The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 228 Be a Man Who Earns Money Standing

Chapter 228 Be a Man Who Earns Money Standing (Explosion [-])
Butterfly is gone!

Shen Mo watched her drink the remaining half cup of coffee, pondered for a long time, he wanted to chase out, but the dagger on Cai Die's neck told him that if he chased out, Cai Die would definitely let the dagger drink blood, this kind of woman is ruthless Get up and cut yourself.

Therefore, Shen Mo can only passively accept Cai Die's choice. Since Cai Die let her go, she must have a plan in her heart. No matter what the plan is, Shen Mo can do it now and wait.

No matter what plots and tricks you have, there will always be a day when you show your fox's tail.

After thinking this through, Shen Mo hid this matter in his heart, and he knew that one day, they would meet again.

The Maserati was speeding on the highway in YC City, silently preparing to return to the Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

And at the same time, Yancheng Airport.

Cai Die stood vigorously in the pick-up hall, and when a middle-aged woman with a dignified temperament appeared, her face showed determination and perseverance.

Cai Die greeted the lady, bowed and said, "Master!"

The lady nodded and signaled Cai Die to stand up, "Did you find that turtle grandson?"

Caidie didn't get up, but replied truthfully, "I found it!"

"Okay, take me to kill him!" There was a trace of ruthlessness on the lady's face, which was a kind of ruthlessness that regarded life as nothing, as if what she wanted to kill was a bug, not a worm. people.

Cai Die didn't respond, she just stood there quietly. The lady quickly noticed the abnormality of Cai Die, and shouted sharply, "What's the matter? You just came out a few days ago, didn't you even listen to the words of the leader?"

Cai Die refused in a low voice, "Master, I'm sorry, that person can't be killed!"

Um?The lady's beautiful eyes were tightly wrinkled, and she carefully looked at the butterfly. Immediately, she suddenly stretched out a hand, grabbed the butterfly's arm, wiped off her sleeve, and saw that the palace sand of the butterfly had disappeared.

The lady's complexion changed, cloudy and cloudy, and a murderous look burst out from her, "Is this why you protect that turtle grandson?"

Cai Die nodded weakly, then shook her head helplessly.

"Huh!" The lady snorted coldly, with a murderous look, "Tell me where the turtle grandson is, the master of the sect must kill him, if he dares to touch the saint of the sect, the master of the sect will cut him into a stick and throw him in the The Valley of Ten Thousand Insects feeds the insects."

Cai Die repeatedly shook her head and begged, "Master, don't!"

"Why do you still protect him!"

Cai Die shook her head, "No, leader! After three months, there will be a big competition among the three sects. When the next leader is elected, my body will be broken. If I don't take other people's heads or marry him, I will not be eligible to participate. But The extinction of the position of leader cannot fall into the hands of the other two sects, so I have a proposal."

The lady was silent for a long time, and looked at Caidie meaningfully, "Let's listen."

"Within one month, if he comes looking for me, I will commit myself to marry him, and he will take part in the three-door competition on my behalf, and win the position of leader."

Cai Die paused, "If the one-month period comes, and he's a wolf-hearted dog, and doesn't care about fish and water, I will come to Yancheng again, take him as a dog's head, and use his dog's head to worship the ancestors, so as to regain the right to compete."

The noble lady nodded with satisfaction, saying that Cai Die is indeed the saint she brought out, and her personality is almost the same as her back then, cruel, vicious, and spicy enough.

Back then when that heartless man ruthlessly abandoned her, she made up her mind and wiped out thirteen members of his family. With this ruthless means, she won the position of leader in one fell swoop, and was dubbed the fierce name of Mo Shaluo.

Cai Die's temperament is really the same as she was back then.

"Okay, the leader of the sect is up to you! As for the Yin-Yang Leisha Ghost, if he comes, he will be a lottery; if he doesn't come, you will bring him along with his head."

"Yes! Corner beads!"

Cai Die subconsciously looked towards the direction of Silence, and a strange evil smile rose from the bottom of her heart.

"Silence! One month later, I will borrow your head for use. When I ascend to the position of leader, I will never forget your kindness."

Ah Qiu!Ah Qiu!
Mo Mo sneezed twice in a row, as the saying goes, think about it, scold you, and catch a cold.

His first reaction was to think of Cai Die. It must be this witch who is cursing him. This woman is cunning and ruthless, and she must be on guard when seeing her in the future.

The most poisonous woman!
Shen Mo let out a long sigh, and parked the Maserati on the side of the road. As soon as he stopped the car, he saw a handsome figure of Hua coming out of the Laifu Wood Carving Shop.

"Brother! You are back!"

Before Shen Mo got out of the car, he saw Hua Yingjun dancing and beckoning Shen Mo to get off the car as soon as possible, pointing in the direction of Laifu Wood Carving Shop to invite credit.

"Brother, come down quickly. My sisters and I have made all the arrangements. When will the opening ceremony be held? It's up to you."

Mo Mo took a long breath, put the matter behind him, opened the car door, and cast his eyes in the direction Hua Yingjun pointed.

I don't know if I don't see it, I'm startled when I see it.

That posture was really full of gongs and drums, firecrackers blared, red flags waving, and crowds of people.All young ladies and sisters, all kinds of private custom-made clothes; the whole woodcarving shop is surrounded.

The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, a little dumbfounded, with this posture, those who knew him knew that he opened a woodcarving shop, those who didn't know thought he opened a shop for young ladies who are Internet celebrities!

When it comes to internet celebrities, those young ladies are clearly holding their mobile phones, posing various posses, interacting with fans, and vigorously promoting the Laifu woodcarving shop behind them. Don't praise the silent woodcarving shop to the sky, what kind of master Among the folks, the master is hidden in the world, and the woodcarving is not in vain if you get blessings... Such remarks are as good as the past.

Let's not care about the false propaganda for a while, just the posture and strength, the average person can't stand it.Fortunately, Shen Mo is not an ordinary person. Since he dared to hand over the store celebration to Hua Yingjun, he was fully prepared. Even so, Hua Yingjun taught him a good lesson.As expected of the rich second generation of the magic capital, they really have some tricks and meanings when they play lively and create momentum.

Shen Mo was very satisfied, and praised from the bottom of his heart, "Handsome, you did a good job. But don't be proud, keep working hard. Wasn't the store celebration scheduled for tomorrow? Then tomorrow, start the event."

Hua Yingjun's face was happy, he nodded again and again, patted his chest and said, "No problem, leave it to me, tomorrow's Laifu woodcarving shop will definitely be the most eye-catching focus in Yancheng, no, not only in Yancheng, but through the efforts of the sisters , Laifu wood carving shop will be the focus of the whole country!"

Silently coughed twice, pressed his hands, "Low-key! Don't be so ostentatious, popularity is just a means, our ultimate goal is to make money."

Hua Yingjun was taken aback, and asked doubtfully, "Brother, are you short of money? How about I just give you a few houses in Shanghai, anyway, I have a lot, and I can easily make you worth more than ten million."

Mo Mo's face darkened, I treat you as a brother, yet you insult me.

Hua Yingjun: "???"

Absolutely not, brother, if you are short of money, I am really willing to give you a few houses.

Mo Mo was awe-inspiring, straightened his body and said, "Do you think I look like the kind of person who begs for money from others?"

Hua Yingjun looked at it carefully, shook his head, and nodded again, "Isn't it like it?"

Snapped!Mo Mo shook his hands like a big ear melon seed, Hua Yingjun obviously saw that Mo Mo hadn't hit him for several days.

"If you take a closer look, the temperament in my body is obviously the kind of inspirational and promising young man who relies on strength to counterattack, start from scratch, and make a career on his own. ? Do you think I have a bad stomach and can only eat soft rice?"

Hua Yingjun was puzzled. In his values, he could easily take over a few houses and take a shortcut to complete the counterattack that Shen Mo said.

Hard work is the only way to succeed. There is no shortcut to success. Isn’t it all tricks used by successful people to deceive others?

Silence is not stupid, he knows that the road pointed out by Hua Yingjun is very easy, as long as he nods, he can sit on several houses in Shanghai, worth over ten million, but such easy-to-get benefits, no sense of accomplishment at all. No.

Silence loves money, but he loves the process of making money and the sense of accomplishment after making money.

Every penny he earns is a story, an encounter, and a memory lingering in the depths of his memory.

Money is just a number, and the value behind it is the real reason why people are so reluctant to pursue it.

In layman's terms, it's vulgar to talk about money at this level of silence, and we have to talk about ideals.

Not only to talk about ideals, but also to have ideals and earn money.

Are you saying you can't make money?Hehe, the strength of silence is his confidence to say that.

He wants to be a man who earns money standing up.

(End of this chapter)

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