Chapter 221
"Where are you going?"

Chen Xue questioned Shen Mo curiously, and she had been aroused by Shen Mo's unusual behavior.

To be honest, Chen Xue is not a fool, on the contrary she is very smart, although the murderer who molested her that night did not reveal his face, but the murderer gave her a very special feeling, it was an indescribable sense of otherness.

At first, Chen Xue thought it was Stockholm Syndrome, and she subconsciously couldn't help but specialize the murderer, but now that she saw Silence and listened to his words, she began to face up to this feeling again.

Is this feeling human?
No, humans, and more specifically men, can't give her that otherworldly feeling.

Is the murderer really a dog spirit? !

This idea took root and sprouted in Chen Xue's heart like mushrooms after rain, becoming stronger and more vigorous.

"I'm asking you a question?!" Chen Xue's eager words revealed her inner curiosity and desire.

Still silent as if he didn't hear Chen Xue's questioning, he opened the bedroom door and walked towards the balcony, and soon stopped at a corner of the balcony.

He squatted down, pointed to the special milky white spots on the wall with his index finger, and asked, "Miss Chen, are you sure you don't have a dog at home?"

Chen Xue shook her head subconsciously, she really never had a dog, but that night when she was driving home, she saw a stray dog ​​in the parking lot below the community, and the stray dog ​​followed her for a long time until she was downstairs before disappearing.

Chen Xue told Shen Shen this, and Shen Mo nodded heavily, "That's right, there is only one truth! The murderer is that dog."

Chen Xue: "..."

Akai: "Are you kidding? If you weren't so fierce, I would have to cut you down."

Dui Niu was thoughtful, his heart was very clear, he knew that there was finally a suspect in this case, and the rest was how to catch this dog who did whatever he wanted.

"Miss Chen, can you recall the appearance of this dog more specifically?" Dui Niu asked very professionally, just replacing the ordinary "person" with "dog".

Chen Xue pondered for a while, then said slowly, "It should be a Teddy..."

"Should?" Shen Mo and Team Niu were puzzled. Dogs like Teddy should be easy to distinguish, why use "should"?
"Yes, I should! Because I don't know much about dogs."

Shen Mo took out his phone, searched for Teddy's photo, and handed it to Chen Xue for comparison.

"Is this the case?"

Chen Xue nodded, then shook her head again, "It looks very similar, but it is very big, super big, it can stand up over my calf."

Shen Mo subconsciously looked at Chen Xuexue's long white legs under her white dress, and muttered to herself, that is really white... Bah!big!

Akai gestured and said in surprise, "Xue'er, are you sure that Teddy can grow up so big, wouldn't he grow up taking hormones? Aren't these dogs all toy dogs?"

Shen Mo and Niu Dui sneered at A Kai, this person is not only a mother, but also short-sighted.

"According to what you said, the target should be a giant teddy dog. This kind of breed is rare in Yancheng, but it narrows down the search area. Team Cattle, order the entire search!"

Niu Dui nodded, took out his phone, and went outside the house, preparing to issue a search order.

And Shen Mo walked to Chen Xue's side and said solemnly, "Miss Chen, please rest assured that we will find the murderer in the shortest possible time. In addition, please don't expose this matter. If you don't understand, you can ask Your father, he should have told you earlier."

After Shen Mo finished speaking, he turned and left Chen Xue's house, leaving Chen Xue alone in a daze.

"Ask my father..." Chen Xue could naturally understand the overtones of the silence, while Akai on the side looked confused, sure that the silence had gone far, and then yelled, "What the fuck, isn't he just a poor dick?" ! And, Cher, what did he ask you to ask Uncle?"

Chen Xue was silent for a long time, and muttered lightly, "The truth of this world."

Chen Xue thought of her mayor father. He was always so busy that he rarely had time to go home. The image of her father in her childhood was only a blurred back, and a strong sense of professionalism that tore the whole family apart. A man who loved his cause more than anyone else, he was a good mayor, but definitely not a good father.

This is why Chen Xue knew nothing about the truth of this world, because her father had never returned home after the aura broke out. this dad.

Chen Xue hesitated for a long time, mustered up the courage, and dialed his father's phone number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is an empty number. Sorry, the number···"

Chen Xue: "..."

Her father actually changed his phone number, and what is even more incomprehensible is that he didn't tell her the new phone number.

Did she send it for the phone bill?
Chen Xue was speechless, this was bloody, and it was even more unbelievable, often such plots would only appear in novels, but she never thought that it would actually happen to her.

Chen Xue gave up asking her father in disappointment, instead of talking to her father, it would be more comfortable to chat with Shen Mo.

Hence, Chen Xue made up her mind to ask him everything she should know when the silence came again.

Let's talk about Shen Mo left Chen Xue's community, followed the guidance of the spiritual sense, and soon came to the nearby crossroads along the faint evil spirit, stopped for a long time, his head was a bit big, because the evil spirit had faded to the point where track.

And Goudan, who is good at tracking, is still in Laifu Woodcarving Shop. If he wants to find the murderer, he must either go home to get Goudan, or wait for news from the cattle team.

Silently looking at the time, he decided to go back to the Fumu Carving Shop first, take the dog egg with him, and then look for this Teddy.

Um?etc!Silence couldn't help being taken aback, and suddenly he realized that he didn't need to go home to get the dog eggs, and he didn't need to wait for news from the cattle team.Because he suddenly thought of a place, and Teddy was likely to be there.

Therefore, if you want to find this teddy, you have to think about where it is most attractive.

Silence immediately thought of that place, the largest and most luxurious bathing center in Yancheng, the Mediterranean Bathing Center.

Ri Tiantai is very likely to lurk into the Mediterranean Bathing Center and wait for the opportunity to commit crimes. Shen Mo must arrive as soon as possible to take down this lawless giant teddy.

With a goal, Shen Mo waved to stop a taxi and went straight to the Mediterranean Bathing Center.

At the same time, a giant teddy stood outside the door of the Mediterranean bathing center for a long time. Its curly brown hair was extremely shiny, and a very lewd smile appeared on its humanized dog face. Then, its demonic aura rolled, It turned into a demon wind, blowing into the hall along with the crack of the door.

Wang!This is *Tiantai's paradise!
(End of this chapter)

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