kills them."

The little demon and female ghost under the seat looked at each other. They were not clubs. Naturally, it could be seen that Shen Mo and Yan Chixia were extremely powerful, and they were definitely not capable of beheading them. If they listened to the order of the tree demon's grandmother, they would surely die tragically at the hands of the two of them. But if they don't obey the tree demon grandma, they are still worried that the tree demon grandma will settle accounts and punish them.

For a while, the female ghosts and little demons were in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

Silence has a clear mind, so she can see the mentality of the little demon and female ghost at a glance, and she immediately scolded, "Today next year must be the death day of the tree demon. Silence guarantees with its personality, it will never harm you, and it will use Taoism to save you."

"Help us save?" The female ghosts and little demons began to hesitate, because the conditions offered by Shen Mo were too tempting. They are lonely ghosts, mountain spirits and wild monsters. They are suffering because they are confused on the road ahead, and there is no hope for reincarnation. Well, if there are monks with profound Taoism who are willing to save them and re-enter reincarnation, even if they are pigs in the next life, they will be happy.

"What you said is true?" A female ghost asked weakly. Under the tree demon's grandmother, she did the hardest job, and she worked as the cheapest ghost. If she was not afraid of the tree demon's grandmother She would have fled long ago.

"Of course it's true," Shen Mo didn't lie, and grabbed Xiaoqing on Yan Chixia's shoulder in his hand, the light blue ghost energy hovered in his palm, and then Shen Mo activated the purification skill to help Xiaoqing purify her body. The hostility on her body is bad luck, I wish her a break into reincarnation.

hum!Xiaoqing only felt a stream of electricity flowing through her body, and then the hostility in her heart disappeared. The call from the underworld rang in her ears, and she realized that it was time for her to go to the underworld and reincarnate.

"I'm free, I'm actually free, I have a chance to go to hell and enter reincarnation." Xiaoqing was jumping happily in Shen Mo's palm, her voice fell on the ears of other female ghosts and little demons, like hanging on The huge temptation at hand, they can touch it with a little effort.

"What he said is true! We can be reincarnated, and we don't have to linger under the hands of the dryad grandma. Let's turn against each other!" I don't know if the fat little demon shouted in the demon group, which immediately caused a huge commotion. In a chain reaction, the female ghosts and little demons who had long been unwilling to be immersed in the seat of the dryad's grandma all rebelled in situ and sided with Shen Mo and Yan Chixia.

Of course, there are still very few guys among the female ghosts and little demons who are stubborn. Even if the tree demon's grandma died together, this silence can't stop it. It is already a great success.

"You traitors, you deserve to die!" The tree demon grandma was so furious that she had suffered the biggest betrayal in the millennium, with tentacles spreading all over her body, and she wanted to kill those defecting female ghosts and little demons first.

But how could silence allow the dryad grandma to succeed? If he left behind, it would be a nail driven in. How could he allow others to dismantle the nail and hit him in the face.

hum!I saw Shen Mo wearing the title of [Ruthless Lumberjack], and the phantom battle ax slashed down, cutting off the tentacles of the tree demon's grandmother in an instant, saving all the female ghosts and little demons.

"Tree demon, are you deaf? As I said just now, as long as they don't resist, they are the ghosts I am covering. If you dare to touch my ghosts, I will let you go down and become ghosts."

hiss!A group of little ghosts and female ghosts stared at Shen Mo with eyes full of little stars. They felt extremely deep in their hearts, secretly thinking that their decision just now was too well-informed, and Shen Mo is definitely a good person who can be relied on.

The dryad grandma's face was pale, she silently licked the wound of the tentacles cut off by the battle axe, with 1 cordial greetings from the bottom of her heart, this guy's ax blade doesn't look too sharp, why is it as easy to cut itself as to chop vegetables , his own hard, thick and firm tentacles were as weak as wood slag under his ax blade.

Smiling silently, the title [Ruthless Lumberjack] on top of his head is not made of mud, it is genuinely ruthless, he was born to cut down these tree demons and wood spirits.

The dryad's grandmother's face darkened, and she began to ask, "Why? Why do you want to make things difficult for me and grandma?"

Yan Chixia replied righteously, "Because you are a monster that harms people, we righteous people will definitely destroy you."

The tree demon grandma sneered, "I harm people? I am a monster. It is my nature and duty to eat people. What is the difference between this and you people who eat pigs and cattle and sheep? If you say that I harm people, then Why don't you go and uphold justice for those dead pigs, cattle and sheep, and kill those monsters who eat meat."

Yan Chixia: "..."

He was speechless at the top of the tree demon. Although the tree demon's words were vulgar, there were some truths. The law of heaven is just, and humans and monsters are equal. If he killed demons because demons eat people, can people turn a blind eye when they eat animals?
Yan Chixia is a little confused. If this question is delved deeper, it is very easy to make people go crazy on the psychological level. Compared with Yan Chixia's life experience, there is indeed a gap between the thousand-year-old dryad grandmother.

But it's a little brother to Silence.

Silence sneered, stood up, and questioned the tree demon, "It's just a fallacy. According to your intention, do we have to send you a signboard of the director of the Family Planning Commission?"

"Director of the Family Planning Commission?"

Shen Mo waved his hands, "It's for managing overpopulation."

The dryad's grandma thought for a moment, her cannibalism, from a certain point of view, can indeed be characterized as restricting the population from overbirth, why?Why can't it be posted.

Silently pondered for a while, then continued, "Don't make yourself so noble, after all, you are a tree demon, demons eat people, people kill demons, it's a matter of heaven and earth, there is no right or wrong, it's just It’s just that each has a different position, we have an old saying that if it’s not our race, it’s got a different heart, it’s about evil monsters like you who, against the righteousness of the monster clan, are doing dirty and dirty things.”

Silence danced with the battle ax in his hand, "You evil monster, I will kill one if I see one, and two if I see a pair. Come on, stick out your neck and let me chop with an axe."

Yan Chixia was stunned, and said in her heart, "Little friend Shen is very right. No matter how it talks about the golden lotus, it talks about hype. In the final analysis, it is a goblin who harms people. If it encounters it, it will kill it. Right or wrong will be handed over to the underworld." Hades will judge it!"

hum!Yan Chixia flashed out the Xuanyuan sword, and shouted sharply, "Stop talking nonsense, tree demon, flash your sword, and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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