The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 220 Is This Your Hair?

Chapter 220 Is This Your Hair?
Take him, you must take him.

Shen Shen set his eyes on the photo in his hand again, trying to find some clues through the photo, observed carefully for a long time, and couldn't help frowning.

horrible!It's really terrible!

The butt of a tin car can poke so many holes, and wooden doors, even iron doors, can pierce through. This thing is too strong!
Shen Mo stretched out his thumb subconsciously, comparing the size on the photo, huh?thinner!He stretched out his little finger again, for comparison, eh!That's right, the size is as thick as his little finger.

Could it be that some people practice kung fu with their little fingers like crazy?
Shaking his head silently, he quickly denied this guess, because the stolen underwear and the Chen Xue incident that appeared later pointed the finger of the incident in another direction.A direction that makes people have to think in a wrong direction must be that some pervert has just obtained supernatural power and is using supernatural power to do whatever he wants. At first, he only dared to stab the car's ass, then his lust swelled and he focused on his underwear, and finally It's so audacious to play the idea of ​​a living person.

If this is left unchecked, how many ignorant girls will be hurt. This matter is really a big deal and must be dealt with as soon as possible.

Shen Mo put the photos and documents in his hand back into the file bag, and said to Team Niu, "Team Niu, hurry up, I can't help but want to catch this pervert."

Team Niu looked at Silence through the rearview mirror, and nodded heavily. For such a perverted target, every man wants to get rid of it quickly, just like a mouse crossing the street, the kind that everyone shouts and beats.

The car was speeding, Mo Mo and Team Niu soon came to Hengda District, and under the leadership of Team Niu, they went directly to the unit building where Chen Xue lived.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang, and after a while of footsteps, the door opened. The person who opened the door was a slightly immature young man. He was about the same age as Chen Xue in the photo, but his temperament did not have the masculinity of a man. On the contrary, he looked weak and weak. full of energy.

Silence looked at the young man up and down, thinking that he was probably Chen Xue's confidant, the kind of good girlfriend, his eyes skipped over him, and he saw Chen Xue sitting on the yellow Pikachu sofa at a glance, she was white at the moment The dress, the shoulder-length hair is as soft and delicate as the advertisement plus special effects, and the complexion is just like her name, as bright and white as snow. The whole person is like a princess who has stepped out of a fairy tale, which makes people feel fascinated.

"It's you! Why are you here again? Is there anything else I need to ask Xueer? Could you please ask me once and for all? She has just been frightened and needs a lot of rest." With a good face and the kind of arrogance in his bones, it can be seen that his family background is also not simple.

Team Niu ignored the young man's questioning. It was obvious that they had met before and it was very unpleasant. Team Niu skipped over the young man and said to Chen Xue, "Ms. Chen, I brought someone who can help you."

"Who can help Xue'er, how can you be so efficient..."

"Akai!" Chen Xue interrupted Akai, stood up gracefully, and looked curiously at the silence behind Team Niu, "Sorry, my friend is always impatient, please don't mind. Please come in, I will try my best Cooperate."

"Xue'er, you still trust them. They have investigated it several times before and found nothing. Let it be left to my father. He knows a master and will definitely help you find the murderer."

Chen Xue didn't argue with Akai, and her eyes signaled Niu Dui and Shen Mo to enter the room.

Silence also ignored the young man named Akai, opened his spiritual sense, and began to scan the entire room.

hum!The room immediately became quiet, and they all set their eyes on Shen Mo. They saw that Shen Mo wandered around the living room twice, and then went straight to Chen Xue's bedroom. After pushing the door open, they could smell a faint fragrance, like Some kind of unnamed floral fragrance, and looking at the big round pink bed, one can't help but think of Chen Xue sleeping soundly on it every day and night, it must be very fascinating.

cough cough!He silently coughed twice to get his mind back on track, and under the perception of his spiritual sense, he quickly discovered some clues.

This is a clue that ordinary people cannot perceive.

From the moment Shen Mo stepped into the house, he could feel a faint monster energy. Although this monster energy was already extremely thin, it couldn't escape the silent spiritual perception.

Silence followed the evil spirit and slowly came to Chen Xue's big round bed, squatted down, made his eyeliner parallel to the bed, then raised his hand, and slid across the soft and elastic bed.

"What are you doing? You can touch Xue'er's bed!"

Hush!Silence stopped Akai from clamoring, the palms paused, imitating Akai's hand gestures, turned into orchid fingers, and twirled a pale yellow hair about ten centimeters, and what was even more evil was that this light yellow hair was still curly.

"You see what is this?"

Dui Niu blushed and remained silent.

Chen Xue was so shy that she couldn't bear to look directly at her.

Akai was furious and cursed.

"You silver is a pervert!"

Hush!Shen Mo interrupted A Kai again, handed the curly hair to Chen Xue, and asked solemnly, "Miss Chen, is this yours?"

Chen Xue's face was blushing, she hesitated to speak, and then she wanted to speak again, when the words came to her lips, she swallowed them again.

Akai saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, you pervert, you actually molested Xue'er in front of this young master, I made you a sister with me.

Just as Akai was about to make a move, his silent eyes narrowed, and he gave him a hard look, which immediately made Akai freeze on the spot. For a moment, he seemed to see a ferocious beast staring straight at him. He will be killed by this ferocious beast, the look in his eyes is terrifying!
grunt!Akai swallowed subconsciously, not daring to say another word.

Silence continued to ask, "Miss Chen, please answer my question."

Chen Xue had no choice but to shake her head again and again, "I...don't know, I'm not sure if it's mine."

Silence sneered, and replied with certainty, "This is definitely not yours."

Chen Xue: "???"

Team Bull: "..."

Silence ignored the astonishment of several people, and continued to explain, "Because it belongs to the murderer."

A Kai exclaimed, very furious, and even burst into foul language, "Damn, the murderer even took off his pants!"

Chen Xue wished she could find a hole in the ground to get in. Dui Niu chuckled and continued to ignore A Kai. His silence didn't make A Kai look good, and he scolded, "Take off you!"

"What did you say?"

Mo Mo stared at him again, and beat Akai back to his original shape, "I haven't finished my words, don't interrupt me."

"Miss Chen, have you ever had a dog at home?"

Chen Xue was taken aback, then shook her head, "I'm allergic to dog hair, so I never keep a dog."

Mo Mo continued to ask, "Since you never keep a dog, why is there dog hair in your house?"

Dog hair? !Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, it turned out that what Mo Mo was twisting up was a curly dog ​​hair!They thought it was... ahem!Sorry to bother you!
So here comes the question?This dog hair belonged to the murderer. Could it be that the murderer was a dog? !

Are you kidding us, how can a dog be a murderer?What Chen Xue saw that night was clearly a person.

What the hell is going on, you better give us a perfect explanation.

Chen Xue and the others stared at Shen Mo with curiosity, waiting for Shen Mo's answer.

But Mo Mo would talk too much to them, twirling the dog's hair, went straight out of the bedroom, and headed outside, completely ignoring the feelings of Chen Xue and the others.

Team Niu knew in his heart that Chen Xue and Akai, two ordinary people, were not qualified to let Shen Mo explain anything.

To put it bluntly, they don't understand the real world at all.

(End of this chapter)

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