The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 230 You Should Tolerate

Chapter 230 You Should Tolerate (Explosion [-])
"Is it true?" Ling'er continued to tease, "Would you really do a fake show and marry that demon girl?"

Shen Mo snorted coldly, "Joke, such a scheming woman, will she pick a coffin for herself after marrying?"

Linger chuckled, "You made me laugh again. I heard from her that she seems to be from the Yi nationality!"

"That's right, it seems to be a saint!"

Linger pondered, "If I remember correctly, they seem to be monogamous."

Shen Mo laughed, saying that we are not monogamous.

Linger paused for a while, then changed the topic, "But they can marry many concubines."

Silence: "Huh?!"

cough cough!In fact, it doesn't matter whether I am a concubine or not. I mainly like the simplicity and kindness of ethnic minorities.

If Miss Caidie is not some extremely evil person, it is okay to wrong herself a bit.

"Yo! Tempted?"

Ling'er looked at the silent and wavy expression with contempt, and really wanted to twist the flesh around his waist, it hurt him to death.

Shaking his head silently, he denied, "What did you say, am I a person who advocates polygamy? I always think that monogamy is to protect our male compatriots from the persecution of women."

Ling'er's heart was clear, and she turned back with disdain, "You're talking about a man with no ability. For someone as capable as you, the sweetness will definitely outweigh the bitterness."

After thinking about it silently, it seems that it is so reasonable, three wives and four concubines who are capable, play well.A concubine with no abilities was arranged clearly.

Although the reasoning is fallacious, there are also some truths.

Um? !Mo Mo was stunned, he wondered what he was doing, after all, Mo Mo and Tian Yi Sect were still grudges and enemies, they were life-and-death enemies, what kind of love was there!
Shen Mo took up the topic, and then said to Ling'er with a serious and sincere attitude, "Since the matter has been clarified, why don't you come out? Nannan and Goudan both miss you to death."

Ling'er was just being hypocritical, and she knew how to measure. She glanced at Shen Mo, then instigated ghost energy and turned into a will-o'-the-wisp to get out of the wood carving and land in front of Shen Mo.

"Sister Ling'er, you're finally out!" Seeing Ling'er, Nannan was like a little kid seeing an old kid, getting tired of it all the time. Nannan even complained to Linger, condemning Shen Mo's act of setting a password on the computer It is an act that has no scruples about the power of monsters and monsters, and must be severely punished.

Linger is also a reasonable ghost, she knows that Nannan has a lot of Internet addiction, and a little restriction is very necessary, but in this situation, Linger feels that she should stand on Nannan's side and have a good relationship with Mo Mo In the first lesson, she patted Nan Nan on the head and comforted, "Nan Nan, although it is inappropriate for your boss to set a password for the computer, as an excellent employee of Laifu Wood Carving Shop, you should understand why he did this. Complaints cannot solve the problem, we should express our thoughts with practical actions."

Nan Nan tilted her head and asked in doubt, "For example?"

Ling'er suggested, "You can use your luck attribute to add a buff to your boss, let him buy instant noodles without seasoning packets, or choke on drinking water, or get hit by a car when going out. Sister believes in you, you can Made it."

Nannan instantly understood that she could still operate like this, so she looked at Shen Mo more arrogantly and unscrupulously, as if threatening Shen Mo, if you don't help me unlock the password, I will make you bad luck Being entangled, I cannot take care of myself.

Mo Mo looked at Ling Er and Nan Nan bullying her, but she was speechless. As the saying goes, only villains and women are hard to raise.After careful study, female ghosts and little monsters are also the ones who cannot be offended.

have to!Mo Mo was at a loss this time, and didn't bother with them, and decisively told Nan Nan the computer password, easily resolving the situation where he was mixed doubles.

Then, Shen Mo started to talk about serious things, and he said to Linger solemnly, "Linger, let's get started!"

Ling'er was taken aback for a moment, her face changed slightly, she was a little embarrassed, thinking that Silence had been squeezed out?She asked a little shyly, "Start what?"

"Start the Ghost Creature Project! Didn't we agree before? When we come back from Shangtongtian Village, we will work together to make a big deal."

Ling'er was slightly disappointed, but she didn't show any emotion, and said, "Well, it's time to start, it's been a long time."

Ever since, Nan Nan who had just turned on the computer, before warming up the mouse, was greeted by Shen Mo and Linger to get off the gaming chair, glaring angrily at these two cowardly men and women, complaining that they turned their faces more than they read books. Still fast.

Mo Mo’s performance towards Nan Nan is a bit dumbfounding. Think about Nan Nan who was pitiful and frightened when he first came to Laifu Wood Carving Shop, and look at Nan Nan who is now unscrupulous and doing whatever he wants. In comparison, the current Nan Nan is more Much happier than before, this is a bear child, no, it should be what a bear demon should be.

Silence is proud of being able to give Nannan a happy monster childhood.

Turning their eyes away from Nannan, Shen Mo and Ling'er began to concentrate on the ghost plan.

First of all, it is natural to open the micro-operation interface of the server, sort out the data changes in the past two days, and then Linger directly turns into a ghost, and under the blessing of silent weapons, enters the computer and descends to the server again along the network cable. constructed virtual world.

This virtual world is still chaotic, but with the entry of Ling'er, the refining and agitation of ghost energy, everything is changing in microseconds.

Mo Mo watched the data flow changes on the micro-control interface. Although he couldn't understand it, his intuition told him that everything was developing and evolving in the direction he expected.

call!Mo Mo took a deep breath and began to try a new blind transpiration.

Ask yourself: "Since Ling'er's ghost can be built in the server, can the demon world of the Millennium Tongtianliu affect the build of the server?"

With this question in mind, Mo Mo first opened up his talent of mimicry, mimicking the talent of the millennium Tongtianliu——Tongtian Demon Realm!

The spiritual energy agitated and changed, turning into a pure demonic energy and entering the computer.

There was a violent explosion, the computer screen flickered, and the blue and white screen changed, as if it was going to explode in place.The silent demonic energy dissipated, and was burned by the electricity in an instant, his head throbbed with pain, and two nosebleeds flowed from the tip of his nose.

Failed!The evil spirit has not yet reached the server, just when it wants to enter the computer, there is a very serious phenomenon of rejection.

Electricity and demonic aura are like water and fire, incompatible with old age and death.

Shen Mo shook his head, saying that tolerance is great.

Why are you so overbearing?You have tolerated the ghostly aura, why can't you tolerate the ghostly aura?

Um?After a little thought in silence, he found the key.

Weapon Blessing!That's right, every time Ling'er enters the server, she is blessed with weapon blessings, so she can enter the server smoothly without being burned by electricity.

Shen Mo's demonic attitude just now was too simple and rude, without any foreplay at all, so of course he would be resisted and rejected by Dian Dian.

After figuring this out, Mo Mo rallied, imitating pure demonic energy again, activated his spiritual power, and added weapon blessing attributes to the demonic energy.

Puff!As soon as the demonic energy meets the weapon blessing, like boiling oil meets boiling water, it explodes in an instant, and before Mo Mo can put the demonic energy into the computer, the pot explodes in his palm.

hiss!Mo Mo looked at the bloody palm, and immediately used slow recovery to heal the injury.

Nan Nan on the side looked carefully, his little head shook like a rattle, begging for mercy repeatedly, "Boss, I won't play my temper anymore, don't bomb me, okay?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he didn't want to, but it was so dangerous to explore the unknown area, maybe it would blow up the Laifu woodcarving shop.

While waiting for the recovery of the injury, Mo Mo took this opportunity to educate Nan Nan and train her temperament. Although Xiong Xiaoyao is good, he can't be greedy.

When the injury recovered, Shen Mo started a new round of experiments. In short, he had only one purpose, that is to bless the Tongtian Demon Realm to the server like ghosts and creatures, so as to realize the fusion of water and water in the ghosts and monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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