Chapter 223
In the alley at the back door of the Mediterranean Bathing Center, there was a miserable sound of dog barking. When I looked closely, I saw Shen Mo picked up a dog's hind leg, hung the huge Ri Tiantai upside down, and slammed his firm palm on the dog's hip shoot.

Silently patted and scolded loudly.

"Give you skin! Make you flirt! In order to catch you, I even broke into the women's bathroom. You really have face!"

"Aww?!~~" Ri Tiantai struggled with all his might, but in front of Shen Mo, its strength was comparable to that of a seven or eight-year-old kid. It is getting stronger and stronger.

"Wow~~ Stop hitting, woof! Spare woof, woof!"

Silence for a moment, good guy!Ri Tiantai who was beaten was uttering human words, but after thinking about it, it is reasonable for Ri Tiantai who can transform into a human form to utter human words.

Shen Mo threw it on the ground, stepped on it, and rubbed its dog's head on the ground frantically.

"Huh? Now you know how to beg for mercy? Why didn't you think about the consequences when you did evil things? Did you stab the car's butt? Did you go to the door? How dare you turn into a human to molest a human being? Who gave you the guts?"

Ri Tiantai's dog's head creaked under the ground, its bright red tongue hung out from its mouth, and it was panting heavily. Its body wriggled and twisted, and it turned into a half-human under Shen Mo's feet. The half-dog monster appearance, the brown curly haired face, and the furry dog ​​ears are really interesting, just like the bitch in the Two-dimensional anime, no, it is a male, it should be called a paparazzi.

Shen Mo let go of his feet, and looked at the transformed Ri Tiantai with great interest, "Is this how you turned into molesting Ms. Chen?"

Ri Tiantai bared his teeth, he didn't know where the courage came from, and roared to Silence,

"Wang~ who are you! You have to take care of what I have done. Is it because I let go of my nature and seek truth, goodness and beauty. Are you qualified to beat me?"

Silent for a moment, although Tiantai's three views are surprising today, his thinking seems to be quite clear, "Release your nature? Tell me, what is your nature."

Day Tiantai said solemnly, "My nature is nature! The sky is the air, the top can catch goshawks, the bottom can penetrate ants, and the middle can touch the air..."

Snapped!Silence didn't wait for Ri Tiantai to finish speaking, and he shook his hand with a big ear, hitting it dizzy and staring at him.

Hehe, this teddy is really perverted, it looks like a dog, and its three views are so wrong, it's completely acting like a lower body.

"Don't use your perverted three views to stain my freshly cleaned ears, it's too dirty!"

Silently slapped Ri Tiantai back to his original form, and shouted sharply, "You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say next will become Cheng Tang... Forget it, I can't remember the rest Qing, in short, I have surpassed the status of the special commissioner of the bureau and arrested you, if there is something wrong, please tell the bureau!"

"Wang? Super Bureau! You are a Super Bureau person!" Ri Tiantai was obviously a little flustered, and his dog's eyes showed anxiety and panic.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and instinctively told him that this Teddy was carefully concealing something, picked it up again, and asked, "It seems that you are not an idiot who doesn't understand anything, come on, finish what you have in mind."

Ri Tiantai's eyes were staggered, and he didn't dare to look directly at Shen Mo, acting as if Wang didn't know anything, but his acting skills were too clumsy, and he could tell that he was lying at a glance.

Snapped!Silence clapped out the palm, and the powerful force instantly made a handprint on the wall beside him, and then swung it again, facing Ri Tiantai's dog's mouth.

"You say it's your dog's mouth that's hard, or the concrete walls."

Ri Tiantai was stunned for a moment, staring at the handprint in a daze. It turned out that he still kept his hand before hitting it in silence. If he slapped it with all his strength, his butt would not bloom.

"Wang! Brother, stop, I'll tell you..." Ri Tiantai faltered, and it began to show its heel to Shen Mo.

About 10 minutes later, Shen Mo stared at Ri Tiantai in front of him solemnly, and his intuition told him that something big happened to him.

why?Because this Ritiantai is just a small character, the organization behind it is a big fish.

Say Tiantai!Her real name is An An, and she is an imported giant teddy dog. She was abandoned by her owner a year ago because of her violent personality and violent house demolitions. She was taken in and raised by Yancheng Pet Shelter half a year ago. At that time, An An was just an ordinary Teddy dog. Dee dog.

But within half a year in the pet adoption house, it actually completed the evolution and transformation of ordinary monsters for hundreds or even thousands of years.

In Da Fei's eyes, this would be impossible to happen, but it really happened to An An.

There is only one truth, there are tricks in pet shelters.

According to Ritian Tai'an, it gradually became what it is now after being injected with a drug for a long time. The person who gave it the injection is the breeder of the pet shelter.An'an's understanding of the super bureau was also learned from the breeder.

What is even more frightening is that the existence of An An is not an exception. There are many pets that have been injected with drugs for a long time. Some of them are not as good as An An, and some are more terrifying and powerful than An An.

Shen Mo subconsciously looked in the direction of the Yancheng Pet Shelter, it's not easy there!

Using pet shelters to take in stray animals and then using them to make catalytic monsters, these people must have a big secret.

After silently contemplating for a while, I didn't wait for the task prompt for the side quest. It seems that if I want to trigger this side quest, I have to go further and go to the Yancheng Pet Shelter.

Ever since, Shen Mo led Ri Tian Tai An'an, one person and one dog, to the Yancheng Pet Shelter.

On the way, Shen Mo told Team Niu what he had discovered by phone. Team Niu, who realized the seriousness of the problem, reported the incident to the Super Bureau for filing, and at the same time organized people to rush to the pet shelter.

Along the way, Shen Mo instilled the correct three views in An An.

"An'an, this is a good opportunity to take the blame and do meritorious service. As long as you cooperate with me to destroy this evil organization, I will try to cleanse you so that you will not be destroyed by humanity."

An An nodded, "Wow! I will definitely cooperate actively and strive for leniency."

"Okay, then tell me about the pet shelter, the more detailed the better."

An An recalled for a while, Wang said, "There are six people in charge of injections, and they all listened to a middle-aged man. Foreigner, the blonde one."

"What's the name of that foreign man?"

"They all call him Boss."

"Nonsense, I'm asking for your name."

"It seems to be called William."

An An rejoiced and said, "At that time, I had just completed my semi-transformation, and I heard that foreigner said that he would transfer me away. Wang, I knew very well in my heart that every one of those transferred dogs had come back alive. Of course I couldn't." Transferred by them, so I escaped."

"How did you escape?" Shen Mo was a little curious.

"You may not believe it," An An said proudly, "I just opened the door and escaped!"

hiss!Shen Mo subconsciously glanced at An An's crotch, only to know that it was the root of this dog, which was extraordinary.

"You're pretty good there!"

"That's... Ben Wang..." An An just wanted to brag, but when she saw Shen Mo's eyes, she couldn't help stopping her mouth, and said in horror, "Don't think too much, I have been given hormones and I can't take them. "

Shen Mo smiled and waved his hands, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your meat, I'm not interested in your meat. Go, quicken your pace, and head for the pet shelter."

(End of this chapter)

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