The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 231 Together We Create Our World

Chapter 231 Together We Create Our World

How did it blow up?

Mo Mo sat on the gaming chair and pondered for a long time, why Linger's ghostly aura could bless weapons and blessings, but the ghostly aura exploded on the spot.Something between the two of them was ignored by the silence.

Ghost energy, monster energy, spirit, weapon blessing... These elements are turning in Shen Mo's mind, and some kind of connection in the dark is gradually being sorted out.

hum!With a flash of inspiration, Silence seemed to have grasped something extremely important.

I saw Shen Mo once again used his talent for mimicry. This time, he directly performed full body mimicry and turned into a human-shaped celestial willow, just like Groot in the Guardians of the Galaxy. He turned into a tree man and sat on a gaming chair.

Nannan's small eyes were wide open, her mouth was O-shaped in shock, and she pointed at the tree man in disbelief and said, "Boss, he's turned into a monster! He's actually a willow spirit, no wonder he always sucks so much. There's a reason for everything."

Crash!Silence after complete mimicry lost the human language ability. Although he could hear Nan Nan's voice, he couldn't respond directly. He could only make the trembling sound of willow leaves. Silence signaled Nan Nan to be quiet and not to disturb his research.

Nannan was as excited as a brat who discovered the New World, dancing, pulling the bewildered dog, and turning around the silence, just like in a fairy tale, when a naughty child discovers the legendary tree man, full of joy. curious.

Silent and humane, the willow tree face twitched for a while, didn't this little bear have been trained just now?Why did he turn his tail up into the sky again.

To sum it up, he still played less than usual!Bear boy, if you fight more, you will be obedient.

hum!I saw the tree man silently shaking the tentacles of the willow branches, making the gesture of slapping Nannan's buttocks before, and interpreting a sentence in dumb words.

【If you're so naive again, I'm going to do it. 】

Nan Nan was taken aback for a moment, but with her intelligence she figured it out after a little thought. She couldn't stop clicking her head, and hid behind while dragging the dog's egg. It was obvious that her previous education was very successful.

She pouted, hugged Goudan in her arms, stood aside, not daring to make a sound, quietly watching what Shen Mo was messing around with.

hum!Shen Mo once again used his mimicry ability to transform himself into a human-shaped celestial willow. He sat on the competitive chair, like a baby Groot who was addicted to games and could not extricate himself.

I saw Shen Mo raised two tentacles, wrapped the mouse, keyboard, computer screen and the host, like a greedy hunter, tightly bound the prey, and then he activated the magical weapon blessing.

Having experienced the failure of bombing the bomb last time, Shen Mo didn't directly bless the weapon blessing on the evil spirit, but bless the weapon blessing on the tentacles, the milky white halo flowed like water, slowly spreading along the skin of the tentacles, not After a while, a milky white film is attached to the tentacles.

Nan Nan blinked her big eyes and looked at those tentacles curiously, wondering what Shen Mo was up to.

The next moment, I saw Silence agitating the demonic energy, using the tentacles as a medium to stimulate the demonic energy, the demonic energy permeated the body, and blended with the milky white film, this time there was no repulsion of the bombardment.

Shen Mo raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking that this is indeed the case, pure demon and ghost aura cannot withstand the attribute blessing of weapon blessing, but the blessed ghost body and ghost body can make the monster and ghost aura add the effect of weapon blessing.

To get rid of the repelling phenomenon of the demonic energy exploding in the chest, Mo Mo manipulated the demonic energy to enter the computer, and touched it along the network cable.

hum!Silence only felt a buzzing in his head, which was as piercing and eye-catching as an electromagnetic explosion. The next moment, his consciousness entered the network along with the buzzing and monster energy, and came to the virtual world described by Linger.

"Is this the virtual world?"

Shen Mo looked at the colorful and illusory world with a sci-fi charm, and couldn't close his mouth in surprise. He saw countless intricate light blue dotted lines, which criss-crossed and interpenetrated with each other. Countless currents danced and flowed among them, and each arc represented with a stream of data.

As the silence continued to deepen, he even saw a huge building complex composed of countless data streams. There was a single cute penguin building with a scarf, a huge library with dog paw prints, a kangaroo carrying a box, and a burning Eyes... The huge sci-fi virtual world dazzles and lingers on silently.

This is the virtual world constructed by the Internet.

Mo Mo actually came here by relying on the Tongtian Demon Realm of the Millennium Tongtianliu. Although he only entered this world in the form of a soul body, he can clearly perceive everything here, which is enough.

Mo Mo converged his mind, looked away, and followed the path described by Linger before, trying to find their server.

hum!He was driving a light blue stream of data, feeling a sense of speed that he had never experienced before, and without much effort, he found the address of the server described by Linger.

He looked up and saw that this was a space like chaos and nothingness. Linger was floating in it quietly at the moment. Her whole body was beating with ghostly aura, like a mysterious girl in the nine worlds, changing everything around her with great determination and boldness. .

Shen Mo shook his arm and called out, "Ling'er, is that you?"

Huh? !Ling'er was concentrating on the refining server at first, but when a familiar voice sounded in her ear, she couldn't help but stunned her. She couldn't believe it, how could there be the voice of the silent bad guy here.But when she opened her eyes and looked for the reputation, Mo Mo's unbeaten face was calling her with a smirk.

Linger was shocked, she really saw Shen Mo, it was impossible, unless Shen Mo died and turned into a ghost, otherwise how could he appear in the virtual world.

Could it be that she was too involved and had hallucinations? The person in front of her was actually a fantasy that she thought about day and night.

Ling'er blinked her eyes and looked at Shen Mo carefully.

His look, his voice, his demeanor, and that arm that keeps shaking, all keep telling Linger that this is an affectionate call from your friend Shen Shameless Mo.

It was really him, silence!
Ling'er put away her ghost energy, slowly descended from mid-air and floated in front of Shen Mo, asking repeatedly, "Xiao Mo, is it really you? How did you come here? Could it be that you are dead too."

Mo Mo made an awkward comparison. He said that people are not dead when they meet each other. He explained, "Do you still remember the talent of Tongtian Liu that I mentioned to you before?"

Ling'er nodded, Shen Mo mentioned Tongtian Demon Realm in front of her more than once, and also said that he had a very bold idea.It turned out that this was his bold idea, to use the power of Tongtian Demon Realm to enter the virtual world like a ghost.

Linger was a little disappointed and a little surprised.Disappointed that Silence's bold idea was different from what she had imagined, and unexpectedly it was Silence's arrival.

"Then, let's get started!"

The silent straight man ignored Linger's emotional changes and chose to continue with his plan.

"Start what?"

Silence pointed to the server space behind Linger, took a deep breath, "Let's create our own world together!"

(End of this chapter)

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