Chapter 227

Mo Mo saw that Caidie let go of the dagger, and let go of the stone hanging in his heart. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the dagger in his palm, then simply covered the wound with a blanket, and used slow healing to recover from the injury.

hiss? !Don't you hurt?
Mo Mo's hand made Cai Die stunned. How could ordinary people have such means and heart, they dared to pull out the dagger by themselves, and even endured the severe pain to bandage their own wounds. Coupled with Mo Mo's skillful operation, her curiosity in the bottom of her heart became more and more intense. Thick, what kind of person is he?

Mo Mo operated with one hand, put on the clothes scattered around (the ones that were pulled out by Cai Die), and at the same time restrained his mind, took advantage of this gap to recover his physical strength, as long as his physical strength recovered, he would be worthy of Cai Die, if the other party insisted on killing him , he can also resist.

When Shen Mo got dressed and looked at Cai Die again, he just collided with the other party's sizing eyes, which made Shen Mo feel a little embarrassed, coughed twice, and reminded, "Girl, although I don't know what happened between us What, but you should put on your clothes, let's talk in a quiet place, what do you think?"

Cai Die pretended to be shy, and tidied up her clothes in a panic, as realistic as that could be.

So Shen Shen drove Caidie out of Yancheng Airport with Cai Die, and arrived at the door of a coffee shop after a while.

Shen Mo noticed this coffee shop when passing by. The reason why he chose this coffee shop was mainly because his house has a private room on the second floor. Some young couples can spend a day in it with a cup of coffee or pastry. The environment Quiet and affordable, it is no less than a holy place for dating in the grove.

Mo Mo asked Cai Die about her taboos, ordered her a cup of hand-ground coffee and some seasonal fruit desserts, and the two walked into private room No. 3 together.

As the waiter put all the food on the table and closed the door of the room before leaving, the atmosphere in the whole private room was particularly different.


Cai Die stirred the fragrant coffee with a small spoon, nodded and lowered her eyebrows, not daring to look directly into Silent eyes, pretending that you are responsible to the end.

Silently brewing emotions, muttering in a low voice, "Let's introduce ourselves first!"

As he spoke, Shen Shen sank his consciousness into the wood carving pinned to his waist, which was a soul-replenishing wood carving for Ling'er to temporarily shelter.

Although Shen Mo didn't know what happened at that time, it was certain that Ling'er must have witnessed what happened in the underground parking lot with her own eyes.

"Ling'er, do you know what happened after I ran away?"

Ling'er crouched in a corner, looked up at the silent consciousness, and muttered anxiously, "Xiao Mo, don't believe that woman's nonsense, she is lying to you. After you ran away, you kept pounding the wall until you fell unconscious. She dragged you back into the car, stripped off your clothes, and pretended to be underestimated. You must not trust her, she is definitely not a good person, and she definitely has other plans for you. "

Mo Mo's heart was shocked, it seemed that this matter was really not simple.The people of Tianyi Sect are really weird and different. The one who took Lei Shagui on the plane before almost made the whole plane accompany him neatly.It is true that there are talents every year, especially this year.

Silently, pretending not to know the truth.Since you're playing with me, then I'll do whatever I can. Let's see what you want to do?
"My name is Shen Mo, and I am the owner of a wood carving shop."

Caidie nodded, "Caidie, Liangshan Yi!"

Silently said, now that he is more of a teacher of Caidie Tianyi, he quickly praised, "Your name sounds very kind."



How can I answer your "um"? Isn't this talking about the topic to death?

The following scene was very embarrassing for a while, silently coughing twice, trying to break the situation.

"Is your voice bad?" Cai Die's sudden concern almost reached Shen Mo's waist, what she said was really level.

"My throat is a bit dry," Shen Mo took a sip of his drink and continued, "Caidie, let's talk about it now, are you my woman now!"

Cai Die paused with her fingers stirring the coffee, her face blushed instantly, she quickly lowered her head, hesitating, murmuring something.

"Um~ yes."

Silence is in the eyes, sneering again and again, can't tell, the acting is really similar, look at your posture, you are a habitual offender of fairy dancing!
The silence left Caidie some time to perform, and then pretended to be righteous, and grabbed Caidie's hand.

"Don't worry, from now on, you will be my woman. I will be responsible to the end. But before that, I must tell you one thing."

Cai Die was taken aback by this sudden grab, but this scare made Cai Die appear to be the injured party, so pitiful and pitiful.

"what's up?"

"In addition to being the owner of a wood carving shop, I also have an identity as a special commissioner of the Supernatural Research and Defense Bureau."

Cai Die was startled and flustered, but quickly adjusted.

"Actually, I also have something to hide from you. I am the saint of Tianyi Sect, the next leader."

Mo Mo was a little surprised, she was actually the saint of Tianyi Sect?Don't be such a coincidence!
However, according to the normal routines in TV dramas and movies, all kinds of saintesses in various religions seem to have an indistinct relationship with the protagonist. It is unexpected and reasonable that he has such luck.

He took a deep breath, and after a short rest, his physical strength had recovered to a good degree, and he was completely calm in the face of the colorful butterflies. To put it bluntly, one person who was silent could beat ten colorful butterflies.

Therefore, the following conversation should be more forceful.

"Since you are a saint, why did you come to Yancheng?"

Cai Die said truthfully, "I was ordered by the leader to come to Yancheng to arrest... looking for someone. Someone took the leader's things and killed our believers."

Silently murmured, it was Da Fei who killed, and he was the one who took the things of the leader, so he should be sought out like this.

After a moment of silence, he said frankly, "If I'm not mistaken, the person you're looking for is me!"

Caidie: "???"

After a moment of shock, Caidie still didn't want to believe it, "What did you say?"

Silent didn't talk nonsense, with a flick of his wrist, the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost was extracted from the task list, two thunder clusters hovered and converged in Shen Mo's hands, the surrounding lights flickered, the air immediately became dignified, and a strong smell of gunpowder ignited.

Cai Die naturally recognizes the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost, and when this object appeared in Shen Mo's hands, she confirmed that Shen Mo was the person she was looking for, but the question came, would she kill Shen Mo and take back the Yin-Yang Thunder Ghost?

If Caidie hadn't seen Shen Mo's rampant combat power, she would have stabbed the dagger at Shen Mo's throat without hesitation, but the problem was this if.

Everything is impermanent, and reality has no ifs.

"It's actually you!" Cai Die murmured, from the look on her face, it could be seen that she was struggling and struggling.

Shen Mo slowly narrates, and truthfully tells Cai Die what happened on the plane, the yin and yang thunder ghost ran away, Da Fei and Shen Mo worked together to capture the six sons, and the six sons wanted to kill Shen Mo, but were killed instead...
After learning the truth, Caidie sat there quietly, stirring the coffee.

Staring at her silently, waiting for her next move, he murmured in his heart, "Come on, continue to show me. I want to see, how will you treat me after knowing the truth?"

Shen Mo was fully alert, ready to violently attack and kill the opponent at any time.

After a long time, the tip of Caidie's nose twitched, and she mustered up a lot of courage to say, "You go! Just pretend that we have never seen each other before."


He didn't answer immediately, but just looked at Caidie quietly, the woman in front of him was even more difficult to see through than he imagined.

She actually let me go? !What is this operation?If you want to get caught, you will hide the old warehouse, or visit the thatched cottage three times.

"I'm not leaving!" Shen Mo replied decisively, because he hadn't figured out the real purpose of Cai Die yet.

Cai Die stared at the silence for a long time, and muttered, "If you don't go, I'll go!"


This routine is getting more and more mysterious. According to Cai Die's lie, they are now a pair of little mandarin ducks who have the reality of husband and wife but no name of husband and wife. After you and me, they should not hug each other and cry, and share wealth and honor. what?How come I don't go, you go!
Could it be that the husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes?

As soon as Shen Mo wanted to get up to persuade her to stay, Cai Die had already put the dagger on her neck and shouted sharply, "If you dare to follow me, I will die for you."

Silence stunned, he stopped, did not say anything, and did not do anything.He just watched Caidie leave silently and disappeared from his sight.

Mo Mo was confused by Cai Die's behavior, and she didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd.

"Ling'er, do you know what she's doing?"

Ling'er also looked confused, "I don't know? Isn't she a fool!"

 Woohoo!Readers from other people's homes give rewards to the author every day.Readers in my family force me to wear women's clothes every day and drive me again and again.God, the earth, let me live.

  It is an honor to be recommended on the boutique column, and it is actually in the same frame as the story of the god of house pigs.

  Explosive update!Explosive update!Every two hours.Guaranteed four changes, plus rewards!

  let's go!

  In addition: the plot of this chapter has been overwhelmed, so it has been changed many times, and it is nondescript. I hope readers understand, writing a book is not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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