The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 224 Let me introduce you to a young lady

Chapter 224 Let me introduce you to a young lady
Yancheng Pet Shelter was originally a place to take in city stray pets, help them find their owners again, or spend their old age in peace.

But at this moment, in Shen Mo's eyes, this paradise has become a place where lawbreakers commit crimes. That hateful foreigner actually used stray pets to give birth to monsters.

From the perspective of the super commissioner, Shen Mo has the responsibility and obligation to deal with and resolve this matter.

Especially after silently observing the state of An An's demon body carefully, this idea became more and more intense, because monsters like An An, who were born using drugs, had already poked hundreds of holes in their monster bodies. Unlike normal monsters, their lifespan It is extremely limited, not even as good as ordinary dogs, and it is even more insignificant compared to a monster like Da Fei who has been active for a hundred years.

Shen Mo muttered to himself, spending so much effort to create a large number of short-lived monsters, what is their purpose?

With a full stomach full of questions, Shen Mo led An An to the Yancheng Pet Shelter. One person and one dog stood outside the shelter door, quietly watching this old building located on the outskirts of Yancheng through the iron fence.

"Is it here?"

"That's right, Ben Wang will never forget this place in his life."

hum!Mo Mo opened his spiritual sense, and sensed the situation of the shelter through his spiritual sense, and saw that the whole building was shrouded in a layer of strange and alternative evil spirit, which overflowed like water vapor and rose up in the sky. Form a huge phantom with a dog's head.

Shen Mo frowned, and asked, "An'an, are all the people injected with drugs dogs?"

An An nodded the dog's head, "Yes, those people only choose strong and healthy male dogs, and a very small number of beautiful female dogs. They are not interested in other pets at all."

Aliens who only spawned canine monsters? !Mo Mo opened his mind, and guessed that the other party's identity could be the big wolfhound that came out of Europe!

wrong!Shaking his head silently, according to Uncle Lame's previous common sense, most of the lumpy wolfhounds and bats in Europe dare not step into China. Like the vampire incident in Shanghai before, they are just rookies and stunned youths who don't understand anything. Accidents caused.

Such a planned, premeditated, methodical, and organized event of spawning monsters is definitely not something a rookie can do.Are there other possibilities?
The doubts in Shen Mo's heart were not resolved, but became more and more heavy. He tightened the dog leash in his hand, stepped out, pushed open the iron fence and walked into the pet shelter.

After walking a few steps, Silence was stopped by a breeder in light blue overalls. He was a thin young man with a pale face, as if he was extremely short of blood and could be blown down by a strong wind.

"Who are you? What are you doing?"

Shen Mo pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, "Hi, it's like this, I picked up a stray dog ​​outside, and I want to foster it with you."

"Stray dogs?!" The young man glanced at Anna's clean and thick hair, sneered in his heart, and said with a sneer, "This is your dog, right? If you don't want to keep it, throw it to our shelter and let them fend for themselves here. You guys These people, who keep saying they are dog lovers, have they ever considered the feelings of dogs..."

Silence was slapped on the head and face. If it wasn't for the spiritual perception that the other party was just an ordinary person, he would have shouted loudly. The reason why the young man's body is so weak is largely because he has been immersed in high-concentration monsters all year round. However, young people who can persist in working in pet shelters under the influence of anger, their morals are not much worse.

Silence didn't refute the young man, and waited until the other party finished losing his temper, and looked at the other party quietly.

Perhaps the silence made the other party feel embarrassed, the young man turned his head away in embarrassment, and pointed in one direction, "The registration room is over there, just go in and fill out a form, that's all."

"Thank you!" Shen Mo nodded, and led An An to continue walking into the depths of the shelter.

"An'an, you know that person just now."

"I know him. His name is Xiao Fan. He is a very good breeder. Our dogs like him very much."

"Is he related to those people?"

An An shook the dog's head, "No, those seven people are a group and rarely talk to other breeders."

"Go, take me to find those seven people."

"No problem, Wang!"

An An said, leading Shen Mo to the breeding area familiarly. As he got closer and closer to the breeding area, the evil spirit perceived by Shen Mo became more and more intense. Among the stray dogs locked in the breeding area, there were Many of the dogs exuded a faint demonic aura, obviously they had been drugged.

What's even more irritating is that some dogs can't stand the medicine and become weak, dying at any time.

The more Shen Mo watched, the more angry he felt. These people are simply not human, and they can even kill stray dogs. Although he is not a dog lover, he can't help but want to avenge these dogs.

"Haven't you arrived yet?" Silence asked.

"Wang... They are usually in the breeding area, why didn't I see any of them today? It's strange."

Is it? !
Shen Mo and An An looked at each other, an ominous premonition emerged in their hearts, "No, there must be something tricky, take me to their office!"

Wang!An An nodded, and the wind suddenly picked up under her feet, and she rushed out. Silence followed closely behind her feet. By the time they arrived at the breeder's office, most of the office had been vacated, and many desks had been cleaned up. It's not that there is still the smell of those people in the house, and I think these people have never been here.

"They escaped!"

Silently stunned, no wonder there is no way to trigger the side missions, the emotional people have fled long ago, seeing how the place has been cleaned, they should have chosen to escape here not long after An An escaped.

It seems that they are also very afraid of being exposed, and if there is a slight mistake, they choose to take their belongings and run away.

Shen Mo felt more and more that this group of people was not simple. They were a group of criminals with strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities and were extremely cautious. This also meant that they must be caught as soon as possible, otherwise the next pet shelter would definitely be poisoned.

"Huh? Why did you come here?" It was none other than the breeder Xiao Fan who spoke.

Shen Mo replied with a smile, "We went the wrong way, oh yes, where did William who worked here go?"

Although Xiao Fan was surprised, he still said truthfully, "Those strange foreigners, they just resigned a few days ago and took a group of stray dogs with them when they left. According to them, there is a better pet shelter that can accept them." These poor little guys."

Mo Mo frowned, and immediately asked, "Did they mention that pet shelter?!"

Xiao Fan recalled, "It seems to be a pet shelter abroad, I don't remember the details clearly, why are you asking this?"

Silence didn't answer Xiaofan's question, because he knew in his heart that 80.00% of this group of people might really be from Europe. Whether it's a big wolf dog or a saucy bat, the people in the bureau must investigate as soon as possible.

They became so courageous that they came to Huaxia to steal a dog. They must beat them so they suspected that the dog was alive.

Shen Mo took An An out of the breeder's office, dialed the number of the cattle team, and informed the other party of the latest developments, then opened the Weixin group, directly contacted Ma Shisan, the group leader of group 21, and reported the situation of the barbarian invasion Give Ma Shisan.

Ding!After a while, Shen Mo received a reply.

Yanjing Ma Shisan: "Got it!"

"Huh?!" Silently, staring at these two words for a long time, is this over?For such a serious matter, just reply and receive it?When did Ma Shisan be so perfunctory?

After struggling for a moment, Shen Mo asked again, "Group leader, how to deal with this matter?"

Yanjing Ma Shisan: "It has been handed over to 9 groups of colleagues. They have a group in Europe, and it is more appropriate to handle this matter. Also, don't ask more questions in the future."

Silently smiled, don't ask if you don't ask, who cares about asking.If he didn't want to trigger a side mission, he wouldn't bother to care about it. Europe is so messy, he doesn't want to go.

How good it is at home, safe and comfortable, isn't it tiring to travel abroad? !

"Go, An'an. This matter has nothing to do with us. Let me introduce you to a young lady."

An An: "Wang? Is this true? Which young lady. Is she fragrant?"

She is so old!
(End of this chapter)

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