The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 222 Come on, cover your face

Chapter 222 Come on, cover your face (seeking a reward)

"One male guest, please welcome!"

The doorman smiled professionally at Shen Mo and greeted him into the lobby of the Mediterranean Bathing Center.

Shen Mo opened his spiritual sense, and did not go directly to the bar, but sensed around, looking for Ri Tiantai's evil spirit, and soon, a lobby manager in professional attire and long black silk clothes found Shen Mo's abnormality, She greeted him politely and asked aloud.

"Sir, may I help you?"

Mo Mo raised his hand to interrupt the lobby manager, signaling her not to disturb him, and then, under the more surprised eyes of the other party, walked slowly along the corner of the hall, stopping every few steps. Come down and meditate for a moment.

Such an unusual behavior made the lobby manager feel very uneasy. Her intuition told herself that Silence was either an idiot with a mental problem, or a troublesome guest who came to find trouble, and troublesome guests are very common in places like bathing centers.

"Sir, do you want to take a bath, or open a private room?"

The lobby manager asked again, and raised his voice a bit to attract the attention of the security guard on duty.

Shen Mo still didn't answer the other party, but wanted to lock Ri Tiantai's specific location through spiritual perception.

That's right, Shen Mo discovered Ri Tiantai's evil spirit in the Mediterranean Bathing Center. This guy permeated the entire hall with its evil spirit. If he wanted to pinpoint it accurately, he could only wander around and search in the hall.

Ok?found it!
Shen Mo frowned, and locked on Ri Tiantai's location just before the security guard on duty approached him. Looking around, that place was the women's bathroom in the Mediterranean Bathing Center.

Shen Mo changed his face, and finally faced the lobby manager's question squarely, "How much is a bath?"

Although the lobby manager was surprised, he still replied professionally, "It's only 49 yuan per person for bathing, but we have more services here. You can check the price list for specific prices."

Under the guidance of the lobby manager, Shen Mo came to a display rack with various service prices written on it.

"Huh? What kind of service is this Thai essential oil opening back?" Shen Mo asked curiously, as if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, fresh and tight.

"Sir, this is a massage with essential oils." The lobby manager explained, "If you choose a package, it will be cheaper, only 199."

"Oh, then what is this 899 Shuangfeiyan for the imperial court?"

The lobby manager's face darkened, "I'm sorry sir, this service is not available for the time being."

Mo Mo pulled his face, and asked sharply, "You don't even have this, what kind of shop do you open!"

Lobby manager:"····"

"I'm really sorry, the technician for this position didn't come today, why don't you consider other items, the 299 European-style push back, and the 399 refined salt scraping... are all very good."

He hesitated for a moment in silence, as if making a huge decision. The lobby manager was also looking forward to it, thinking that this is a golden guest who cannot judge people by appearances.

However, the silence disappointed the lobby manager!
"Give me a 49!"

Lobby manager:"····"

Um?Asked for so long, so detailed, and even ridiculed what our store wants.Finally, you choose a 49 scrub for me, you really know how to play!

Although there was no emotion on the lobby manager's face, he had greeted him silently several times in his heart.

"Okay, sir, please go to the front desk to pay and get your cards."

Nodding silently, he asked solemnly, "Can you issue an invoice? I still want to reimburse you."

Lobby manager:"???"

Oh my God!Can this thing be reimbursed? !No, this thing is also worth reimbursement.What a talent you are!

"Yes sir, how do you write on the countertop?"

Shen Mo pondered for a while, logically speaking, this head should be written as [Supernatural Research and Defense Bureau], but it is definitely not appropriate to write it clearly, so it can only be written as a proxy name.

"Just write the super game!"

The lobby manager was taken aback, "Super Bureau? Super Health Bureau?"

Mo Mo corrected, "No, you don't care about the game, if you are asked to write a super game, you can write a super game."

"Okay..." The lobby manager was also helpless. She had been the manager for so many years, and it was the first time she met such a strange guest who was silent.

Ding dong!After paying the fee and receiving the card, Shen Mo changed into the slippers with the help of the waiter, took the towel, and headed for the bathroom. When he came to the bifurcation of the men's and women's bathrooms, he silently stopped.

Then the problem is coming.

Silence is a man, and a man should go to the men's bathroom.

Ri Tiantai is a bitch, lurking in the women's bathroom at the moment.

If Shen Mo wants to catch Ri Tiantai, he must disregard the boundary between men and women, let go of his reserve and coercion, and reluctantly walk into the women's bathroom. What a difficult decision to make!

Should he go or not?In order to eliminate harm for the people and advocate justice, should he bear the infamy of a female bathroom hooligan and endure the humiliation?
If this matter were placed on other people, they would definitely choose justice without hesitation, and rushed into the women's bathroom without hesitation.

But Shen Mo is a very decisive person. He will never use the banner of a mission to do whatever he wants in the women's bathroom. It would be too embarrassing.

If this is exposed, how will he see people in the future, and will he have the face to see people?
Ever since, Shen Mo picked up the towel in his hand, covered his face with the towel, turned his back to the men's bathroom, and strode forward obligatoryly.

As long as he's fast enough and no one sees his face, he won't be ashamed!
There is nothing wrong with this statement.

hum!I saw Shen Mo kicking on his slippers, and a piece of wind and lightning talisman and ground shrinking talisman were attached to his body, making his speed reach the extreme in an instant. Although he did not have the [-]% attribute increase of the devil's contract, his speed In the eyes of ordinary people, it is still as fast as lightning, swift as a whirlwind.

Mo Mo quickly entered the scene of the crime. Under the perception of his spiritual sense, the entire women's bathroom was permeated with Ri Tiantai's demonic aura. Based on the basic principle of not bewildering others, he chose to lurk silently, relying on his speed far beyond ordinary people, and With the mist effect of water vapor, it is easy to hide at a certain angle and wait for an opportunity.

hiss!Silence swears that his eyes are only used to search for Ri Tiantai, those indescribable people who unconsciously broke into his eyes are all a beautiful misunderstanding, he will ignore the existence of these people, because in his eyes Only evil spirit.

As for behaviors with critical eyes and scrutiny, Silence doesn't bother to do it, he is a principled person.

Soon, Silence locked the target. It was a bathing pool just below the knees, and a strong evil spirit was continuously overflowing from it. The guests who were enjoying the 45-degree warm water bath had nothing to do with it. aware.

They didn't notice at all that there was a pair of squinting dog eyes lurking in the pool, searching for its favorite target.

"Hey, I found you!"

After discovering the target, there is no need for Silence to lurk, he must stand up without hesitation and catch this evil Teddy spirit.

But jumping out in front of so many people, even covering your face with a towel, is very inappropriate and appropriate.

Ever since, silence came up with a way.

[Mimicry!Partial mimicry!Millennium Tongtian Willow! 】

Crash!I saw the silent hands changing, squirming into countless arms-thin tentacles, slowly diving into the pool under the cover of mist, and touching Teddy Jing.

Stab it!Suddenly, Silence struck!Countless tentacles strangled the teddy in the pool, and lifted it out of the water.

Because the silent operation is extremely delicate, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is like a pool exploding.

ah!ah! ···The water is fried!run away!

Accompanied by a loud noise, there was only a moment of silence, and the whole bath erupted into piercing screams. The frightened guests fled like the wind, and some of them didn't even have time to wrap their bath towels.

The lobby manager in the lobby looked at the guests rushing out of the women's bathroom one after another, and hurriedly reminded, "Quick, don't cover your face, cover your face!"

 Ahem, this chapter!Bell swears, individual plots are only for the needs of the plot, and there is no other deep meaning.Students who think more, please face the wall and think about your mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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