Chapter 214

The black mountain old demon is agitated, and a terrifying giant mountain rises from the underworld. It wants to use its supernatural powers to come to the world, and kill the tree demon who dared to play with it, and then kill the owner of the sword energy. Frustrated, Fang Jie felt angry.

But the strength of the Black Mountain old demon is too powerful and terrifying. If a character like it wants to come to the world with the strongest strength, he will be subject to many restrictions. He came to the human world with [-]% of his combat power.

But so what, the old black mountain demon will pay every penny, and there is no reason to keep the revenge of the sword and the hatred of playing tricks overnight.

Roar!The Heishan old demon uttered a roar that shook the sky, and in an instant, the hell in this place collapsed and trembled. At the same time, the Heishan old demon contacted the team going to the human world to get married through sound transmission, and informed the thousand-year-old demon who led the team—Ghost servant.

"Ghost servant, reach the human world and capture the tree demon and the sword-wielding man. This king will kill them with his own hands."

The black-robed ghost servant received the new order from the old black mountain demon, and he was only puzzled for a moment, and then he was replaced by ecstasy, because he couldn't get much money in it if he had a falling out with the tree demon. , it can definitely get great benefits and benefits from it, not to mention anything else, as long as the tree demon is captured, those female ghosts and little demons under the tree demon are extremely delicious rations in its heart.

The original body of the ghost servant is a soul eater, and its body is composed of countless resentful ghosts and violent souls. As long as the more and stronger souls it devours, its strength will become stronger. The reason why under the demon seat is the number one ghost general.

"Hiss! It's been 500 years, 500 years, and this old demon can finally kill in the human world. The female ghosts under that tree demon are all delicious. I've been coveting the old demon for a long time. This time, the old demon I want to suck it up."

The ghost servant was very excited, and hurriedly urged the thousand-headed Yin soldiers under his command to drive them to the boundary between the human world and the underworld, which is the shortcut to the tree demon's lair.

At the same time, the tree demon grandma, who blocked the fatal blow with the help of the black mountain old demon's consciousness, paused for a moment, and immediately restrained her mind, trying to escape.

Mo Mo's eyes are quick and his hands are quick, how could he give the dryad grandma a chance to escape? With a flick of his wrist, a yellow-brown amulet that shrinks the ground into an inch manifests, and the whole person disappears in a flash of yellow light. The original dryad was on top of its head.

Shen Mo was speechless, and the phantom battle ax in his hand was his words.

hum!The blade of the ax rubbed against the air, making an ear-piercing buzzing sound, and the powerful slash landed precisely on the wound pierced by the Xuanyuan sword, and the miserable green juice splashed out like a tide, just like the ax directly fell on the tree. It's the same on the aorta of the demon grandma, the juice is rushing wildly.

"Ah! Damn it, you despicable villain, how could my grandma die by your hands," the tree demon's grandma screamed strangely, enduring the severe pain of cutting with the axe blade, her demonic aura surged, and she rushed towards him like a tsunami. Silence, wants to use the powerful coercion of monster energy to directly crush Silence into slag.

puff!Silence's chest shuddered, and the sudden increase in air pressure made him feel as if he had fallen into the deep sea. It made it difficult for him to breathe, and his internal organs were severely damaged. The thousand-year-old dryad is worthy of being a thousand-year-old dryad. Even if it is about to die, a dead camel is bigger than a horse. Can't take a peek.

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, immediately communicated with the spiritual power, and used the healing skills to slowly heal. The slow healing of level 3 can already slowly recover from serious injuries. Therefore, with the milky white halo bathing the whole body, the terrifying power from the evil spirit Pressure and trauma, gradual recovery and weakening.

When the condition improved a little, Shen Mo made another move, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the dryad's grandmother's neck, which was neither male nor female, and launched a magical attack.

boom!Under the 100% rigidity and grabbing judgment of the tiger attack, Mo Mo actually picked up the dryad's grandmother with one hand, and the whole person rampaged like a red rhinoceros. Throw it out and throw it into the air.

"Daoist Yan, continue!" Shen Mo shouted loudly, the purpose of which was naturally to let Yan Chixia use the Xuanyuan sword, and take this opportunity to launch a combo to kill the tree demon.

But Yan Chixia had already used the strongest sword art just now, and at this moment, when his front strength was exhausted and his stamina was not yet born, seeing the tree demon grandma being forced to control the air, he was powerless, unable to swing the Xuanyuan sword, and launched another fatal blow hit.After all, he has not long received the inheritance of the Sword Immortal, and he has not yet fully grasped the power of the Sword Immortal. Forcibly urging the Sword Art will put a heavy burden on his body, and there are also many hidden dangers. The most direct hidden danger is that he is unable to do what he wants now.

But with this sword, Yan Chixia had no choice but to slash the tree demon. This was the best time to kill the tree demon.

"Imperial! No name, no form, ten thousand methods... puff!" Yan Chixia spat out a mouthful of old blood three meters away. There is no effort to perform the second record of returning to the sect.


Looking at the blood shot in mid-air, the eyeballs of Silence are about to pop out, what's going on, killing one thousand enemies, and self-defeating eight hundred?Hasn't this sword been cut yet?Why stop cooking.

Silence didn't have time to think about it, because the dryad grandma in mid-air was about to fall, and the dryad fell on the ground again. It was the little tadpole who found its mother, and was very happy, so it must not let it touch the ground again.

Shen Mo pulled out a ground-to-inch talisman again, and turned into a stream of light and shot towards the dryad grandma in mid-air. The phantom battle ax cast a mountain-collapsing strike and slashed down. The evil spirit surged in his chest, followed by the devil's hand, suddenly Find out, in short, Yan Chixia can't kill the monster, let him kill.

Puff, boom!

The devil's hand came back to control the demon, and grabbed the tree demon's grandmother first, held the whole one in the palm of his hand, twisted it in front of Shen Mo, and hit the sharp ax blade fiercely, making a deafening buzzing sound. The wooden head burst open like a big ripe watermelon, and the miserable green juice instantly soaked the demon's hands.

Did the dryad just die like that?No, under Shen Mo's spiritual perception, the tree demon's evil spirit has not weakened at all, and it is still struggling and colliding in the hands of the demon, trying to escape and ascend to heaven.

Mo Mo frowned, secretly thinking that the dryad's vitality is so strong, even if it is headshot, it still doesn't die. Could it be that it is immortal?Impossible, there is no demon in this world that cannot be killed, it must be the wrong angle of the silent tree-cutting demon.

He condensed his spiritual sense a little, and stared at the original body of the tree demon in the hands of the devil, and soon found that the demon energy of the tree demon gathered in the heart, where the demon core of the tree demon was condensed, the wood attribute At the level of the cultivating tree demon, as long as the demon core is not destroyed, its life will not stop.

Silently, he mobilized the power of the devil, and wanted to directly twist the tree demon grandma to death, and rub the demon pill out of its body, but just when the demon's hand was about to succeed, a terrifying wind hit, directly Destroy the demon hand and shake it into nothingness.

I saw ghosts flickering in mid-air, and an old demon in black robe came to the world with a thousand soldiers in ancient armor.

"Ant, you can't kill this tree demon." The ghost servant shouted sharply, the black robe rose without wind, and shot a grimace to capture the tree demon, and held it beside him.

The dryad's head squirmed and recovered to its original state. It muttered with surprise, "General Ghost Servant, you are finally here. Quick, help me kill these two people. They want to snatch the concubine of Lord Montenegro."

The ghost servant sneered, and there were no less than a hundred people crying and howling from the black robe. The ghost eyes stared at the tree demon gloomyly, "Tree demon, are you worthy of commanding me? Tell you, my lord has an order to kill you with the sword." If someone captures him, he will come to the world and kill you and other ants with his own hands."

Dryad: "???"

What's the matter, I'm one of my own people, why even kill me?

Shen Mo frowned, the Dryad was not dead, but the welcoming team of the old Black Mountain demon had arrived, and what made Shen Mo more worried was that the old Black Mountain demon actually wanted to come and kill them in person.

How can this be good? !
(End of this chapter)

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