The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 234 Nannan's game training partner

Chapter 234 Nannan's game training partner

Men and women match, work is not tired.This statement is not adulterated at all.

I saw the silent demonic aura raging and devouring the huge and bulky fragments of the information wall, while Linger's ghostly aura swirled to capture those small and fragmented fragments that required effort and energy.One person and one ghost, the cooperation is extremely tacit.

I don't know how long it took, until the fragments of the information wall around them were swallowed and captured, and the two stopped their movements.

Did they refine the entire server at once?
Hey, it doesn't exist.The reason why they stopped their movements was mainly because there were no broken information walls around them to absorb.

Shen Mo took a closer look, the thousand-headed Yin soldiers who had been aggressive at the moment were already slumped and slumped on the ground, looking over in the dark, they were all as weak as hemorrhage, and they looked as if no amount of kidney treasures could save them.

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, knowing that the current situation of these Yin soldiers was due to the excessive consumption of ghost energy, and they were no longer able to support the amount of ghost energy needed to refine the information wall.

In desperation, he had no choice but to open the Tongtian Demon Realm again, take back the thousand-headed Yin soldiers and wandering souls from the countryside, let them rest in the demon realm for a period of time, wait for their vitality to recover, and then release them to emit light and heat.

"Ling'er, how much did we refine just now?" Mo Mo hurriedly asked about the progress after receiving the Yin soldiers.

Ling'er calculated carefully and replied, "With the help of Yin soldiers, we have saved at least two months of effort."

Shaking his head silently, "This kind of algorithm is not accurate enough. If you calculate by percentage, how much did we refine just now?"

Linger pondered for a while, and estimated, "It's about 5.00%."

5.00%!Mo Mo thought about it, and with the help of the ghost energy of the thousand-headed soldiers, it actually only refined 5.00%.

It will take at least a month for the thousand ghost soldiers to recover their ghost energy, so they still need two years to refine the entire information wall.But compared with the previous three or four years, nearly half of the time has been saved.

Shen Mo nodded in satisfaction, knowing that there was no rush in his heart.

"Good! Although great progress has been made, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and we still need to work hard. Keep going!"

Mo Mo encouraged Ling'er, and then prepared to leave.Wait for the Yin Soldier's ghost energy to recover, or catch new evil ghosts and souls before coming to assist Ling'er.

Ling'er didn't say anything about it. After all, Silence is a human being, and she is a ghost.She doesn't need to rest, she doesn't need to socialize, she can work endless overtime without salary.Silence is not enough, he is not dead yet, needs rest, needs socializing, overtime and overtime pay.In such a comparison, Shen Mo couldn't help but want to raise a few more sensible ghosts.But seeing Linger's narrow-minded temper, she gave up this idea.

After all, not every ghost is as well-behaved and charming as Linger, with exquisite appearance.

Most of the ghosts have a dead face and are very infiltrating. If there are too many ghosts, it will seriously affect the working environment and atmosphere.

Shen Mo walked out of his own server and returned along the same route. He didn't go to another server to fiddle with curiosity that killed the cat, because Ling'er was regarded as a virus before and was hunted down by anti-virus software.Silence is not willing to be the first human to die under anti-virus software.Such a death, I really can't afford to lose this person.

hum!The eardrums buzzed, and the silent consciousness shook, and he got out of the computer. He first retracted his tentacles, released the mimicry ability and recovered his real body, and then stood up from the gaming chair, a little stiff when he moved. Limbs and limbs, a long sigh of relief.

Gululu!The silent stomach made a strong protest, and glanced at the time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, he stayed in the virtual world for a full five hours, but according to his perception, it seemed that only a moment had passed.

Hey, this damn theory of relativity!

Silently patted his stomach, glanced at Nan Nan beside him, and asked, "Nan Nan, do you want to go to dinner with me later, there is a free party."

Nan Nan tilted his head to look at Shen Mo, his eyes fell on the computer behind him, his little head shook like a rattle, "No, I want to play games, and I'll order takeaway when I'm hungry."

hiss!The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, Nan Nan will order takeaway for herself now?This is the rhythm of going farther and farther on the road of the fat house.Silence can't be used to her, especially when I think back to the time when I didn't take Nan Nan out. His life was a difficult one. In the part of gambling luck, he was always pitted by low-attribute luck values. A lesson from the past I can vividly remember how he fell into the same pit twice.

Shen Mo decided that no matter where he goes or what he does, he must bring Nan Nan by his side, to defend himself if there is something to do, and to encourage him if nothing else.

Mo Mo's eyes rolled, "Nan Nan, come with me, there are many ladies and sisters from Magic Capital at the party tonight."

Nan Nan shook her head, not interested at all, "Boss, Nan Nan is not interested in Miss Sister."

Silence was embarrassing, but he didn't give up, "There are a lot of delicious food there."

"There are also a lot of delicious takeaways, and you don't have to go out."

Shen Mo was speechless, Nan Nan was determined to stay at home and play games, regardless of whether Shen Mo could take it or not.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Nan Nan, Shen Mo was lucky enough to attend a party, and nothing major would happen, so he simply followed Nan Nan...
no!Silence makes myself more determined, as the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.The outside world is so terrifying, how can he take chances?Ever since, Silence made another plan.

"Nannan, do you know the sparring partner?"

Nan Nan tilted her head, a little puzzled, "Are you the kind of person who won't fight back after being beaten?"

Shen Shen shook his head, "No, you are talking about sandbags. I am talking about game sparring."

I saw Shen Mo took out his mobile phone, opened the APP port of lol mobile phone, and called up the sparring information. There were all handsome men and beautiful women on it, extraordinary masters and the strongest kings were everywhere, and diamonds and platinum were as numerous as cow hairs.

Nan Nan, who was still struggling in the bronze rank, was suddenly attracted by the information in front of her. She blinked her big eyes and almost let out a sigh.

"Boss, this is all..."

Shen Mo quickly put away the phone, "As long as you promise me, I will ask the sparring partner to take you to play."

"Okay!" Nan Nan agreed, she nodded repeatedly, for fear of being silent and repenting, she refused to contact her as a game partner.

Ever since Nannan gave up using luck attributes to influence the game, in her eyes gold is a master, platinum is comparable to a god, diamonds are out of reach, kings and extraordinary are mythical existences, the boss can actually attract so many extraordinary and kings, really So awesome, so admirable.

Smiling silently without saying a word, he patted Nan Nan's head dotingly, "Nan Nan, good boy, then let's go, but before we go, let's open the jar every day!"

Nan Nan pouted and said angrily, "Boss, you always use my luck to smash pots, and you don't give Nan Nan what you smash."

Silence perfunctoryly said, "Isn't this something you can't use? The boss promised you that as long as you develop something that you can use, I will give it to you to play."

Nannan was overjoyed, "That's what you said, hurry up, give the jar to Nannan, Nannan wants to open the jar and get a toy."

Silence smiled and took out two pocket jars from his personal storage.

[Pocket pot for soil pot *2]

Ready to open the can!I don't know what good things will come out of the pot that exploded from the Millennium Tongtian Willow?
(End of this chapter)

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