The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 232 Unlimited Reiki

Chapter 232 Unlimited Reiki
Let's create our own world together!

This sentence is such a gripping existence in the hearts of boys and girls in the second grade.

Ling'er, as a literary girl full of literary spirit, her resistance to this sentence is infinitely close to zero, she is fascinated.Because creating a world that belongs to them with someone you like, just thinking about it makes people feel extremely romantic.

Ling'er couldn't stop counting, she led Shen Mo into the server space excitedly.

Because this server has no firewall software built in, their access is not blocked in the slightest.Shen Mo came here for the first time, stepped in, and the whole soul lost weight instantly, suspended as if entering outer space, and the surroundings were extremely dim, watching Shen Mo quietly like an abyss.

As the saying goes, when you look into the abyss, the abyss is also looking into you.

Shen Mo clearly understood the true meaning of this sentence at this moment, and couldn't help but feel emotional, abyss!It's more magical than you can imagine.

He subconsciously grasped Ling'er's hand, as if only holding Ling'er could keep him from getting lost in the abyss.

Ling'er lowered her head and nodded, looking at the superficially pretending to be extremely calm, but her inner nervous silence, with the corners of her mouth raised, she smiled brightly.

"Xiao Mo, don't worry, I will protect you."

Mo Mo smiled helplessly, "I usually tell you this sentence."

"Feng Shui turns, come to my house today." Ling'er said, agitating the ghost aura all over her body, the abyss around her was frozen like a mirror, and under the attack of the ghost aura, some kind of mutation gradually occurred.

"Did you see it? When my ghost energy refines all of this place, it can become my ghost creature. And these mirrors are the biggest obstacle, the most difficult place to refine. I define it as an information wall, a kind of Something between the real and the imaginary."

Mo Mo was a little confused, he didn't understand information walls, but he could tell that these mirror-like existences were the biggest obstacle to Ling'er's refining server.

"Information wall? Do you liberal arts girls still understand this kind of vocabulary?" Maybe it was Linger's "I protect you" speech just now, which aroused the self-esteem in Shen Mo's heart, and he teased Linger's words.

Ling'er said angrily, "Don't underestimate us liberal arts girls, we are very capable!"

"How big is it?"

"It's as big as it can accommodate all rivers!"

Linger: "???"

Silently waved his hand, flirting with a simple female ghost like Ling'er didn't give him any sense of accomplishment.He set his eyes on the mirror again, wanting to touch it with his hand.

"do not want!"

Linger's words were a little slower than Silence's, so when Silence touched the mirror, he heard Linger's warning.

Zila!Silence's soul body trembled, and countless electric currents flowed through his body along his hands, as if countless ants were crawling and biting in the soul body, making him dizzy on the spot, and the soul couldn't take care of himself.

For a moment, Shen Mo thought of Professor Yang, the King of Lightning Dharma, how could his Dharma Healing Art appear here.

Soon, Silence was awakened by Linger.


what's the situation?This thing is still charged!He was panting heavily, and his forehead was already drenched in cold sweat. The feeling just now killed him and he didn't want to have a second time.

Ling'er saw that there was nothing serious about silence and embarrassment, and said with a smile, "I forgot to tell you that the information wall is charged. So I have to refine them to build ghosts and absorb souls. Otherwise, pull one in, One was electrocuted to death."

Mo Mo smiled awkwardly, "What else do you have to say, finish it at once."

Linger pondered for a while, then mumbled, "Not yet, if there is any in the future, I will let you know as soon as possible."

Nodding silently, taking a deep breath, and pondering for a long time, the first problem facing them at this moment is the refinement of the information wall.

Judging by Linger's appearance, it is almost impossible for her to refine the information wall alone, so Shen Mo must find a way to help her speed up the refining process.

He pondered for a while, and said to himself, since Ling'er's ghost energy can refine the information wall through the construction of ghost creatures, then his monster energy should also be able to refine the information wall through the Tongtian Demon Realm!
Just think about it!
Without saying a word, Mo Mo displayed his innate supernatural powers, spreading the demonic aura of the sky-reaching demon world, and probing towards the information wall that hindered them from creating the world.

hum!The demonic aura touched the mirror surface, and the sense of physical touch was transmitted to Shen Mo's perception through the demonic aura, and an unstoppable sense of conquest rose from the bottom of his heart, and Mo Mo understood it in an instant.

Why Ling'er knows so much is not because Ling'er is so smart, but because at the moment of refining the information wall, all causes and effects are displayed in front of him.

how to say?

The refinement of the so-called information wall can be seen as two armies fighting for territory.

The space covered by the information wall belongs to the enemy camp. You can appear in the enemy camp, but you cannot fully control it.

The refined space belongs to our camp. Once refined, you can do whatever you want and create the world you want.

Generally speaking, human beings cannot break the information wall, but only engrave fixed codes on the information wall through a series of programming, and then build a fixed and rigid virtual world, such as games, software, APP...
However, the information wall refined by the ghost world is not simply engraved with fixed codes, but completely controlled. The world it can create has infinite possibilities.

For a moment, the silence that understood the reasoning made me think of the name of this world—【Infinity】

He wants to refine, he wants to gain control of the information wall, he wants to create a virtual world called Infinity in this side world, and do whatever he wants here.

Well, the problem is coming.

What good is silence in such a world.

If it's just a game or software, Shen Mo can at most make some money from it, and be a rotten young man covered in stench.

But after the information wall blessed by the demon world and ghosts, he is no longer just a simple thing like ordinary games.

It is an infinite world that can draw people's living soul into it, and let them experience and grow through the constructed virtual world.

To put it simply, Shen Mo and Ling'er created an online version of the main god's space by accident.

That's just... stop, that's the problem.What good does silence get out of it?
money?The gold-absorbing ability of ordinary games is not weak.

reputation?What use is silence to it?

right?There is only strength in silent eyes.

What is it that is worth silently running the online version of the main god space?
Aura!That's right, it's the spirit.This damn, love-hate aura.

【Ding!Trigger a permanent continuous task: infinite aura]

【As a clergyman, you actually found a way to create a space for Internet moderators together with the female ghost.You are qualified to receive this task without hesitation, and assume the responsibilities and obligations, rights and prestige of the main god of the Internet. 】

[Aura Unlimited (Task [-]): Ask the clergyman and female ghost Lin Linger to refine the server and create the first infinite copy world. 】

[Task reward: 1000 aura points, and then the lucky player extractor (repeated permanent props) Title: The lowest-level main god of the stench (upgradeable)]

[Random Lucky Player Extractor: Use this item to randomly draw lucky players from computers, mobile phones, TVs, etc. to enter the world of infinite copies. 】

[Title: The Lowest Lord God of Stinky Land, wearing this title, you will gain the ability of the lowest level Lord God of Stinky Land.Special effects ability: ? ? ? (display after wearing)]

Silently, he finally found a shortcut to make a fortune.

That is to use the mentality of contemporary stinky young people to create a beautiful and happy life as they please.

(End of this chapter)

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