The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 213 The Trapped Montenegrin Old Demon

Chapter 213 The Trapped Montenegrin Old Demon

The dryad's grandma stared at Silence fiercely, secretly thinking that this person is not only powerful, but also speaks the truth in a set way with his small mouth, completely disrupting his train of thought.

Looking at Yan Chixia's attitude of never giving up regardless of life or death, the tree demon's grandmother knew that she could not escape this test.

snort!Since you can't escape, let's fight it, it has been around for a thousand years, and it is not a monster to be provoked.

hum!The dryad grandma said, urging the vines rooted in the ground, protruding from the ground like countless wriggling tentacles, and cutting towards Shen Mo and Yan Chixia with a strong wind.

"Well done," Yan Chixia shouted, the Xuanyuan sword in her hand burst into dazzling golden light, and she was like an eternal sword fairy, unstoppable, although she didn't slash a sword, but the terrifying sword that erupted immediately Qi, cut off and crushed any vines that wanted to get close to him.

Looking at Silence again, his face is as calm as water. Under the special effect of the ruthless lumberjack, the phantom battle ax of the minotaur can cut off a tentacle vine with each swing, and in an instant, with Silence as the center, it blooms a miserable green color The rain of blood from the dryad is truly a sight.

At first glance, Shen Mo and Yan Chixia firmly held down the dryad's grandmother, as if forcing her into a dead end, but Shen Mo's face could not bring up a trace of joy of victory, instead it became more and more dignified.

Why?Why has the dryad been using useless moves from the beginning until now? It clearly knew that these vines could not threaten Shen Mo and Yan Chixia, but it still persevered in attacking them with vine tentacles.

Could it be that the dryad grandma is a mallet, who only knows how to use vine tentacles to attack enemies without thinking?No, the answer is absolutely impossible to be so simple and cute. The dryad's grandmother must have a purpose for doing so.

Silence's thoughts turned rapidly, trying to guess the real purpose of the tree demon's grandmother, what kind of wind did this tree demon have?It must have never seen Saint Seiya, and it must not use the same move on the enemy, it is completely courting death.

He couldn't help looking at Nie Xiaoqian, who was held hostage behind the tree demon.

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian is wearing a red dress. She is so beautiful that she can't get out of the way.

Silence's eyes flickered. Naturally, he didn't want to fall in love with Nie Xiaoqian, but suddenly realized, and finally guessed the real purpose of the dryad grandma.

The dryad wants to delay time, what is it waiting for?Nie Xiaoqian?The Heishan old demon in the underworld!

That's right, the Dryad must be waiting for the old Black Mountain demon. Xiaoqing mentioned before that tonight is the day when the old Black Mountain demon will marry Nie Xiaoqian. At that time, there must be a team of welcoming parties coming to the world to bring Nie Xiaoqian into the underworld.The dryad must have been waiting for the welcoming team of the Black Mountain old demon, and wanted to use their hands to get rid of Shen Mo and Yan Chixia.

Hehe, what a trick to kill with a knife, and a good routine.

Shen Mo saw through the tricks of the tree demon, and immediately reminded Yan Chixia.

"Daoist Yan, we can't delay any longer. The tree demon is waiting for the old black mountain demon from the underworld to welcome us. We must dare to kill this demon before the welcoming team arrives."

Yan Chixia frowned. He naturally realized the seriousness of the problem. The old Heishan demon in the underworld is a demon king who has been famous for thousands of years. It wasn't the old demon of Montenegro himself, but the demon leading the team was by no means something they could provoke.

"Okay, you and I join hands to kill this monster as soon as possible." Yan Chixia shouted loudly, holding the Xuanyuan sword in her hand, urging a new formula, "Chi! The sword returns to Wuji!"

The Xuanyuan sword formed a sword circle in an instant, breaking through the tentacles of the dryad's grandmother, Yan Chixia's eyes flickered, and she probed to the ground under her feet, "The world is boundless, the universe borrows the law, and the original body of the dryad appears!"

boom!A scarlet yin and yang magic circle shot out from Yan Chixia's palm, smashed hard on the ground, and raised countless dust. At the same time, the original tree demon body hidden deep in the ground throbbed, as if it had been captured The surrounding soil and rocks were burning, twisting and struggling in pain, Yan Chixia noticed the abnormal movement of the original tree demon at a glance, and shouted, "Little friend Shen, over there, let's attack together!"

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately responded, mental power poured out like a tidal wave, urging the whole body's energy, and slashed out the strongest ax technique - Collapsing Mountain Strike!

This time, the collapse of silence was really a mountain!

boom!As the phantom battle ax fell, the earth and rocks on the ground instantly disintegrated and exploded, exposing the original body of the tree demon hidden in the depths. The next moment, Yan Chixia, who followed the silence, had brewed the strongest sword formula , the Xuanyuan sword pointed directly at the original tree demon.

"No name, no form, all dharmas return to the sect, the Xuanyuan sword, the sun and the moon shine together!"

As Yan Chixia spat out a mouthful of blood, Xuanyuan Baojian turned into a dazzling golden thunderbolt, and charged straight at the tree demon's original body. If this move is successful, the tree demon's grandmother will be killed on the spot, making her physically and spiritually perfect off.

The grandma of the tree demon panicked at this moment. It was the second time in thousands of years that she felt the threat of death at such a close distance. Ever since she had seen the true strength of the Black Mountain old demon, she had been practicing hard for so many years, with the purpose of enabling herself to be able to In this world where the weak are preyed on by the strong, it lingers until its last days, and its fate for a thousand years, could it be that it was killed by these two people?

No, it's not reconciled, it doesn't want to die, it wants to live, it wants to live as it pleases like the old Montenegro demon.

But the terrifying sword aura that was approaching made the tree demon feel extremely desperate. It couldn't bear it, even if the old Heishan demon came here suddenly, he couldn't bear it, but at least the old Heishan demon wouldn't die... ·

The dryad grandma seemed to be grasping the last straw. She hurriedly escaped a black stone token from her sleeve. Without any hesitation, she crushed the stone token and turned it into a black demon aura. into the underworld.

"Old Black Mountain Demon, save me!"

The dryad's grandmother was neither male nor female, and her voice, which was neither male nor female, seemed to pass through the barrier between the two worlds, reaching the underworld, and falling into the ears of the old demon of Montenegro.

"Huh? Why did the tree demon call me? Didn't the king's wedding team have already been dispatched?" With a thought, the black mountain old demon split a ray of consciousness through layers of boundary barriers, opened the limit of Yin and Yang with great demon power, and revealed out.

I saw the space between the tree demon's grandma and Xuanyuan sword throbbing for a while, blooming like water ripples, and immediately, a black stone head poked out, and asked with doubts and extremely majestic momentum, "Tree Demon, you call me the king..."

Puff!Before the black mountain old demon finished speaking, the terrifying sword energy of the Xuanyuan sword pierced through the stone head directly. The powerful sword energy instantly crushed this ray of consciousness into nothingness, and none of the terrifying sword energy remained. On the body of the tree demon grandma Yuan, just piercing its hard wooden shell cannot kill it with one blow.

The sudden change made Yan Chixia dazed, her eyes widened in silence, and even the tree demon's grandma herself had a kind of ecstasy and luck of surviving after a catastrophe.

It's fine, it's not dead, the dead head that popped out of nowhere actually helped the tree demon block the fatal blow!
what is happening?
The black mountain old demon in the underworld is also confused at this moment. What happened just now? Its consciousness just broke through the limit and popped out. Before it could figure out the situation, it was crushed by some kind of powerful sword energy. What's the situation?
Wait, this king understands, the damn tree demon actually chased this king and used this king as a shield.

You ants, get ready to meet the wrath of this king!
(End of this chapter)

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