Chapter 219

Shen Mo sinks his consciousness into the Heavenly Demon Realm in his body, he can clearly perceive the ghost servants and Yin soldiers in it quietly, and, after systematic rewards, Mo Mo has become their new master, they have absolute respect for Mo Mo loyalty.

Silence controls them, and they are arranged into a bull character for a while, and a forced character for a while, which is very embarrassing.

This matter can't be blamed on Silence, anyone who has thousands of well-behaved and obedient Yin soldiers will be so arrogant, and some people even have a past and play more serious things.

How heavy and bold the specific taste is, it depends on your chapter.

After playing around for a while, Silence gradually calmed down, and he began to think about how to maximize the usage rate of these thousand-headed soldiers and ghost servants. It is obvious that they cannot be used to their full value as weapons, but they can be used for other purposes. , Silent for a while, I really can't think of a good idea, so I can only temporarily place them in Tongtian Demon Realm, and make plans later.

Take a look at your properties panel.

Level: Level 8 (Aura 1150/4000)

The 300 spiritual energy points have already arrived, and the dryad's grandmother's materials are also quietly lying in his personal warehouse. After counting the rewards for this mission, he began to calculate the cost of this mission.

First of all, the reward contract privileges of the devil are running out, immune to the death penalty in the mirror world, double rewards for the pocket pot, double rewards for spiritual power, summoning the four sword masters - Forrest Gump, the attribute increase buff of the devil, all have expired.Only the resurrection coin of privilege five has not been used yet.

Therefore, in terms of gains and losses, silence is not a loss.It's just that the powerful strength of the Black Mountain old demon left a big shadow in his heart, and at the same time spurred silence from another angle, making him understand from the bottom of his heart that although he is constantly getting stronger, but in this world and the mirror world , still has a lot of powerful existences that he can't surpass. In the future, you must be low-key, sloppy, and forceful. Don't think that with the golden finger, you will be invincible in the world. There are many people who can kill him.

Mo Mo took a long breath, and had a new positioning of his own strength. In front of the real boss, he is still a younger brother.

"When I become stronger in the future, I will definitely avenge today with a stone!"

Silence muttered to himself, set a flag for himself, closed his eyes and meditated, and fell into a deep sleep.

When the plane landed at Yancheng Airport, Shen Mo woke up faintly, got off the plane, turned on the phone, and saw thirteen missed calls.

Of the thirteen missed calls, three were called by Hua Yingjun, and the remaining ten were called by Team Niu.

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately called Team Niu back.

"Hello! Silence, you finally answered the phone. Have you come back from Yizhou?"

Shen Mo could hear the anxious tone of Niu Dui, and replied, "Just got off the plane, what happened?"

"Something has happened." Team Niu said anxiously, "You are waiting at the airport, I will pick you up right away, the incident will be told in the car."

Hanging up the phone, silently frowning, he has only left for two days, and something big happened in Yancheng?How big is the big event that the Niu team is talking about? Seeing that the Niu team is so anxious, it must be a very serious matter.

So, what will happen?
Mo Mo couldn't figure it out, and he didn't receive any reminders for side missions. If he wanted to find out, he could only wait for the cattle team to arrive and learn the cause and effect of the matter from him.

Mo Mo picked up his backpack, followed the crowd out of the airport, and stood by the side of the road waiting for Team Niu to arrive. As for Hua Yingjun's call, wait until he's done with Team Niu's business before calling.

Jingle Bell!
Before Team Niu arrived, Shen Mo's cell phone rang again, this time it was Hua Yingjun who called, Mo Mo hesitated for a moment, and still connected the phone.

"Hey, it's me!"

"Brother Shen, you finally answered the phone."

Silently stunned, did Dui Niu and Hua Yingjun meet the same thing?These two people can't have oral sex, they say the same thing.

"Has something serious happened to you too?" Silence asked.

"A big deal? That's not the case. I called to say that the sisters from Shanghai are here. I'll wait for you to come back and rehearse the show... Also, since I told them the fact that you're single, they've all been very excited... ··”

Excited for a hammer!Beep beep!
Shen Mo directly hung up Hua Yingjun's phone, thinking, what's the matter!This idle Hua Yingjun, does he think he is that kind of casual person?Whether he is single or not has nothing to do with them, the emperor is really not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry.

The same goes for the young ladies from the magic capital, what's there to be excited about, haven't you seen a single man?Three-legged frogs are hard to find these days, and two-legged men are not everywhere.

Hanging up the phone, after a while, Hua Yingjun actually called again, silently glanced at the phone number, and directly chose to hang up, after that, Hua Yingjun was very forceful and didn't call again.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Team Niu's car finally arrived. It was a black Ford. The previous haunted accident car had been resolved harmoniously with the 4S shop.

"Get in the car! Let's talk as we walk." Dui Niu said in the driver's seat, signaling Shen Mo to sit in the back row.

The silent spiritual sense glanced around to make sure that there were no ghosts in this new car, so he opened the rear door and climbed in. At a glance, he saw a khaki briefcase on the rear seat.

"See that briefcase, read it first, then talk about it."

Shen Mo frowned, looking at the posture of the Niu team, this matter seemed to be really big, but his spiritual sense did not send a trace of anxiety or warning, which made Shen Mo more curious, what kind of big event is it?

Curiously, he opened the briefcase, which contained a stack of red-headed documents and a lot of photos. He focused his eyes on it and browsed through it carefully.

Five minutes later, Silence's brows were untied, but there was a feeling of dumbfounding. Why did he laugh and cry, because the "big event" in the mouth of the Niu team was really a big event for him.

Let me talk about those photos first, some of them are car buttocks of various models, some are doors of various materials, and the last group is a photo of a young girl, who looks very cute and innocent, as if she has never been seen before. The type of female college student who doesn't understand the sinister society and the vicious heart.

What is recorded in the document is the cause of the incident. The first person to report the case was the Jinding Community in Yancheng. The owners there complained about the property, saying that their car buttocks were vandalized for no reason, and many small holes were poked out by something. Immediately afterwards, the nearby community reported that they began to lose some underwear and pantyhose, and suspected that a pervert had stolen underwear. Finally, a girl named Chen Xue, a resident of Hengda Community, reported that someone climbed into her bed at night, Fortunately, she yelled loudly, scaring off the criminals.

But what was strange was that no stranger had been found in or out of Chen Xue's room through all the monitoring. That person seemed to appear out of thin air and then disappear out of thin air.

Niu Dui said anxiously, "Silence, you realize the seriousness of the problem. Let's go to Chen Xue's house now. You must catch that thing, no matter what it is."

Nodding silently, he immediately remembered the previous daily task [Simple task (main world): Frequently appearing strange holes]

Did the situation deteriorate to such an extent in just one day?That thing's guts are getting fatter and fatter.

Don't say anything, fuck him!
(End of this chapter)

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