The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 233 Men's and Women's Matching

Chapter 233 Men's and Women's Matching
What is the essence of human beings?
Repeater?Really fragrant flag?Pigeon essence?Lemon extract?

No, none of this is human nature!The essence of human beings is to cultivate.

That's right, watching the leeks you plant thrive, and cutting the leeks in waves at the most suitable time, is the essence of human beings.

His silent eyes fell on the permanent continuous task [Unlimited Spiritual Qi], and he seemed to see his future self in his mind. As a behind-the-scenes boss, he controlled the Internet moderator God Space, and cut waves of leeks in obscurity. Like a madman, no matter how you cut it, you can't finish cutting it. Since then, you have been silent for counting money until your hands cramp, and your aura has accumulated to the top of the thread.

cough cough!He coughed twice in silence to calm down his inflated mentality. No matter how awesome he is in the future, the first task before him is to complete the task of infinite aura as soon as possible. Unlimited copies.

Shen Mo looked at Ling'er beside her, and she was also looking at Shen Mo.

The two looked at each other, and they both saw in each other's eyes that the other had something to say.

Silence is to tell Linger the good news that ghosts from the demon world can cooperate with the joint refining server.Ling'er wanted to tell Shen Mo that just now, for some unknown reason, her refining speed on the server nearly doubled.

"Let me talk first!" The two said almost in unison.

"Then you talk first!" The two muttered tacitly again, and smiled at each other with a tacit understanding.

"My demon world can also refine the information wall!"

Linger came to a sudden, no wonder she just accelerated the refining speed, it turned out that the silent demon world was helping, this is the reason why everyone gathers firewood and burns like a flame.

Ling'er nodded, "That's what I want to talk about, you and I joined hands, and the refining speed has been doubled."

Mo Mo was overjoyed, and asked, "Then how long will it take us to refine at twice the speed?"

Linger mentally calculated for a moment, and roughly calculated, "It took seven or eight years before, but now we only need three or four years to complete the refining."

Ling'er was very happy, the little ghost's happiness came so easily.

But Mo Mo couldn't be happy at all, because three or four years was still too long for him.

Shen Mo said his thoughts, "No, the time is still too long, we have to hurry up."

Ling'er pondered for a moment, then said tentatively, "How about we use that method?"

"Which method?" Silently puzzled.

"We talked about it before," Linger reminded, "Catch some lonely ghosts or the souls of strangers to come here, and rely on their ghost energy or soul power to speed up the refining process."

It turned out to be this method. Silence recalled that Linger had mentioned this method before, but he rejected it, because catching lonely and wild ghosts and capturing human souls is very immoral and detrimental to morality.

However, Yinde incense or Reiki incense?
Silently chanting, they are all fragrant.But you can’t have both fish and bear’s paws. If you choose one, you must first give up the other.

Ling'er saw that she hadn't spoken for a long time, and asked, "Do you want to catch it?"

"Catch! Must be caught!" Mo Mo almost yelled, "But we have to have principles."

"What principle?" Ling'er tilted his head in confusion, because Mo Mo has always been unprincipled, and if he had to come up with a principle, it would be the one that benefits him the most.

"We only catch evil ghosts and violent souls. We will never let go of a bad ghost, and we will never persecute a good ghost. As for the souls of living beings... When we finish refining, I have a way to make them feel like eating Xuanmai , kept rushing towards us."

Ling'er carefully pondered the words of silence, she could understand some of them, but some of them were indistinct. , what do you want those living souls to do?"

Mo Mo smiled and sold an official, "You will understand this in the future. Now, we will do our best to refine the server, work harder to eliminate evil and promote good, and drive out evil spirits."

As he said silently, he prepared to put the first batch of lonely ghosts into the server, and use their ghost energy to speed up the refining process.

This first batch of ghosts is none other than the ghosts stored in Tongtian Demon Realm [Superior Yin Soldier*1000][Incomplete Soul*64]

hum!Mo Mo's hands were bluffed, and a black vortex the size of a fist appeared in front of him. As the vortex continued to rotate, it gradually expanded to the size of a person. Soon, countless ghosts filled the air, pouring out from the other side of the vortex like a tide, crying ghosts and howling wolves. There was a sound, and the light blue soul body overflowed, falling in front of Shen Mo and Ling'er.

In just a cup of tea, there stood out in front of Shen Mo and Ling'er a large group of dark ghost soldiers and ghosts, and a small group of muddled country wandering souls.They are the high-class Yin soldiers that Shen Mo snatched from the hands of the Black Mountain old demon, and the villagers of Shangtongtian Village swallowed by Tongtian Liu.

After systematic re-identification, these ghosts have become the private property of Silence, and they all follow the lead of Silence, and obey Silence's orders 100%.

I saw Shen Mo give an order, high-spirited, and pointed to Jiangshan, "Listen to the order! Quickly release the ghost energy and help the deity refine the server!"

Looking at the pretentious silence, Ling'er wanted to laugh but didn't dare to, almost holding back her internal injuries.

The first half of this sentence sounds serious, but the second half is like a joke.Could it be that this is the temperament of a big boss who follows the trend of the times and controls thousands of Yin soldiers, and even his speech is so up-to-date with the times, Bel has the characteristics of the times.

Before Ling'er finished complaining, the ghost soldiers below began to move. I saw thousands of ghost soldiers neatly waving their long halberds in their hands. The ghosts shouted again and again, with overwhelming momentum. Going out, gathering towards Ling'er in the mid-air, and that small piece of rural wandering souls, scattered slowly, dull and cute, only exuding a little ghost aura, it seems that the ghost body is weak, overwhelmed, resting on the spot , if you want to recover, you have to rest in the soul cultivation place for at least a hundred days.

Silence saw it, and he didn't make any comments. In essence, the two groups of ghosts were very different, and it was reasonable to have such a behavior.He didn't expect those 64 remnant souls to exert great strength, this time the main force was the thousand-headed Yin soldiers.

"It's so powerful!" Ling'er felt the huge ghost aura. Even though she was prepared, she was terrified. With the help of thousands of Yin soldiers, they joined hands to create a dream that belongs to the world, and took another big step forward, still the kind of big step that can't be pulled.

Ling'er didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately aroused her own ghost energy. She didn't have the strength to refine these ghost energy, but she could still manipulate them for her own use in the ghost creature she was still building.

I saw that Ling'er used her ghost aura as a guide to draw the ghost aura of the Yin soldiers, and went straight to the information wall.

boom!Explosions were heard endlessly, and spider web-like cracks appeared in the mirror space instantly, and shattered under the crisp sound. The scattered fragments were rolled up by Linger's ghost energy and merged into their own ghost energy before they fell to the ground, becoming their own ghost energy. part.

Ling'er turned her eyes away, saw Shen Mo was still watching the fun, and hurriedly murmured, "Xiao Mo, don't just look at it, I can't absorb these fragments of the information wall with my strength, you can help me."

Mo Mo immediately came back to his senses, unfolded his own demon world, drew on the gourd, and encouraged the demon energy to absorb the fragments of the information wall. As the fragments merged into the demon world, a microsecond connection began to be established between the demon world and the server. is happening slowly.

Shen Mo and Ling'er shot together, perfectly explaining what it means to match men and women, and the principle of not being tired at work.

(End of this chapter)

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